Thursday, October 18, 2012

"...Of the people, by the people, for the people..."

The words of Abraham Lincoln that have been echoed through the corridors of time since it's 1863, after the bloodiest battle of the Civil War had taken place.
 The "Gettysburg Address", has made a deep impact and an almost written constitution  itself in declaring a Democracy as perhaps the best government of all.
 So, we as Christians are going to spend eternity in a "Kingdom"...not a Democracy...what's up with that?

 Today, there are approximately 44 or 45 countries that have a monarchy...that is a kingdom type government....Great Britain likely being the most popular. In fact, going into the 19th century, kingdoms were by far the most popular and common forms of government.
 When we hear or read the phrase, the "Kingdom of God", are we to think God's Kingdom has similar values and make-up as to the kingdoms we have read about in the past? the course of human history?...or the kingdoms that are established now...throughout the earth?
 And what type of monarchy will the Kingdom of God be...a constitutional monarchy? absolute monarchy? In fact, according to Christ Jesus, the Kingdom of God is living within the hearts of His believers now!...are we able to "get a feel" to this Godly Kingdom lifestyle? it more to all...then the Democracy we live in now (in the U.S.) with all its human frailties?

 Thomas Jefferson once spoke of people in general and the 2 types that seem to inhabit a nation: "Men by their makeup are naturally divided into two camps: those who fear and distrust the people and wish to draw all powers from them and put these powers into the hands of higher classes;
 Then there are those who identify themselves with the people, having confidence in them, cherish them, and consider them the safest and most honest, if not always the wisest repository for public interest.
 These two camps exist in every country, and wherever men are free to think, to speak, and to write... these types of freedoms will bring to light their identity."

 American citizens  I think would say as a whole: "Democracy...we are livin' the dream...even with all it's faults."
 I recognize some of its weaknesses such as: 1) the high and frequent turnover of our leaders, 2) certain political gains (through lobbyists for example) and power gains can influence our political leaders, 3) at times national decisions are not always made in the country's best interest, rather for the sake of "what is good for us...right now! 4) sometimes the true facts or totality of a given subject to the people are covered up in "cherry-picking" statements, taken completely out of context, and 5) the general populous can become callous or even apathetic in caring about important issues we as a nation may face at the moment.
 On the other side of equation citizens of Democracy experience the freedoms of civil rights, freedom of the press, freedom of speech, the right for all to seek employment in various fields of interest, and of course the freedom of religion. Along with these basic rights Democracy allows everyone to "have a voice" through elections, referendums, and public conferences. Ideally, citizens can pursue their own diversified interests, officials and leaders are appointed by vote, not one person or a select few determining who will be making decisions (of national interests), and the multiparty system hopefully brings balance and fairness to the making of major decisions. Above all, the majority "always wins", meaning what the majority of what citizens want is potentially able to be given.

 So, I ask myself...the Kingdom of God? it better? it different?...can it offer a more secure life than that of a Democracy?....

 I will have to give this a little more thought....

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