Tuesday, August 26, 2014

"Isn't it easier to admire Jesus...than to follow Him?" part 2

In this train of thought, I must give attention to the seriousness of a decision to become a Christian, and indeed a disciple of Christ Jesus.......

 We are now living in a day and age...where being a Christian isn't as "cool" as it used to be. This is particularly true if one considers the bible the source and life for growth in having a relationship with Him.
 Pope Francis stated recently how many Christians are now under some type of persecution, he even went as to compare it with the Early Church believers. Reports are seemingly coming in greater numbers each day as to the devastating results that happen when someone confesses they are a "Christian". In the U.S., we do not sense it too much, although even here we are seeing evidence that people do suffer for their belief, and of course countries in the Middle East, Africa, and other parts of the world, they are making it clear..."it is not cool...to be a Christian".

  Various survey and opinion centers are coming out with some startling reports: The Pew Research Studies, a non-profit American think tank based in Washington D.C. that provides information with social issues, public opinions. and demographic trends say that as recently as 2012 there is a new high, and continues to climb, with various forms of discrimination toward Christians in over 139 countries, approximately 75% of all the world's nations.
 The centre for the Study of Global Christianity is reporting over 100,000 people who identify with the Christian faith are dying each year and the common denominator is...having a personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. That works out to an average of 11 people every hour...of every day.
 A secular organization, the International Society for Human Rights, now suggests 80% of all religious discrimination we read and hear of today...are directed against Christians.
 Just recently over 3000 Christians have been driven from their homes in Mosul, Iraq ( where Jonah preached to the people of Nineveh many centuries before), and in Orissa, India, as many as 500 Christians were hacked to death with machetes by Hindu radicals...because people confessed "Jesus as their Lord".

 Are the various denominational Christian churches helping to rescue those who are presently suffering? Yes, I am sure there are numerous outreach ministries doing what they can to help those who are oppressed. And yet, there is an ugly flip side to all this. Take the much debated and controversial gay rights issue, which is now confirmed in some denominational churches as their God-given right to be gay or lesbian, and are able to pursue ministerial positions within their churches. The problem then adds to the suffering of Christians, particularly in parts of the world that do not embrace the Gay/Lesbian lifestyle.

 Admiring Jesus...or becoming one of His disciples...is becoming more challenging to many each day. It's becoming more and more of an increasing demand to not just have possessions and live in good homes and nice land, nor to stand up in churches and give God a praise your weekly bible study or your daughter's birthday party was a success and you are truly blessed. People are dying out there...and it's not because of anything they have done...it is because they quoted Romans 10:9,10...and suffered for it.

 The Early Church believers identified with some of the reports we read and hear of today. Is history repeating itself?...well, maybe...yet one thing is for sure...human nature continues to repeat itself and in turn causes history to repeat itself...that is for sure.

 I return once more to Romans 10: 9-10... reconsider these words Paul wrote to the Early Church believers, yet wonder about those living today...where Christianity is not welcome, and think: "Man, if you go through with what Saint Paul instructs us to do...there could be trouble down the road...it could even cost you...your very life.

Romans 10: 9-10 (the New International Version):

" If you declare with your mouth "Jesus is Lord", and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith...and are saved."

 Another thing...Jesus seemed to give us a "reality check" on making a decision to become a Christian...a disciple and not just an admirer. 
 Here is a gleaning from Matthew 10:32-33:

" You need to stand up for Me...against the world's opinion of Me. Tell them...you belong to Me! By doing so, I will openly acknowledge to My Father how dear a friend you are to Me.
 Yet, if You reject Me, how can I say to My Father you are My dear friend? You know I can only be truthful?"

 Now I realize telling others about Jesus comes in many ways. I won't forget the story of Saint Francis of Assisi, who met with his followers one morning and said: "Today we will preach the Gospel...to all we happen to meet." As the meeting concluded, Saint Francis then added: "Oh...this is important...do not use any words today...when you preach...only actions!"

 And there are times when our daily lifestyles speak of Christ...helping one in distress, giving a ride to someone in need, or simply "being there" as a friend.
 Yet, there are those times we do need to let others know "what makes us tick"...that it really is Jesus who has influenced our lives. I trust the Holy Spirit to give us the right words needed...in a mixed up world of how Christianity is perceived.

  And the time maybe fast approaching...where we will have to give up what is dear to us...money, land, or possessions to help others in the spread of this Good News: "Jesus is Lord!"

Oh, by the way...in that Matthew 10 chapter...don't read what He said in the verses before verse 32...especially when He really "gets rolling" around verse 16...that may not be for some...that is kind of like His "Special Forces" team...that takes some serious training...just sayin'

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