Friday, August 15, 2014

"How to Find Happiness Again"... godliness with contentment

So many people seem sad in these days...depression is at epidemic levels, success alone in our achievements does not bring Robin Williams who so many of us enjoyed and appreciated. Disillusions, despair, and sadness seems to occupy the minds of so such a highly technological and comforting age we live in.

 Saint Paul addresses this in a letter to his beloved "son" Timothy. Timothy had become a leader in the Early Church at Ephesus, and Paul writes to encourage Timothy to keep life simple and to sort out things that are true and honorable. Paul goes on to write that it is important for Timothy to surround himself with godly men, deacons and elders of the Early Church that support the sound teaching of understanding the meaning of godliness. defined as a lifestyle that results in pleasing Him. And for myself, here lies the key to finding happiness in our daily lives...being content in obeying His commandments and allowing His joy to embrace our hearts...for it is here we find our happiness.
 One thing in having contentment is to...not believe everything you hear...

                                 A Gleaning from 1 Timothy 4: 7-8

" Refuse to accept every story people tell you. Many stories of life are simply foolish...embellished, and one-sided. These stories are "piled on" one after another and lead to silly myths and legends that have little or no truth in them at all.
 Our duty is to keep our focus on the True Message we have been given: the Message of Faith.
Physical training for example in its various forms certainly retains value when engaged in such activities, yet godly training and adhering to a life of godliness gives benefit to any of our life's endeavors. It is a disciplined life that not only brings benefits in this life, but secures our trust in Him in the life to come. Take this to heart...for a godly lifestyle brings treasure no other achievements can ever bring."

Later, in the 6th chapter of Timothy, Paul furthers his thought:

                               A Gleaning from 1 Timothy 6: 6-8

" Make no mistake about this, a life pleasing to the Lord does bring a person wealth, in fact it carries an immense profit...yet many will miss it's true intentions. A godly life brings a rich simplicity that gives us a divine entrance into His very Presence. There are no achievements, no monetary gain, or no success of any kind that can stand up to a godly lifestyle.
 In reference to making money in this life, remember, we entered this world with no money in our pockets, and when we leave this world...we will take absolutely nothing with us. We will stand before Him and have only the godliness of our earthly lifestyles that will speak up and say who we really are.
 As far as having enough in this life, start with this thought: be grateful when you have "bread on your table and shoes on your feet". Find your contentment there...and you will find the happiness you so earnestly seek."

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