Friday, August 15, 2014

The first chapter in the book of James...reminds me of the Titanic

Many conclude the book of James in the New Testament letters were written by James...the brother of Jesus. James was a leader of the Early Christian church in Jerusalem, and when the Jewish people were forced to scatter from Jerusalem after the Roman revolt in the late 60's A.D., many of the Early Christian believers also left and found new homes in other regions outside Israel. Yet, James stayed in contact with them via letters he wrote to encourage and help them on in their Christian faith. 
 James is known to have been a strong leader...loved to do things in life that was right and good...and was very proactive in support of the poor. He spoke direct and was critical to those who were wealthy or better off and simply ignored the needs of the poor and the weak. He offered support to widows and to children of the fatherless, and did what he could to assist those who suffered wrong. He expected believers to be of one mind about this and never looked down or rationalized why the poor were poor...why the weak were weak...or how people who suffered wrong got themselves into that situation in the first place. In fact, in some historical studies it is concluded that James was so insistent on having a heart for others less fortunate... this might have led him to his own death...for the more wealthy did not care for his style of teaching on these subjects.

 I think I can appreciate James and his contribution to the letter in the New Testament...because it reminds me never to get arrogant about God's blessings in my own life, and to be appreciative of what I have and always give and to share what I have...with others who are in need.
 And this is where the tragic story of the Titanic kind of reminds me of the writings of James.

 As many articles and discoveries have been made in recent years, the Titanic was a ship that was referred to as "unsinkable". Man had advanced so far in the development of shipbuilding that as one man wrote before it's maiden voyage: "This ship now goes beyond ever being sunk".
 After all, there were actually 3 ships built during that time period that was proclaimed the greatest ships man has ever achieved in building. A sister ship of the Titanic, named Olympic had launched in 1911 and was run into by a ship named the HMS Hawk...with it's propellers opening up 2 large compartments for water to intrude. Yet, the Olympic was able to make it safely to shore and dock, repaired in a few months and was out to sea once more. Man had now created for himself...ships that seemed unsinkable.
 And on that tragic night when the Titanic hit the iceberg that sunk her, there had been numerous warnings given by several ocean liners of numerous icebergs and fields of ice in the very direction the Titanic was headed...that were simply ignored.
 One ship, the Californian is said to be perhaps as close as 6 to 10 miles away when the Titanic was struck on the side by the iceberg...sitting still in the water due to the fields of ice and numerous icebergs. The Titanic had never even slowed down because the weather was so clear, and charged in to the iceberg at full speed at approximately 22 knots.
 Another thing of note...although having a double hull in many large sea going vessels that had been part of their design beginning in 1858, the Titanic did not have a double hull..just a wasted expense that would not be needed on the "unsinkable Titanic."
  Many other written documentations on some of the flaws later found on the Titanic...less than needed life boats because they would only diminish the aesthetics and beauty of the Titanic, canceling a life boat drill on the very day of its doom, and never once slowing down...even into to the night hours...sometimes icebergs have been known to roll or flip over and have a dark ocean blue color...much like "black ice"... very difficult to see...particularly in the evening.
 Yet, at 11:40 pm...the "unsinkable Titanic"...was hit on the side by one iceberg...and many people lost their lives because of it. does this fit in with James?

 I think James is writing about people during his time, to the people during the time of the Titanic, and to us here keep our hearts trusting in Him...and when we have great always remember He is the reason we have been so blessed. There is never a right time to think any of us are "unsinkable". And, when we have achieved success, and only want to spend our time in our own pleasures, disregarding those who are poor, in need. or suffer for Him...we too can find ourselves going "full speed ahead"...right into an iceberg...forgetting the real message of the Gospel...

                                    A Gleaning from James 1: 5-8

" If you find yourself in life not knowing what to do with yourself, or if perhaps the present struggles you face seem to be getting the best of you...then it is time to seek Him and ask for His advice in any and all matters that concern you. The thing is...when you take the time to do this...He is always there for you...and without condemnation or being condescending toward you. He wants to be the main thrust in our lives as we take the time to acknowledge Him and we know in our own hearts we need Him...whether in times of success or in times of dire need. God is generous...and will freely help us in our cries to Him.
 Yet, make no mistake about this... it is equally important to know as you seek Him for direction and aid in your not be arrogant in doing so. Don't just be asking God for things in your life for only your own personal gain and pleasure, as if your accomplishments have earned you some type of right to do so. Prayers like that are not the kind God answers to...for the true purpose of our success is to give all the glory to Him...and to help others achieve success in life.
 Otherwise, when the struggles of life do come, you become nothing more than waves of the sea that are driven by the toss and turn of have no anchor to stabilize you...for you have put your trust in your own abilities, and will soon find yourself restless, unsettled, confused, and in conflict with your life. Your only prayer is a "worry prayer" that is made because you have discovered you cannot survive the turmoils in life...on your own achievements. Doubt then fills both your heart and mind...and you soon find yourself despondent... going back and forth in believing in God...which has the potential to lead you to your untimely death.
 When you seek the Lord for help, you must acknowledge your life goes only as far as your faith and complete trust in Him allows, and the very success you have had is so you may be of assistance to those who are in dire need. A small amount of true faith in Him...can overcome a large amount of doubt you face in life."

 The story of the Titanic is a sad one, and even today, over 100 years later, man still grieves from that fateful night. Although a most beautiful ship, filled with stories of both the rich and those who were not...warns us of the perils of man's arrogance and what horrific consequences it can sometimes bring. 
 We must never allow the present success or securities we have been given in this life...allow us to think ourselves "unsinkable" and turn our back from the needs of others...for when we do....we bring destruction to ourselves...and many suffer. Moses spoke of it during Israel's exodus from Egypt, Solomon spoke of it in the summation of Ecclesiastes, Jesus constantly addressed the motives and conditions of our hearts, and James writes of it once again...always keep our hearts right with...Him.

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