Friday, October 19, 2012

The First Believers....a Gleaning from the Book of Acts

When I read the Book of Acts written by the physician Luke, particularly in chapter 2, I think..."Boy, I am glad we don't have to do that anymore!"...right? Here is a more "modern and mature look" following Christ Jesus today:
 "The "First Believers"....they were kind of crazy...eccentric for least by today's standards. Besides, who in this modern day would have the time to do the things they were doing....meeting daily, spending time in prayer,...oh...and check this out...they sold their "stuff!" Yea, like I would sell my house to give to others....isn't that going a little too far?
 How about 401K, retirement, etc....I bet the "First Believers" were a bunch of young people that had a bunch of dreams...that had not been crushed yet by the "weight of the world." Besides, I wonder what ever happened to the "First Believers" you think they regretted going "overboard" following Christ Jesus. They probably didn't understand the Sacred Scriptures as well as they thought they did...don't you think?
 Oh well, maybe at that time that was what they were suppose to do....but in today's modern world....things have changed...we are a much more developed society...take care of our a future....job security....goals:short term and long term...micro-manage our lives...etc.
 I am glad I don't have to do the stuff they be a Believer in Christ Jesus. He is so understanding of us now....when I try and spend my 10 minutes in daily prayer...  well at least a couple times a week...I am sure He is ok with that...I try to read the Scriptures...well at least a verse or so daily! Actually, my Daily Bible verse comes up on my cell phone, and I read it while I go to's great!
 I am getting my education...studying hard to enter the field God has for job is good...if I work hard and continue to pursue the opportunities God has for me...who knows where this will all end! My home...oh man....I am getting ready to will be so pretty...the talk of the neighborhood! Did I mention my company has increased its matching power...I will be financially secure 10 years sooner than my plan predicted!
 I do think people sometimes put themselves in their own predicament...they just got to get their priorities straight...and quit "lolly-gaggin'" around! If you want to get got to work hard! Besides, how can you help others if you can't even take care of yourself! That's what I am teaching my kids!
 In fact, one thing really puzzles me???...That verse in...Acts...I think it was chapter 2...the light turned green and I didn't have time to see the chapter number...anyway...that "Breaking of the Bread" thing. I already know about that...Jesus died for me...and gave His life for me...I'm past that..."Hello?"...why did they keep going over and over the "Breaking of the Bread" in their homes?...and daily??...How do you spell B-O-R-I-N-G?
 Did the "First Believers" have a life?...How about their families...wives and kids? Did they even think about their future when they were taking time off to pray and meet in the Temple....daily? Or how about, "Hi Honey, I sold our home today...the church needed it to help some people dyin' off somewhere". And how do you spell D-I-V-O-R-C-E?"
Ok, allow me to take a look at the Book of Acts, Chapter 2: 42-47.

 First, most bible scholars would agree the physician Luke, the only Gentile to have a recorded book in the Sacred Scriptures, wrote the Book of Acts. Luke spent much of his Christian life with Paul, even travelling with him as recorded in Philemon 1:24.
 What makes Luke unique in his writings is the careful approach the verses seem to emulate when he wrote this. Luke appears focused on getting the facts, the things spoke about Christ Jesus that were...true!

 Luke appears to have several reasons to write the Book of Acts:
1. People were saying false stories about Christians...implying from these false rumors the real Christian motive behind their belief was only to cause trouble. Luke was particularly concerned that the Roman rulers needed to be aware these rumors about the Christians were not true...they were outright lies about the Christian faith.
2. Luke wanted people to know "miracles" were a part of the Christian heritage, and instead of looking at God as One who wanted to hurt and/or destroy them, would see for themselves how much God truly loves them...through the Death and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus.
3. Luke wanted to emphasize the Christian faith was not separate from its Jewish roots, instead, it made Judaism complete because the Messiah, the Lord Jesus, has truly come!
4. Luke seems to want to bring out this point out more than any other. Because of how the Good News had travelled from Jerusalem to Rome. which at that time was the most important city in the world, Luke wanted to make it clear through documentation how the Gospel was spread...from Jerusalem to Rome. Luke wanted all to know...the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is for all very nation...whether that person be Jew...or Gentile!
 Here then, is a description of how the "First Believers" conducted themselves in daily life...a Gleaning from Acts 2:42-47"

 " The "First Believers"...shortly after our Messiah had resurrected, spent much of their time devoted to the instruction and general fellowship with the apostles, "the Original 11". This included sharing meals together, the Breaking of Bread (the Lord's Supper) and in prayer.
 Because of this type of devoted commitment, there came a deep sense of "awe" over them...that is the "First Believers", and accompanying this "awe" were many miraculous signs and wonders.
 Here then is how the "First Believers" handled themselves daily as an entire group...because of their commitment to who they believed, who they adhered to and trusted in, and their total reliance on Him...the Lord Jesus Christ. They became united, including sharing everything they had or possessed, and they held all their possessions in common. In other words, they simply pooled their resources, shared everything between them...including the sale of personal order to give to others who might be in need.
 The "First Believers" met daily...meeting at the Temple's outer courts and simply worshipped the "Songs of Praise" , prayer, and examining the Sacred Scriptures. They also shared the Lord's Supper together...this being done by meeting in one another's homes...and shared their daily meals together as well. From this came a "Spirit of Great Joy" and much generosity, with the "Songs of Praise" given to God for the new lifestyle they were now living.
 And people of the general mass...liked what they saw...and the number of the "First Believers" grew...people daily being saved from the grips of Death that had formerly ruled their very lives."

But....that was in another Star Wars..."in another galaxy... far...far...away"...or in the movie "Conan, the Barbarian"..."In another time, long before we knew"....this Scripture wasn't really written for the year 2012...right?


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