Thursday, October 25, 2012

Finding "Excitement" in the Sacred Scriptures...part 2

As I take the time to consider the importance and the need to have the Sacred Scriptures as a more central theme in my daily life, two words seem to "jump out" at me.
First, allow me to define these 2 words according to the Merriam/Webster dictionary:

1. INSPIRATION: a breathing air into the lungs; to have a "surge" from within yourself that promotes a rewarding experience mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. It is like a "prompting" from something you have read or heard said, such as a Divine influence from the result of reading of the Scriptures. From this experience one can be stimulated to have creative thoughts, ideas, words, or actions.
2. INFALLIBLE: One or something that is incapable of any error or wrong. Always a reliable source...putting a total dependence on what a person has said or written. The power to set forth doctrines on issues such as a person's beliefs, their faith, and their personal morals.

 I have found personally "inspiration" is at it's best in me when I am "hungry", in need, or even suffering. Winston Churchill once said: " We shall draw from the heart of suffering itself, which is the very means of inspiration and survival."
 I am not saying I am suffering...but I do get "hungry"...hungry to know..."Ok, I have accepted and trust Christ Jesus is the Author of does that work for me?...on a daily basis? What makes me so different and what influence do I have on others...particularly those who are hurting? How do I offer Hope...the Hope of having Him make a difference in their lives like He has mine? And how does this happen when I have my own not always displaying a Christian my life at times as well?"

 That is why I examine and dig into the Sacred Scriptures...its my only Hope!

 Getting back to "Inspiration" for a moment. There seems to be different ways we can look at are 5 that I am aware of:
1. Institutional Inspiration: Some think writers of the Sacred Scriptures were chosen by God because of their high degree of insight toward Him...the writers had a very religious background and because of this, God inspired them. If you take any time at all, I don't think this is applicable to the Scriptures. Many of the writers were far from "religious" when they committed their lives to Him. Besides, "religious background" almost gives a feeling one can "earn" some type of Inspiration...and what I have studied about Christ Jesus, along with Paul's main theme throughout the New Testament...that is a "NO-GO". We are Inspired by Him because of His marvelous Mercy, Favor, and Grace He gives to is totally impossible to "earn" inspiration. Christ Jesus has already made "Inspiration" each one of us...through the Work of the Cross.
2. Dynamic Inspiration: This thought is God inspires us through our personalities and uniqueness each one of us has, and expresses Himself through us...a Godly yet human inspiration. I kind of like this one but I think there can be dangers: like our emotions or feelings getting in the way or having influence on an inspiration that is "God-breathed". That is why I am a believer that I do think God does speak and inspire through our individual personalities, yet I always keep in mind: "Scripture interprets, Scripture confirms. and Scripture inspires...the Sacred Scriptures (other parts of His Word)".
 Sometimes people can "get out in left field"...with the so-called "Inspirations" that are not validated through the whole of the Sacred Scriptures. Examples I think are the stories of angelic visits, personal visitations from "God" that request you to do something the Scriptures do not support, or "taking off" in a new direction that "only a few" will cults.
3.Illumination Inspiration: This thought is as the writers of the Scriptures began to convey their message, the Holy Spirit would enhance their thoughts on the subject matter being written, and give to it the "breath of God" as they wrote. I kind of like this one too...yet there are dangers in this as well. I do think the Holy Spirit "breaths God" on the Sacred Scriptures, and I certainly don't think any of the writers of the Scriptures had "earned" this honor. Yet, that being said, the writer of the Sacred Scriptures were Him, and they were giving their utmost to live their lives according to what pleases Him. The writers of the Scriptures were not just people wandering around trying to figure out who God was, or if He "spoke to us through the rocks and trees", or if God was off in a distance but could be "conjured up" depending on what "magic potion" we come up with. Rather, the writers of the Sacred Scriptures were committed to following His Commandments (that doesn't mean they always succeeded), but were committed to doing so. In other words, they weren't just some "flower-pickin' dude skipping through a field of tulips or lilies"...they understood His Mighty Commands!...and at times at the risk of their very lives!

 Ok, there are 2 more types of Inspiration I would like to share...but I need a "timeout".

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