Thursday, October 25, 2012

Finding "Excitement" in the Sacred Scriptures...part 3

Ok, continuing on with different views of Inspiration, there are 2 more ways of Inspiration I would like to share:

4. Verbal Plenary Inspiration: This is a really cool way to sense the Presence of the Holy Spirit in the Scriptures, although it too can get carried to an extreme as well.
 This thought is basically saying every word, including plural and singular form, capital letters as well as lower case letters, dots, commas. periods, question marks,etc. all have a purpose or meaning in relation to being inspired by God our Father.
 I don't think this type of Inspiration is meaning every word in the Scripture has an God inspiring "anointing" on it. After all, many of the words written in the Sacred Scripture were also used in various other ancient written writings...yet I do think as a complete sentence, paragraph, or the context of a particular subject...there lies the Inspiration. That is why the plural forms of a word, past tense, present tense, and future events, or a word that is singular...all has a bearing in the message being written and being the Inspiration of God Himself.
 Many of  St. Paul's writings involve turning ourselves in the opposite direction from our "old way of life", and embrace our new life based  made possible by the Lord Jesus. The Greek verbs Paul often write in relation to all this...  are ongoing...a progressive present. That is why I have seen so many  turn from their old way of living,  giving Christ Jesus entrance into their hearts... then become discouraged and even give up the new lifestyle in Him...because they have a perception "everything will be "perfect now", I have Jesus in my heart!" It is an ever present experience in knowing Him...and demands practice and effort to grow as friends with Him, just like our friends in everyday life, and the necessity of being inspired through the Scriptures He has given us.
 One other thing...there seems to be almost a "scare tactic" used by some when it comes to examining the Sacred Scriptures, in regards specifically to using your creativity to seek what God is really saying to each one of our hearts. Let me ask you this: Agreeing the Sacred Scriptures are God-breathed, Inspired by Him....does the Inspiration of the Scriptures...stop there?...with what the authors wrote?

 In Luke 16:17, we often hear this verse quoted when speaking of the Sacred Scriptures...particularly the use of a specific version written of the Scriptures that is not "approved by others". From the Amplified Version it reads: " Yet it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one dot of the law to fail being made void or overturned."
 Sometimes I think when this verse of Scripture is said in reference to the study of the Scripture, it kind of paralyzes people from seeking God on their own, in their own unique way. Instead, they choose to read a portion of Scripture, not really understanding it and most of all relating to it...yet do their best to respect it...and go through this somewhat empty routine....sometimes their entire lives!
 And if that doesn't "freeze" people, this one will...from Deuteronomy reads: "Do not add or subtract from these commands I am giving you. Just obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you." (Living Translation).
 As we study the Sacred Scripture, I do not believe God wants us to be scared of examining, interpreting, understanding, and finding creative ways the Scriptures can inspire us...and we too can we receive His Inspiration from the Scriptures.
 The warnings the Scriptures give on adding...subtracting...etc. wasn't for someone who has a hungry heart wanting to receive Inspiration of what a section of Scripture is saying in order to draw closer to Him. Some early Christians thought the Mosaic Law was no longer valid, while others were adding entire "books" of  receiving Jesus in an entirely different way than what the Apostles have proclaimed.
 God truly inspired the Sacred Scriptures...and the Inspiration of His alive today...and desires to come into our hearts and lives. Finding "Excitement in the Sacred Scriptures" is designed to give to us personal Inspiration as well.

5. Dictation Inspiration: This belief is God dictated word for word what the authors of the Sacred Scriptures were to write. If we were robots, having no feelings, no emotions, in fact no personality at all...well, I have ask..."Why would He need to inspire anyone or any word written in the Scripture...anyway?

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