Wednesday, August 6, 2014

More reports on this "Repentance Thing"

You simply gotta love this guy "John the Baptizer"...Jesus cousin. This guy just didn't hide the facts when he expressed anyone. In the Gospel of Saint Matthew, here he goes again:

                                     A Gleaning from Saint Matthew 3:7-10

" When John began to notice the Pharisees and the Sadducees were both coming to the banks of the River Jordan for water baptism (which in itself is weird since the Pharisees thought they could earn their own "ticket" to pass through Heaven's Gates by their own personal accomplishments, and the Sadducees didn't even think there was any sort of afterlife), John almost immediately realized these "guys" were not there from pure and honest motives In fact, the real reason, the only reason they had even showed up was because being baptized by John was the popular thing to do at the moment. So, John the Baptizer being the kind of person he was, addressed them: " You guys are nothing more than "Sons of Snakes"! Just because you think there might be a remote possibility there is a day coming when God Himself will judge us for our actions in this decided it might be a good idea to "climb on board". Well, allow me to make you aware of something...throwing a little water on those snake skins of yours will not make you any better! Seriously? Slithering down here to this river bank will not escape you from God's upcoming judgment. is what will!
It's your lifestyles that need to change...the motives and purposes of your hearts...not your old snake skins!
 You have been telling yourselves for years about how you are directly related to Abraham...even to go as far as to refer to him as "Father Abraham". Really? 
  First, what you say...and what you do...are totally different. Simply trying to "pull rank" and claim Abraham as your father...does not mean you actually are. People saying they are descendants of Abraham are a dime a dozen, and you want a little enlightenment on this? God could this very minute raise up descendants of Abraham..right here!...from the stones you stand on along the bank of this river.
 Here is the "real deal" on whether you are a descendant of is verified by the type of lifestyle you embrace. Is your life like a tree that is luscious, green, and full of fruit to give to others?...or is it like what appears to me?...nice looking fruit tree with absolutely NO fruit!
 In Heaven's eyes, you are nothing more than deadwood...trees that are marked to be cut down...chopped up...and thrown into the fire."

 Oh...and it doesn't stop with John...Jesus is getting "warmed up" in the Gospel of John.

                                              A Gleaning from John 6: 43-46

" Jesus said to them: " Hey, don't be arguing or murmuring among yourselves about the things I have been sharing with you...and how it applies to some and not to another.
 Here is a "News Flash": You are not the one "directing this orchestra."

 Let Me make this perfectly clear to you: No one...I mean NO ONE has the ability, the talent, or the godliness needed to come to is My Father that has initiated and drawn you to...Me!
  Yet, that being said, if anyone does respond to My Father's urgings...and comes to Me, then you can rest assured I will raise them up to be with Me...on the Last Day.
 Do you remember the prophet of Israel's finest, when he wrote these words: "They shall be taught by God...He will actually be in person and have them as a personal Teacher. Everyone who has given any time to the Father's urgings, will be drawn to Me...and will see Me with their own eyes, hear Me with their own ears, and listen to the words I speak. No one has ever seen the Father....except the One you are looking at now...and I have always been alongside My Father...and see Me!"

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