Friday, August 29, 2014

"How does with Jesus?"

I have read and listened to numerous ways people pray to God...and I have read and listened to numerous ways people feel or know God has spoke to them....

 I think the key to it recognizing that "still small Voice". It's like a blend of true conviction about something (not guilt which never offers solutions), a deep down knowing in your heart what you should do or know what the right answer is, or sometimes a "leap of faith" with a kind of excitement it is the right thing to do...even if you don't want to do it.
 Hearing from Jesus...brings it own unique qualities it seems.

 Here is a story or an example of how it works for me.

 I tend to speak to Christ Jesus in  a set aside time of prayer, sometimes while I am mowing the lawn, or sometimes even when I read or see something...and I pause and make a "prayer comment" directed toward Him...and He always seem to respond...maybe not at that moment...yet He always responds.
 Now granted, I don't make a public show of this, or get a little weird acting in front of I do always try to keep the lines of
 Most the time it is about the Scripture. I am one who is not afraid to challenge, question, and at times disagree with some of the things I read in the Sacred Scripture. Am I respectful about it?...of course, but I am not one to "buy into something" just in this case..." it's in the bible". That doesn't mean I resist His teachings...just don't always understand where He is coming from or where He is going with a particular passage. is the story....

 One day I had been reading from the Gospel of Luke, chapter 6. Jesus was teaching His disciples a lifestyle He was instructing Him to incorporate into their lives. Some of the things He had said...just seemed odd to me and so I was having those "heart to heart" conversations, thinking over what I had been reading and walking into a grocery store to get a few things. Now, let me make this clear...I wasn't talking to myself or doing anything to draw attention to haven't lost it quite yet, rather, in was that silent communication that goes back and forth between your mind and heart.
 One part that was kind of bugging me was when Jesus said in Luke 6:29-30 "If someone grabs your shirt, gift wrap your best coat and make a present of it. (Messenger). Give what you have to anyone who asks for it, and don't worry about getting it back. (Living Translation)".

 OK, the brunt of the message in this chapter was basically to be unselfish and don't worry about yourself. Above all, put others first and be kind, honest, concerned about others and their need to have Him in their hearts. I kind of get that...but in question to Him was "Do people really do this in everyday life?...especially being honest, unselfish etc. I do realize people give to charities and all that, but if I saw someone in the grocery store and they needed something in the grocery store and asked for my help to get it..I would probably say..."Really?"...I might go ahead and do it...but I would probably consider it a weird experience...and I doubt I would consider buying all his groceries he had...mainly because I have such apprehension about stuff like that....I am not saying I am right...I am just sayin'...that's me. I am rather conservative and quiet when it comes to helping others and my first thought...great, give a helping hand...might have a "friend for life". Again, I know...I got some issues...yet I do trust Him He will work them spite of 

 So, after I had gotten the items I needed (or wanted...depending how you view it lol), I came to the check out counter. It was extremely busy and as I finished my transaction...I noticed something. The lady in front of me was seemingly in a little hurry and somehow 3 whole chickens that she had purchased...were accidentally put into my cart by the bagger. 
  My reaction? Well, being the unselfish, kind, concerned for others Christian I am...I spoke up and said "Maam, these belong to you." did not do that.
 In fact, my initial reaction was..."Going to eat good tonight...looks like I have chicken on the menu!"  Oh yea...I am a "walking bible"...I am (lol).

Enter...that still, small Voice.....

 Ok, I don't know how God speaks to you, but for me...He is gracious to blend my personality and my vocabulary in a way I can totally relate to. So...what was the first words I heard for Heaven's Gate? was..."Really?"
  And "really" is all He had to say...I was quite aware of where He was going with this. So, He seemed to proceed and say to my heart: " To answer your question earlier about people living an HONEST are right...that would be a least what I see now."
 Anyway, to keep this story from getting too long, I received conviction within, went outside and proceeded to look for the lady who had paid for the 3 chickens I now had in my cart. Now at first, I was not all that fond of giving the 3 chickens up that easily...and I did mention in an inward manner "Lord, did You happen to notice the "rock" on her finger...I don't think she is going to miss these chickens"...and before I finished that thought...there was the lady...putting her groceries into a...Mercedes 450 dream car!
 I then watched her for a minute and she didn't even seem to notice her chickens were not there (isn't it stupid how we rational what we do....trying to "Christianize" Here then came that still small Voice once more: "Hey, I have an idea....speak up! she can hear you!"

 Ok, I did...I yelled "Maam"...and at first she appeared apprehensive...understand that...and I continued "I think (yea I think alright) your chickens might have been misplaced and put in my cart." Now comes the good part: "Are these yours?"...still hoping lol.
 This lady looked at her bags and responded: "Yes...thank-you! That is very nice of you to find me and bring the chickens. My nephew is back from a tour in Afghanistan, and he happens to be fond of my roasted chicken." Now, here comes the part that I am sure still has Heaven laughing: "You know, it's not often anymore to see people with integrity and honesty like yours." He comes in that still small Voice (which seemed quite loud at the moment): "Tell her." I then responded in my mind..."Tell her what?...No...I am not going to tell her I was out to take her chickens!" And His response? "Chicken."
So, by His Grace I spoke up and said; "Maam, unfortunately I am not as pretty as I look (yea I know, workin' on that lol,,,), I happen to be a Christian...and because of Him, I am giving back your chickens."
 She looked at me and smiled. Then she spoke once more and said: "Well, you tell that God of yours...thank you!" Suddenly, she looked at me and said" This might be a God-thing...I forgot to get milk!" Well...guess who had his cart?

 This lady was seemingly in a hurry...and so I "volunteered this still small Voice needed...well at the moment)" and said : "Maam, I just bought this milk and would be glad to give it to you." She said: "Well, I can't tell you how much that would help me...I am short on time. Here, I will certainly pay you for it."
 I then said : "I would gladly accept your money...and if I was perfectly honest...hope you would give me a tip...but...not today. Please take the a know who, and pointed up in the sky."
 She looked at me once more and said: "Wow...I would have never thought God was hanging out in a parking lot....Thank you!"

 I never have seen this lady since...but I have heard from that still small I got into my vehicle...these words came "Now, why are you all "fired up" about Luke, chapter 6 again?"

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

"Isn't it easier to admire Jesus...than to follow Him?" part 2

In this train of thought, I must give attention to the seriousness of a decision to become a Christian, and indeed a disciple of Christ Jesus.......

 We are now living in a day and age...where being a Christian isn't as "cool" as it used to be. This is particularly true if one considers the bible the source and life for growth in having a relationship with Him.
 Pope Francis stated recently how many Christians are now under some type of persecution, he even went as to compare it with the Early Church believers. Reports are seemingly coming in greater numbers each day as to the devastating results that happen when someone confesses they are a "Christian". In the U.S., we do not sense it too much, although even here we are seeing evidence that people do suffer for their belief, and of course countries in the Middle East, Africa, and other parts of the world, they are making it clear..."it is not be a Christian".

  Various survey and opinion centers are coming out with some startling reports: The Pew Research Studies, a non-profit American think tank based in Washington D.C. that provides information with social issues, public opinions. and demographic trends say that as recently as 2012 there is a new high, and continues to climb, with various forms of discrimination toward Christians in over 139 countries, approximately 75% of all the world's nations.
 The centre for the Study of Global Christianity is reporting over 100,000 people who identify with the Christian faith are dying each year and the common denominator is...having a personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. That works out to an average of 11 people every hour...of every day.
 A secular organization, the International Society for Human Rights, now suggests 80% of all religious discrimination we read and hear of today...are directed against Christians.
 Just recently over 3000 Christians have been driven from their homes in Mosul, Iraq ( where Jonah preached to the people of Nineveh many centuries before), and in Orissa, India, as many as 500 Christians were hacked to death with machetes by Hindu radicals...because people confessed "Jesus as their Lord".

 Are the various denominational Christian churches helping to rescue those who are presently suffering? Yes, I am sure there are numerous outreach ministries doing what they can to help those who are oppressed. And yet, there is an ugly flip side to all this. Take the much debated and controversial gay rights issue, which is now confirmed in some denominational churches as their God-given right to be gay or lesbian, and are able to pursue ministerial positions within their churches. The problem then adds to the suffering of Christians, particularly in parts of the world that do not embrace the Gay/Lesbian lifestyle.

 Admiring Jesus...or becoming one of His becoming more challenging to many each day. It's becoming more and more of an increasing demand to not just have possessions and live in good homes and nice land, nor to stand up in churches and give God a praise your weekly bible study or your daughter's birthday party was a success and you are truly blessed. People are dying out there...and it's not because of anything they have is because they quoted Romans 10:9,10...and suffered for it.

 The Early Church believers identified with some of the reports we read and hear of today. Is history repeating itself?...well, maybe...yet one thing is for sure...human nature continues to repeat itself and in turn causes history to repeat itself...that is for sure.

 I return once more to Romans 10: 9-10... reconsider these words Paul wrote to the Early Church believers, yet wonder about those living today...where Christianity is not welcome, and think: "Man, if you go through with what Saint Paul instructs us to do...there could be trouble down the could even cost you...your very life.

Romans 10: 9-10 (the New International Version):

" If you declare with your mouth "Jesus is Lord", and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith...and are saved."

 Another thing...Jesus seemed to give us a "reality check" on making a decision to become a Christian...a disciple and not just an admirer. 
 Here is a gleaning from Matthew 10:32-33:

" You need to stand up for Me...against the world's opinion of Me. Tell belong to Me! By doing so, I will openly acknowledge to My Father how dear a friend you are to Me.
 Yet, if You reject Me, how can I say to My Father you are My dear friend? You know I can only be truthful?"

 Now I realize telling others about Jesus comes in many ways. I won't forget the story of Saint Francis of Assisi, who met with his followers one morning and said: "Today we will preach the all we happen to meet." As the meeting concluded, Saint Francis then added: "Oh...this is not use any words today...when you preach...only actions!"

 And there are times when our daily lifestyles speak of Christ...helping one in distress, giving a ride to someone in need, or simply "being there" as a friend.
 Yet, there are those times we do need to let others know "what makes us tick"...that it really is Jesus who has influenced our lives. I trust the Holy Spirit to give us the right words a mixed up world of how Christianity is perceived.

  And the time maybe fast approaching...where we will have to give up what is dear to, land, or possessions to help others in the spread of this Good News: "Jesus is Lord!"

Oh, by the that Matthew 10 chapter...don't read what He said in the verses before verse 32...especially when He really "gets rolling" around verse 16...that may not be for some...that is kind of like His "Special Forces" team...that takes some serious training...just sayin'

Monday, August 25, 2014

"Isn't it easier to admire Jesus...than to follow Him?" part 1

In the previous article I mentioned Jesus used the phrase "Follow Me" 23 times in the Gospels...which means to me...He definitely is encouraging us to follow Him. Along with this, the word "disciple" of used 263 times in the New Testament, which is a different term than being a "follower". In my personal study, a follower is identified with being a Christian...and the word Christian is used 3 times in the New Testament ( Acts 11:26, 26:28, and 1 Peter 4:16). 
 So my thoughts lately have been to figure out whether I am a Christian follower or admirer...or am I one of His disciples? Hmmm?

 The Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaad once wrote : "The typical Christian response is in the act of admiring Christ, instead of following Christ".  This gentleman was a philosopher that lived in the mid 1800's, and seemed to be challenging the various sects of organized religion in that era. He is said to be a believer of "existentialism", which Kierkegaard never actually used this word himself, yet is defined as : "each individual is sole responsible for giving meaning to life with all its passions and authenticity, not a society or one's culture, or a particular religion they might embrace." Another view is establishing the fact we are born into this world in a rather disoriented and confusing manner, and are greeted into an apparently meaningless and absurd world.
 My take on all this? I take Jesus and what He stands for...personally?...or do I kind of stand back and admire what He stands for?

 Now enter Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He was the great German Lutheran theologian who did his utmost to help the Jewish people within Germany escape the slaughter of their people by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi way of life. Bonhoeffer at one point had come to the U.S. in World War II, yet in a Pauline sort of way returned to Germany before the end of the war...because of the love he had for all German people (including Nazis). He was hung in prison on April 9th, month before Germany surrendered. In one of his books on discipleship, Bonhoeffer wrote: " There is a difference between cheap Grace...and costly Grace. Cheap Grace is a Grace without commitment and response from the believer, it is a Grace without servant hood. Costly Grace moves respond to the call of Jesus."

 Both Bonhoeffer and Kierkegaard had come from wealthy aristocratic homes...their beliefs were not about money, lifestyles, or apparent appears to be a conviction from within. I want to admire a Christian follower of what He represents and tell everyone how "I love Him to pieces"...or do I really want to further my commitment and become a disciple of Christ Jesus? Hmmm?
 What happened to the easy way of doing it...that verse in Romans 10:9-10?....You know...the "magic prayer"...and then it's all good!

 In chapter 10 of Romans, Saint Paul is expressing his desire for His own...the Jewish accept Christ Jesus as the Messiah...the One they have been looking for. He writes how the Old Testament laws and prophets are now completed, through the acceptance of the Lord Jesus...and with that acceptance we are able to now fulfill all the Old Testament law and even more. Ok...I am ok with that...not too hard right?
 Well, here is the thing about making a personal decision to accept Jesus Christ as Lord...the only Lord of your life in that time period. I must remember Paul was writing this from a Roman prison, and there is a reason he was in prison...because of his own personal belief in Christ Jesus.
 Rome itself had been through a great fire that burnt large segments of the city, and Nero (the emperor at the time) had blamed the Christians...which most were from the Jewish faith, for starting this "Great fire of Rome"...although much evidence shows it was probably Nero himself that was the originator of the fire...because he was deemed "crazy" because of his erratic behavior.
  Since that incident, Claudius, the present emperor at the time  had given orders for all Jewish people to leave Rome...including the Christian Jews...they had caused way too much trouble.
 So, if you did what Romans 10:9-10 said to was "chancy" to say the least...becoming a Christian wasn't exactly a popular thing to do at the time. In fact, one of the earliest creeds of the early Christian church was to repeat this phrase: "Jesus is Lord".  From this, we get our statement of beliefs like: "Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again." It really wasn't a "magical prayer" fact quite the could be a "prayer of death" if you so chose to follow through with such a belief. 
 The reason why Paul was in prison, the reason why many early Christians were put to death, was not because they simply believed in was because when a person made a decision to accept and follow Jesus...He was the ONLY God you would follow, and could not accept other gods as a way of life or a way to only comes through Jesus. That became an issue...a big issue...that led the early believers to their death.

                                                  A Gleaning from Romans 10:9-10

 " If you declare with your mouth, letting others know that Jesus is in fact your personal and real Lord, and you honestly believe God raised Him from the dead....then you are most definitely saved.
 This is where it all starts...believing in your heart, accepting the fact Jesus Himself is the only One who can make you right with God, and acknowledge to embrace and follow His teachings. It is then you will confirm to others in both word and deed that He truly is the One who has saved you."


Saturday, August 23, 2014

The most challenging and influential words I have ever read: "Follow Me!"

"Follow Me"...the very words of Jesus Himself...

 In the 4 Gospels, the words "Follow Me" are recorded...23 times. The "rule of thumb" I always use when in bible study is if the Bible says the same thing twice, God is wanting me to know it might be important and give value to my daily lifestyle...and to read it 23 times...this must be like.."the most important thing ever"...right?

 When I read or hear the phrase "Follow Me", there are a "ton" of ideas that seem to pop in my head, and quite frankly, these ideas of mine have negative connotations. I think of things like carrying a large cumbersome cross, being burdened down with heartaches...for myself as well as others, having strained relationships with friends and family because I mentioned Him in conversation, looking for happiness and joy in a thankless job, or rationalizing why I suffer, whether it be spiritual or physical, because I made this monumental "Follow Him".

And...not everyone does...some refuse...or say they have other things to do first before they can respond to His words "Follow Me"...which are all in present!
 Check this out!

                                               A Gleaning from Luke 9: 57-62

" While travelling and walking on the road, someone spoke up along the way ...directly to Jesus! : " Look! I will always follow You...and I will follow You no matter where you go, nor question why You are going, or when You go!" is Jesus's turn to join in the conversation: "Really? You are really wanting to follow Me? You do realize it is not all the nice stuff in Ramada Inns and high dollar hotels right? Let Me make this clear to you: foxes have dens to go to, birds have nests to rest in...yet the Son of Man...He doesn't have any place...even to lay His head and rest."
 Yet, another man spoke up...and Jesus said again: "Ok...Follow Me."

Yet, this guy responds: "Well, hold up for a minute Jesus...I may need a little time. You see, my father has not even passed away yet, and I have an inheritance at stake here. Yet, when my father passes...I am there for You!"
 Jesus then responds in a rather "cold" reaction: " I will tell you what...why don't you just let the dead bury their own dead. Your inheritance is worthless if everyone in your family...doesn't know Me. Your first and most pressing issue of business? tell the world...including your family...the Kingdom of God is at NOW!"

 And yet again, another guy speaks up and says: " Ok...I get it. But seriously, You can't even give me enough time to say good-bye to my family? Don't You think it is proper to get things straight...before I leave?"
Jesus responds: " Really? You and I both know if you go back will not come back. This is your time..."Seize the Day" my friend! Otherwise, what value is there in telling others the Kingdom of God is...right here...right now!"

 It seems so monumental to many of us how if we choose to "Follow Me"...comes at a wrong time in our lives...right? We always seem to have things..."left undone". Jesus says..."Drop it...get the Kingdom of God in your heart first...then deal with it." Isn't Jesus rather demanding?

 More to come on this.....

Thursday, August 21, 2014

"If you want to enjoy your life...establish yourself and what you believe."

Psalm 16 has always been one of my favorites, because it is here I think David makes it clear to himself and to anyone who might ask...where he stands.

 This "Song of David" was written when Saul, the king of Israel was out to kill David. David had gained in popularity among the people of Israel, Jonathon (Saul's son who was heir to the throne) were the closest of friends, and David loved his country...the nation of Israel!
 Saul deeply resented all that David stood for, and was "hell bent for leather" to kill him. David had a small contingent of 400 men and were continually escaping the capture by Saul, who had over 3000 men with him to pursue and kill David. David hid in woods, hills, caves, and fields to keep away from Saul. David understood Saul's role as king, respected the office, and never sought to harm Saul.
 There was one night David could have easily killed Saul in a cave, but refused to do so. He did remove something that was on Saul, and used it later to show Saul his allegiance not only to Israel...but to Saul and the office he held.

 Yet, there was something Saul said to David...that clearly marked his downfall. For by saying this...Saul not only threatened David in a needless matter, he offended the very God of Israel.

 The statement Saul made when attempting to kill David and drive him out of Israel was: "Go find another god to believe in...leave the One who is the God of Israel."

 One thing I have learned throughout my journey in life...if you want trouble...discourage those who are making heartfelt attempts to trust in the Lord. It's wrong and when you do such things with heartfelt will be challenged...and this "ain't" no challenge you want to be a part of.
 That is why it is important in life to be careful as to how we treat one another, not teaching them things like cheating, getting back at others, or being selfish. It's a crime to do so...and crime simply doesn't pay.
 I understand none of us are perfect in any sense of the word, yet demonstrating to others an egotistical attitude that it is perfectly fine to belittle another, refuse to help others, or simply keep everything to just wrong. Being envious of others, showing no remorse when you "get even" with someone, or verbally or physically abusing (at some point in life)...dire consequences. 

 Yet, in Psalm 16, David being badgered by Saul to the point of Saul wanting him killed, kind of regroups and writes a song... that establishes his own heart's desire and the belief he chose to take......

                                   A Gleaning from Psalm 16

" You, O Lord God of Israel, is the One who keeps me safe, for I know that having refuge in the only place to be.
 If I look to other gods, the gods who teach it is right to belittle others, it is right to abuse others, or it is right demoralize their character, nothing in this life makes any sense. What is there in life that can be deemed "good"...if You are not the author of it?

 I have made my choice...I will keep my heart close to the "nobles of the land", those who are dedicated to living their lives by what Your Mighty Commands dictate. Their hearts are true to You,,,and their hearts are true to one another...desiring the best to those around them.
 I do recognize there are those who have made their choice in life to put their trust in other gods...the god of money, the god of possessions, or the god of success at any cost. I have witnessed others bow their knee to the god of vengeance, the god of hurting others, and the god of narcissism. Yet, with all these other no-name gods they choose to believe in and actually demonstrate their worthless teachings through daily affairs in life....the results are the same. At some point...Sorrow enters through their door...and he brings with him waves upon waves of perpetual sorrows. It has always been this way.

 Shopping for other gods to simply find ways in justifying oneself to do evil to another...always invites Sorrow to your doorstep. And when one decides to hurt or overtake another who is trying to serve the Lord God of Israel, and give respect and honor to His is the beginning of their end...with a multitude of sorrows from the god of Sorrow.

 I make this choice: I do not worship the Lord God of Israel and strive to obey His Mighty Commands simply because I think He is a "brand-name" to worship. I choose the Lord God of Israel because He alone is the true God...and His desire for me is not to only obey His way of life, but to trust Him and give Him room to the depths of my own heart.
 It is tempting at times to "buy-in" to these cheap no-name gods, to seek vengeance, to refuse to offer mercy, and to expel others out of my sight...yet in reality...there is no pleasure in that...for soon I will hear another knock at my too is a god...the god of Sorrows."

 There are a couple of quotes that come to mind today:

1) " I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt...yet, there is more love." Mother Theresa

or...there are those who:

2) "Some cause happiness wherever they go...for others...whenever they go." Oscar Wilde