Thursday, August 21, 2014

"If you want to enjoy your life...establish yourself and what you believe."

Psalm 16 has always been one of my favorites, because it is here I think David makes it clear to himself and to anyone who might ask...where he stands.

 This "Song of David" was written when Saul, the king of Israel was out to kill David. David had gained in popularity among the people of Israel, Jonathon (Saul's son who was heir to the throne) were the closest of friends, and David loved his country...the nation of Israel!
 Saul deeply resented all that David stood for, and was "hell bent for leather" to kill him. David had a small contingent of 400 men and were continually escaping the capture by Saul, who had over 3000 men with him to pursue and kill David. David hid in woods, hills, caves, and fields to keep away from Saul. David understood Saul's role as king, respected the office, and never sought to harm Saul.
 There was one night David could have easily killed Saul in a cave, but refused to do so. He did remove something that was on Saul, and used it later to show Saul his allegiance not only to Israel...but to Saul and the office he held.

 Yet, there was something Saul said to David...that clearly marked his downfall. For by saying this...Saul not only threatened David in a needless matter, he offended the very God of Israel.

 The statement Saul made when attempting to kill David and drive him out of Israel was: "Go find another god to believe in...leave the One who is the God of Israel."

 One thing I have learned throughout my journey in life...if you want trouble...discourage those who are making heartfelt attempts to trust in the Lord. It's wrong and when you do such things with heartfelt will be challenged...and this "ain't" no challenge you want to be a part of.
 That is why it is important in life to be careful as to how we treat one another, not teaching them things like cheating, getting back at others, or being selfish. It's a crime to do so...and crime simply doesn't pay.
 I understand none of us are perfect in any sense of the word, yet demonstrating to others an egotistical attitude that it is perfectly fine to belittle another, refuse to help others, or simply keep everything to just wrong. Being envious of others, showing no remorse when you "get even" with someone, or verbally or physically abusing (at some point in life)...dire consequences. 

 Yet, in Psalm 16, David being badgered by Saul to the point of Saul wanting him killed, kind of regroups and writes a song... that establishes his own heart's desire and the belief he chose to take......

                                   A Gleaning from Psalm 16

" You, O Lord God of Israel, is the One who keeps me safe, for I know that having refuge in the only place to be.
 If I look to other gods, the gods who teach it is right to belittle others, it is right to abuse others, or it is right demoralize their character, nothing in this life makes any sense. What is there in life that can be deemed "good"...if You are not the author of it?

 I have made my choice...I will keep my heart close to the "nobles of the land", those who are dedicated to living their lives by what Your Mighty Commands dictate. Their hearts are true to You,,,and their hearts are true to one another...desiring the best to those around them.
 I do recognize there are those who have made their choice in life to put their trust in other gods...the god of money, the god of possessions, or the god of success at any cost. I have witnessed others bow their knee to the god of vengeance, the god of hurting others, and the god of narcissism. Yet, with all these other no-name gods they choose to believe in and actually demonstrate their worthless teachings through daily affairs in life....the results are the same. At some point...Sorrow enters through their door...and he brings with him waves upon waves of perpetual sorrows. It has always been this way.

 Shopping for other gods to simply find ways in justifying oneself to do evil to another...always invites Sorrow to your doorstep. And when one decides to hurt or overtake another who is trying to serve the Lord God of Israel, and give respect and honor to His is the beginning of their end...with a multitude of sorrows from the god of Sorrow.

 I make this choice: I do not worship the Lord God of Israel and strive to obey His Mighty Commands simply because I think He is a "brand-name" to worship. I choose the Lord God of Israel because He alone is the true God...and His desire for me is not to only obey His way of life, but to trust Him and give Him room to the depths of my own heart.
 It is tempting at times to "buy-in" to these cheap no-name gods, to seek vengeance, to refuse to offer mercy, and to expel others out of my sight...yet in reality...there is no pleasure in that...for soon I will hear another knock at my too is a god...the god of Sorrows."

 There are a couple of quotes that come to mind today:

1) " I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt...yet, there is more love." Mother Theresa

or...there are those who:

2) "Some cause happiness wherever they go...for others...whenever they go." Oscar Wilde

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