Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Who are you thinkin' about...today?

In the letter to the Philippians, Paul begins to put  emphasis on some of the results we should be able to see in having our faith centered on Christ Jesus. He becomes more specific as he points out how the power the Holy Spirit invests the True Love of Christ Jesus in each of us through  acts of unity and humility, following in the footsteps of the One who made it possible for us to actually participate in such acts... by His Life here on earth.
 In Paul's day, walking in humility was too often translated into one who is weak. Paul, from his own conversion to Christ Jesus, has now discovered this is an outright lie!...straight from the pits of Hell! When Christ Jesus walked among us, His entire Life was demonstrated in total humility...beginning with the fact He humbled Himself by becoming...one of us!
 Now Paul is reminding us...don't go back to selfishness...and putting confidence and interest in your own selves...isn't that a major contributor in your decision to come to Christ Jesus in the first place?...self-interest is a dead-end road...right?

Here then is a Gleaning from Philippians 2:1-4

 " Know this: our encouragement begins and ends...in Christ Jesus! In fact, receiving His love for each one of us is the "very heart" of our true comfort...now!
 Allow me to ask this: "If His love has actually made a difference in your own life, if the Holy Spirit has been able to make an impact in regards to your friendships with one another, and if your hearts have been persuaded through His very Presence in your lives that He really loves you...to the point where not only is His compassion swelling in your own hearts but has overfilled within you and now you are sharing His love with others, then have you not found some meaning to Life itself...and that it all originates in Him?"

 Here then is what I might add...to fill up and complete the Joy of knowing Him I have found in my own heart and life: learn to work together as one mind! Have a type of harmony among you that causes you to be of one purpose...that is to love one another...deeply! "Be real" about these friendships you now have.
 Back away from thoughts and acts that are of a selfish motive. Don't become jealous over one another, and don't go around "talkin' smack" about your personal accomplishments.
 Along with that, don't be finding some way to "push yourself to the top", and don't try and "sweet talk" your way to the top either. Do this instead, put yourself on the "sidelines", and root for the others "on the playing field". Don't be having a "pity party" while on the "sidelines"...in other words...don't get so wrapped up in yourself and become obsessed with only the concerns you have...neglecting others who might really need your support...right now! Hello?? Are you hearing me?
 Listen, take the time to care about others...and make it a high priority to give your attention and interest...in them! Lend a hand whenever and wherever you can! Give to others your undivided attention...and follow through! Don't just say nice words and let it go at that.
 Here is a good rule of thumb: Care about others...as much as you care about yourself!"

Why is it so hard to "get into" the Sacred Scriptures...part 2

I'm on this theme of 7 reasons I use for NOT getting into the Sacred Scriptures....

2. What is referred to by some as "Misguided Fears". Besides all of my "excuses" for not reading the Sacred Scriptures...you know, stuff like...boring, hard to understand, written in a different time...therefore I can't really really relate, or my ever popular...I don't want to; I have found these are often symptoms of what the root cause might be..."What if God really does speak to my heart when I read His Instructions....what if He "hits home" on something...and I know He is "talkin' to me"? Or, "What if I try to read the Scriptures and what I fear would happen does happen?...nothing  really  makes any sense to me. Isn't it kind of a waste of time?...for God and for me? The Scriptures...couldn't He have written differently?...like a novel...or People magazine? Boy, if you could read it like "Cosmopolitan"...then maybe I could relate. "

  There is a Psalm...Psalm 19 to be exact. It was written by David, most likely in the earlier part of his life. The first part of the chapter could indicate he wrote this in the early morning hours, perhaps after being out all night tending to the sheep...maybe he witnessed the sunrise coming up over Moab...who knows for sure, yet in verse 7 he says some pretty remarkable things. One thing of note: David refers to God as...Lord. It was common in those days that referring to God as God...was more of respect of who He is...without personal attachments...yet when he refer to Him as...Lord, it implies you have already made a decision to follow this God...and now He has become your Lord........

 A Gleaning from Psalm 19:7

 " It is Your Laws, Your Instructions that we receive...and it now becomes very aware to me...they come directly from You, my Lord. The beauty of these Instructions, these Scriptures...are to act as a refreshment to all that makes up "me being me"...my thoughts, my desires, my mind, my will to pursue things in life, and my emotions as well.
 For I have discovered, the Sacred Scriptures actually contain the power to "pull my life together", the power to make sense out of things that sometimes don't make sense in my everyday life, and the Scriptures are quite capable of touching every area of my life that concerns me...providing purpose and meaning to an otherwise empty and lack of fulfillment in the style of life I now live. These Sacred Scriptures becomes an intimate refreshment that contains His love...His "drive" ...to accomplish what My Lord really wants from me...the "Joy of Friendship".
 When I make the choice to listen to His advice...to give some priority and actively participate in reading and listening to the Words my Lord have spoken...trusting the Holy Spirit to grant understanding within my very soul... there seems to follow this power that accompanies His Words which not only seeks to preserve my life...but rises and gives a live demonstration of His power to restore my life as well.
 When I can give myself to this train of thought...shaking off all the "misguided fears" of  previous thoughts I may have had concerning this great God of ours...it becomes evident to me His Instructions are clear...and maps out a new and better path for my daily life to travel on.
 Along with this great and vast discovery, I find my Lord to be ever trustworthy, and His Divine Wisdom is available to all people...ordinary people like myself...there are no secret codes we have to solve...there are no pieces of a puzzle we have to put together,,,there is no mysterious treasure map we have to follow carefully or we will be off course. The Sacred Scriptures simply speaks to us in a plain and simple manner, one that has a pleasant voice and is "easy on our eyes"...saying: "I give all I Am...to you..... My yoke is easy, My burden is light...Come".

Monday, October 29, 2012

Why is it so hard to "get into" the Sacred Scriptures?

My philosophy on life is rather simple....life is an adventurous game! That's it. I do my best to see the positives in everyday life...and focus on the strengths of them.
 That being said, there are a "ton of causes, people needing assistance, and so much "hurt" out there...it's hard to determine where I fit in...what's my part.
 That is why since becoming a Christian in October of 2007, well, rededicating my life to Christ Jesus would be more accurate, the thing I have learned thus far is to depend on Him...and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to point out ways I can participate and benefit others.
 The one thing that has been "hammered in my own heart" is...it all starts by reading, examining, and giving my heart to the Sacred Scriptures. The reason is for that in my humble opinion is the Scripture gives me a sense of direction, it provides guidelines, it examines my own heart, and puts a "kind of drive" in me to align myself up with the call God has on my life.
 The Sacred Scripture is "the Juice" that makes me go!

 It's easy to find reasons why the Sacred Scriptures are not something that is fun...in fact, it can seem quite boring, or hard to understand, or just doesn't make sense. I can think of 7 reasons NOT to read Scripture on a daily basis...and I have used all of them...for an excuse. Check these out:

1. I have a kind of Pride: It's easy to get through daily life without His assistance it appears...tons of people do...or so it seems. After all, when daily issues do arrive in my life, what?..does God suddenly "poof"...and shows up? No....but then I have to take a moment and remind myself He is still the One who orchestrates my daily life...it is my prerogative to "pick-up" on what He is doing with me. The Scriptures help to give me an idea where He is going at times when I face a crisis for example in daily affairs.
 In the days of Isaiah, the people of Israel and their relationship with the Lord had become nothing more than a social religion...a "politically correct" way to live. They had mandates for ceremonies to honor Him, they went to the Temple each day, listened to the reading of the Law, and were very proud of doing so. Yet, here lies the problem...although they followed through with all their pompous ceremonies and even listening to "The Word of the Lord", they had no thought as to applying what they heard...in their daily lives...it was "all show"...and how pretty it appeared...in their own eyes.
 In Isaiah 66:1-2 it goes something like this:

 " The Lord speaks!..."In case anyone would like to know...Heaven is My throne! The earth?...it is My footstool! So, tell Me, just what did you have in mind that you could build for me that is better than this? Do you really think you can make some "Holiday Resort" for Me...and give Me a place of rest? Remember...I made everything!All things that have come into being...that was My idea!
 Listen, here is what I am looking for...I am looking for a people that have hearts that are humble, whose spirits are supple, soft, and even broken...instead of hard and insensitive. I am looking for hearts that are "wounded" without finding their true comfort spending time...with Me! You see, I am wanting a people whose hearts are quite simple in nature...hearts that are reverently responsive to the Words I have spoken...not all the "empty fanfare" you so proudly display among yourselves."

 I think the first thing the Scriptures do...is get our focus right. We are not called to simply have a class on "show and tell". He wants to have a real friendship...with each one of us...real friends who enjoy the company of one another.

More to come....

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Finding "Excitement" in the Sacred Scriptures...part 3

Ok, continuing on with different views of Inspiration, there are 2 more ways of Inspiration I would like to share:

4. Verbal Plenary Inspiration: This is a really cool way to sense the Presence of the Holy Spirit in the Scriptures, although it too can get carried to an extreme as well.
 This thought is basically saying every word, including plural and singular form, capital letters as well as lower case letters, dots, commas. periods, question marks,etc. all have a purpose or meaning in relation to being inspired by God our Father.
 I don't think this type of Inspiration is meaning every word in the Scripture has an God inspiring "anointing" on it. After all, many of the words written in the Sacred Scripture were also used in various other ancient written writings...yet I do think as a complete sentence, paragraph, or the context of a particular subject...there lies the Inspiration. That is why the plural forms of a word, past tense, present tense, and future events, or a word that is singular...all has a bearing in the message being written and being the Inspiration of God Himself.
 Many of  St. Paul's writings involve turning ourselves in the opposite direction from our "old way of life", and embrace our new life based  made possible by the Lord Jesus. The Greek verbs Paul often write in relation to all this...  are ongoing...a progressive present. That is why I have seen so many  turn from their old way of living,  giving Christ Jesus entrance into their hearts... then become discouraged and even give up the new lifestyle in Him...because they have a perception "everything will be "perfect now", I have Jesus in my heart!" It is an ever present experience in knowing Him...and demands practice and effort to grow as friends with Him, just like our friends in everyday life, and the necessity of being inspired through the Scriptures He has given us.
 One other thing...there seems to be almost a "scare tactic" used by some when it comes to examining the Sacred Scriptures, in regards specifically to using your creativity to seek what God is really saying to each one of our hearts. Let me ask you this: Agreeing the Sacred Scriptures are God-breathed, Inspired by Him....does the Inspiration of the Scriptures...stop there?...with what the authors wrote?

 In Luke 16:17, we often hear this verse quoted when speaking of the Sacred Scriptures...particularly the use of a specific version written of the Scriptures that is not "approved by others". From the Amplified Version it reads: " Yet it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one dot of the law to fail being made void or overturned."
 Sometimes I think when this verse of Scripture is said in reference to the study of the Scripture, it kind of paralyzes people from seeking God on their own, in their own unique way. Instead, they choose to read a portion of Scripture, not really understanding it and most of all relating to it...yet do their best to respect it...and go through this somewhat empty routine....sometimes their entire lives!
 And if that doesn't "freeze" people, this one will...from Deuteronomy 4:2...it reads: "Do not add or subtract from these commands I am giving you. Just obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you." (Living Translation).
 As we study the Sacred Scripture, I do not believe God wants us to be scared of examining, interpreting, understanding, and finding creative ways the Scriptures can inspire us...and we too can we receive His Inspiration from the Scriptures.
 The warnings the Scriptures give on adding...subtracting...etc. wasn't for someone who has a hungry heart wanting to receive Inspiration of what a section of Scripture is saying in order to draw closer to Him. Some early Christians thought the Mosaic Law was no longer valid, while others were adding entire "books" of  receiving Jesus in an entirely different way than what the Apostles have proclaimed.
 God truly inspired the Sacred Scriptures...and the Inspiration of His Word...is alive today...and desires to come into our hearts and lives. Finding "Excitement in the Sacred Scriptures" is designed to give to us personal Inspiration as well.

5. Dictation Inspiration: This belief is God dictated word for word what the authors of the Sacred Scriptures were to write. If we were robots, having no feelings, no emotions, in fact no personality at all...well, I have ask..."Why would He need to inspire anyone or any word written in the Scripture...anyway?

Finding "Excitement" in the Sacred Scriptures...part 2

As I take the time to consider the importance and the need to have the Sacred Scriptures as a more central theme in my daily life, two words seem to "jump out" at me.
First, allow me to define these 2 words according to the Merriam/Webster dictionary:

1. INSPIRATION: a breathing in...like air into the lungs; to have a "surge" from within yourself that promotes a rewarding experience mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. It is like a "prompting" from something you have read or heard said, such as a Divine influence from the result of reading of the Scriptures. From this experience one can be stimulated to have creative thoughts, ideas, words, or actions.
2. INFALLIBLE: One or something that is incapable of any error or wrong. Always a reliable source...putting a total dependence on what a person has said or written. The power to set forth doctrines on issues such as a person's beliefs, their faith, and their personal morals.

 I have found personally "inspiration" is at it's best in me when I am "hungry", in need, or even suffering. Winston Churchill once said: " We shall draw from the heart of suffering itself, which is the very means of inspiration and survival."
 I am not saying I am suffering...but I do get "hungry"...hungry to know..."Ok, I have accepted and trust Christ Jesus is the Author of Life...how does that work for me?...on a daily basis? What makes me so different and what influence do I have on others...particularly those who are hurting? How do I offer Hope...the Hope of having Him make a difference in their lives like He has mine? And how does this happen when I have my own issues...like not always displaying a Christian attitude...in my life at times as well?"

 That is why I examine and dig into the Sacred Scriptures...its my only Hope!

 Getting back to "Inspiration" for a moment. There seems to be different ways we can look at Inspiration...here are 5 that I am aware of:
1. Institutional Inspiration: Some think writers of the Sacred Scriptures were chosen by God because of their high degree of insight toward Him...the writers had a very religious background and because of this, God inspired them. If you take any time at all, I don't think this is applicable to the Scriptures. Many of the writers were far from "religious" when they committed their lives to Him. Besides, "religious background" almost gives a feeling one can "earn" some type of Inspiration...and what I have studied about Christ Jesus, along with Paul's main theme throughout the New Testament...that is a "NO-GO". We are Inspired by Him because of His marvelous Mercy, Favor, and Grace He gives to us...it is totally impossible to "earn" inspiration. Christ Jesus has already made "Inspiration" available...to each one of us...through the Work of the Cross.
2. Dynamic Inspiration: This thought is God inspires us through our personalities and uniqueness each one of us has, and expresses Himself through us...a Godly yet human inspiration. I kind of like this one but I think there can be dangers: like our emotions or feelings getting in the way or having influence on an inspiration that is "God-breathed". That is why I am a believer that I do think God does speak and inspire through our individual personalities, yet I always keep in mind: "Scripture interprets, Scripture confirms. and Scripture inspires...the Sacred Scriptures (other parts of His Word)".
 Sometimes people can "get out in left field"...with the so-called "Inspirations" that are not validated through the whole of the Sacred Scriptures. Examples I think are the stories of angelic visits, personal visitations from "God" that request you to do something the Scriptures do not support, or "taking off" in a new direction that "only a few" will follow...like cults.
3.Illumination Inspiration: This thought is as the writers of the Scriptures began to convey their message, the Holy Spirit would enhance their thoughts on the subject matter being written, and give to it the "breath of God" as they wrote. I kind of like this one too...yet there are dangers in this as well. I do think the Holy Spirit "breaths God" on the Sacred Scriptures, and I certainly don't think any of the writers of the Scriptures had "earned" this honor. Yet, that being said, the writer of the Sacred Scriptures were committed...to Him, and they were giving their utmost to live their lives according to what pleases Him. The writers of the Scriptures were not just people wandering around trying to figure out who God was, or if He "spoke to us through the rocks and trees", or if God was off in a distance but could be "conjured up" depending on what "magic potion" we come up with. Rather, the writers of the Sacred Scriptures were committed to following His Commandments (that doesn't mean they always succeeded), but were committed to doing so. In other words, they weren't just some "flower-pickin' dude skipping through a field of tulips or lilies"...they understood His Mighty Commands!...and at times at the risk of their very lives!

 Ok, there are 2 more types of Inspiration I would like to share...but I need a "timeout".

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Finding "Excitement"...reading the Sacred Scriptures

 I think if I had to come up with the most disturbing thing that bothers me in reference to enjoying and being a part of a lifestyle known as Christianity...it would be this: many Christians don't find the Scriptures interesting enough to read, others don't read it because they can't relate to it's meanings, or some read the Sacred Scriptures with a "religious overtone" and it becomes nothing more than obeying a set of rules...not dealing with matters of the heart.
 I know for myself I take great liberties at times when doing a "Gleaning of the Scriptures". The reason I do this is I am quite serious about following Christ Jesus, and when I engage reading His Word...I desperately need His Understanding of what is being said, and apply it to my daily life. I am a sinner...saved by His Grace...and without His help by learning of His Word...I will not function well as a liberated Christian.
 And that is why I choose to "Glean the Scriptures"...trying to cut through, understand, and apply what our Great God is saying to us...to me!
 Normally, I give about 1 1/2 to 3 hours for every 12 to 15 verses (approx.) I am studying, reading 4 or 5 commentaries, looking at 10 to 12 various translations and paraphrases, and reading articles that may relate to a particular subject I am interested in. I have come to love this part of examining the Scriptures, and there are literally "volumes" of great written works on almost any subject of the Scriptures. It simply brings the Scriptures to "Life".

 I have come to embrace and to love the Scripture verse from 2 Timothy 3:16...and here is how I take it:

 "All Scripture is God-breathed...the Scripture is given personally...to each one of us...all done through His Inspiration!
 Here then is how we are to use the Scriptures God has so graciously and gently breathed upon...that we might find our lives in Him!:
1. The Sacred Scriptures shows us what God is really like...and even more importantly, the Scriptures show us what God thinks we are really like.
2. The Sacred Scriptures teaches us...it provides us with the vital instructions each one of us needs in our daily lives...by giving to us the Truth and meaning of Life itself.
3. The Sacred Scriptures exposes rebellion...living within our own hearts...rebellion that is directly against God who is now our Father, and gives us clarity as to the wrong that may inhabit our individual and daily lives. Yet, the Scriptures do not stop there...but shows us the way to obtaining forgiveness, cleansing, and total freedom by the acceptance of His Dear Son, our Lord...Jesus...the Christ.
4. The Sacred Scriptures give us the training we need to live our daily lives by His Strength, showing us through His Dear Son the way to freedom, finding complete fulfillment in our lives as well.
 Simply put: the Sacred Scriptures...makes our lives worth living!"

 I honestly don't think the Sacred Scriptures were meant to be boring...I don't think the Sacred Scriptures were meant for us to read like "robots"..with no creativity or thought or opinions of what we may be reading at the moment. In fact, I believe God wants our very hearts to challenge what He has so gloriously written, apply what we learn, and have a friendship based on a mutual love for one another.
 Interpret the Scripture?...I dare you...just keep your heart open to the leading of the Holy Spirit...you might find surprises where He leads you. If you find the Scriptures boring...or a certain verse(s) doesn't make any sense...say so...to Him...believe me...the "fun" has just begun. Having a friendship with God...it can get a "little wild"!

 By faith...trust Him...many have throughout history...not sure of their final destination at the time...but putting all their trust...in Him.

 I always thought Socrates made an interesting comment once, almost comical. He wrote: " I decided it was not wisdom that enable poets to write their poetry, but a kind of inspiration, the kind you see in seers and prophets...who deliver their sublime messages without always knowing what they mean."

 Finding excitement in the Scriptures....there is a way...it's out there...and we all have unique ways to find that excitement...go for it!


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

"The Perfect Storm"...a Halloween Story...from the Scriptures

I keep asking myself..."What is it about Halloween that I enjoy so much?...and not just me...it is the 2nd most popular holiday in the U.S. both in sales and in participation.
 Haunted Houses...I love this stuff!...Why?

 Ok, I think it comes down to a  phrase known as: "The Anticipation of Harmless Fear". It's kind of like the thrill a person gets from bungi jumping, riding a crazy roller coaster, or even the thrill of white water rapids.
 Fear: fear of the dark, fear of unexpected loud noises, fear of a "set of eyes' looking at you in the dark, fear of a predator, or the fear of screams. Humans do enjoy being scared...when they know it is harmless.
 Some research claims it is therapeutic...actually releases tension...like when you just feel like shouting out a "yell"...it releases "stuff" in your brain and allows you to feel relaxed when you have done it.
  Reminds me of a "Cornish Prayer" that goes like this: "From ghoulies and ghosties and long legged beasties, things that go bump in the night...Good Lord...deliver us! Amen" The prayer is like..."Yea, I do want to see those things...but be sure to get me "out of here" when they arrive!"

 Fear can play "tricks" on us...like...All of a sudden...you see a dark spot on the floor...the dark spot has projections...legs!! Your brain says: Spider! Then, you think..."Ok, is it a house spider?...is it a....BLACK WIDOW??!!...oh....it's a plastic spider...one of the kids left around."
 Now, if you happen to have a fear of spiders, this threat is real...if you don't...your brain processes the info and renders it harmless.
 So...is the harmless fear Ok?...maybe even good for you?

 Some people view dogs as a fear in reference to an animal that has no place in the household...an animal that brings fleas and other things that could possibly infect a family member or spread stuff throughout the home...while others embrace a dog as a "member of the family", having no fear at all of having the 4 legged pet in the midst of them.
 According to a recent Gallup Poll, here are the "Top 10 Fears": 1. Terrorist Attack 2. Spiders 3. Death 4. Failure 5. War 6. Heights 7. Crime/Violence 8. Being Alone 9. Future 10. Nuclear War. Other fears include: the Dentist, Public Speaking, Pain, Cancer, and Snakes.

T.V. makes a good living on our fears..."The Fear Factor" being an example. Fear according to researchers on this subject is often conditioned, being instilled in us as children and then carried into adult life.  Usually, what our parents and ancestry has feared...we will face as well.
 Some research has determined it is not the conditioning we have from our particular fears in life that get to us, it is when fear becomes chronic and we are not able to control those fears...sending us into panic and often times false illusions.

                   Here are 8 practical tips on dealing with real fears:

 1. It doesn't matter why you are scared...everyone is different...stop trying to figure it out.
2. People have found it helps to "face your fears" and learn from others how to deal with it.
3. It involves practice...you have to give yourself time to retrain your way of thinking.
4. Team up with someone who doesn't face the same fears. They can help in giving a  more objective opinion on what you may be facing.
5. Talk it about
6. Imagine ways of overcoming the fears you may face...meditate...or for a Christian..."hold on" to a verse of Scripture" and say it to yourself each time the fear arises within you.
7. Stop trying to have an end result...there is no "magic potion"...practice...practice...practice. It is like being a Christian...you receive Christ Jesus into your heart...and now the practice of His Lifestyle living inside you...begins.
8. Don't be too proud that you wouldn't seek help. Acknowledge another's gifts and talents, and allow them to help.

 So, getting back to the fears of Halloween. Are "harmless fears" Ok?  I remember once how I was invited to a church who was strict on not participating in Halloween in any way or form. I was just a child...and yet in this "church party" I was invited to, this kid kept hiding behind doors and dark areas trying to scare me (lol)...and I thought even at that age: "You can take Halloween away from the boy...but you can't take the boy away from Halloween."
 I am aware of the origins of Halloween...and am aware of its "pagan history"...and now I ask myself..."Does the Scriptures have any Halloween stories in it?"...and I think it does...and Jesus is right in the middle of it all!

I do think it is good for us to "Face our Fears"....Jesus seemed to make the disciples do so in the story from Matthew 14:22-33. Here is what I believe is a "Halloween-type" story from the Sacred Scriptures: a Gleaning of Matthew 14:22-33

 "Jesus and the disciples had spent the day "feeding the 5000". Supper was now over, and Jesus wanted the disciples to cross the Sea of Galilee...now! In fact, He insisted and made them get in their boat and get going! Jesus told His disciples He was going to stay and get the crowds dismissed...He didn't want the Romans to think this day had been some sort of political rally.
 Now this probably didn't go over well with His disciples. After all, 1/3 of His disciples were professional fishermen...and they were seasoned in "reading the skies". And on that evening...the skies were "spelling out one word: S-T-O-R-M!
 The disciples had heard all their lives about the Seas...the Greeks had gone into detail on what lurks within its depths....spirits of the dead, monsters, and all types of frightful figures. Besides, the Jewish culture had its own description as well in reference to what lies in the depths of the seas as well....including the Abyss...the opening to Hell itself! And what about Leviathan ( kind of like the Loch Ness monster)...the one Job wrote about...what if he is out there?

 Anyway, while the disciples began their voyage across "the Lake"...actually the Sea of Galilee was approximately 13 miles by 7 miles, Jesus stayed and went up into the hills...to be alone with His Father. It was now into the evening hours and Jesus remained in the hills until late into the night.
 Meanwhile, the disciples had gotten out into the sea, and were hoping to get across (probably in 4 to 5 hours) before the storms hit. No such luck! What they read in the skies what was to happen...well it did!...and the disciples were right in the middle of it...a raging storm!
 {Note: Why did Jesus do this to them?...What was the big rush that it couldn't wait till morning?...and they could all leave together? Do you think the disciples were asking questions like this?} The storms brought high waves, and the strong winds...were against them!

 The disciples had heard of the "Stories of the Sea". It was the "Abyss" according to their own Jewish teaching...and it was totally dark, perhaps spirits of the dead walking and wondering around in this setting...and here are the disciples...right smack in the middle of it..."where Hell hath no fury!...like a Storm of the Sea!"
 The disciples were terrified...what was Jesus thinking? He knew this was going to happen...and let it happen anyway??!! Then.....it happened....

 It was probably around 4 in the morning, while in the midst of this storm the disciples were in...when...they saw something...out...in the water!...and it was coming their way!
 That was "the icing on the cake" as the saying goes, the disciples totally flipped out...they began to scream...terrified out of their wits: "IT IS A PHANTOM! IT'S SOME KIND OF GHOST! ALL THESE STORIES OF THE SEA ARE TRUE!", the disciples were yelling...totally petrified!
 Then, they heard His voice...clear and with authority: "Take Courage...it's Me! Let go of your fears! I AM!"

 Peter thought:..."Well, what do I have to lose here...it looks like Jesus...He sounds like Jesus...and if it's not...we are doomed anyway", so Peter yells out: "Lord, if it is You, call me out into the water...with You!"
 Jesus replied: "Come on!"...and then a strange thing happened. Peter got out of the boat...right in the middle of the storm...right into "The Abyss"! Then...Peter started walking...on the water!! Just like Jesus!...or whoever it is!

 Now, Peter while doing this...was getting "slammed" by the wind and the waves, lost his confidence...and began to sink! Peter had only one hope left..."Jesus", he cried out: "Save me Master, I'm, goin' down!"
 And Jesus was right there! He didn't hesitate a second! He brought Peter out of the water by the "Strength of His Hand!"

 Jesus, when pulling Peter up from the waves, spoke to Peter and said: " Well Faint-Heart...what happened? You were doing so good! Don't  let those "Stories of the Sea" dominate your train of thought....Trust in Me instead!"
 Then, when Jesus and Peter got into the boat...the wind died down...the waves made their exit....and sea was serene once again.{Note: my question would be at this point...Did Peter walk with Jesus back to the boat?...Did Jesus carry Peter back to the boat?....or did Peter swim back to the boat? lol}
 The disciples, now seeing for themselves that the "Dark Stories of the Sea" had no power to contain Jesus...began to worship Him, proclaiming " You truly are the Son of the Living God!"


So, if a Halloween event is your fancy?...remember the outcome...."He truly is the Son of the Living God!"
Zombies, the Headless Horseman, vampires, and werewolves...BEWARE...there is "One that walks the Seas"...the seas of our lives ...and ALL POWER...ALL GLORY...AND ALL PRAISE...BE GIVEN TO HIM!

 Anyway, that's my Halloween story...and I'm stickin' to it (lol).

Friday, October 19, 2012

The First Believers....a Gleaning from the Book of Acts

When I read the Book of Acts written by the physician Luke, particularly in chapter 2, I think..."Boy, I am glad we don't have to do that anymore!"...right? Here is a more "modern and mature look" following Christ Jesus today:
 "The "First Believers"....they were kind of crazy...eccentric for sure...at least by today's standards. Besides, who in this modern day would have the time to do the things they were doing....meeting daily, spending time in prayer,...oh...and check this out...they sold their "stuff!" Yea, like I would sell my house to give to others....isn't that going a little too far?
 How about 401K, retirement, etc....I bet the "First Believers" were a bunch of young people that had a bunch of dreams...that had not been crushed yet by the "weight of the world." Besides, I wonder what ever happened to the "First Believers"...do you think they regretted going "overboard" following Christ Jesus. They probably didn't understand the Sacred Scriptures as well as they thought they did...don't you think?
 Oh well, maybe at that time that was what they were suppose to do....but in today's modern world....things have changed...we are a much more developed society...take care of our families...build a future....job security....goals:short term and long term...micro-manage our lives...etc.
 I am glad I don't have to do the stuff they did...to be a Believer in Christ Jesus. He is so understanding of us now....when I try and spend my 10 minutes in daily prayer...  well at least a couple times a week...I am sure He is ok with that...I try to read the Scriptures...well at least a verse or so daily! Actually, my Daily Bible verse comes up on my cell phone, and I read it while I go to work...it's great!
 I am getting my education...studying hard to enter the field God has for me...my job is good...if I work hard and continue to pursue the opportunities God has for me...who knows where this will all end! My home...oh man....I am getting ready to remodel...it will be so pretty...the talk of the neighborhood! Did I mention my 401k....my company has increased its matching power...I will be financially secure 10 years sooner than my plan predicted!
 I do think people sometimes put themselves in their own predicament...they just got to get their priorities straight...and quit "lolly-gaggin'" around! If you want to get ahead...you got to work hard! Besides, how can you help others if you can't even take care of yourself! That's what I am teaching my kids!
 In fact, one thing really puzzles me???...That verse in...Acts...I think it was chapter 2...the light turned green and I didn't have time to see the chapter number...anyway...that "Breaking of the Bread" thing. I already know about that...Jesus died for me...and gave His life for me...I'm past that..."Hello?"...why did they keep going over and over the "Breaking of the Bread" in their homes?...and daily??...How do you spell B-O-R-I-N-G?
 Did the "First Believers" have a life?...How about their families...wives and kids? Did they even think about their future when they were taking time off to pray and meet in the Temple....daily? Or how about, "Hi Honey, I sold our home today...the church needed it to help some people dyin' off somewhere". And how do you spell D-I-V-O-R-C-E?"
Ok, allow me to take a look at the Book of Acts, Chapter 2: 42-47.

 First, most bible scholars would agree the physician Luke, the only Gentile to have a recorded book in the Sacred Scriptures, wrote the Book of Acts. Luke spent much of his Christian life with Paul, even travelling with him as recorded in Philemon 1:24.
 What makes Luke unique in his writings is the careful approach the verses seem to emulate when he wrote this. Luke appears focused on getting the facts, the things spoke about Christ Jesus that were...true!

 Luke appears to have several reasons to write the Book of Acts:
1. People were saying false stories about Christians...implying from these false rumors the real Christian motive behind their belief was only to cause trouble. Luke was particularly concerned that the Roman rulers needed to be aware these rumors about the Christians were not true...they were outright lies about the Christian faith.
2. Luke wanted people to know "miracles" were a part of the Christian heritage, and instead of looking at God as One who wanted to hurt and/or destroy them, would see for themselves how much God truly loves them...through the Death and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus.
3. Luke wanted to emphasize the Christian faith was not separate from its Jewish roots, instead, it made Judaism complete because the Messiah, the Lord Jesus, has truly come!
4. Luke seems to want to bring out this point out more than any other. Because of how the Good News had travelled from Jerusalem to Rome. which at that time was the most important city in the world, Luke wanted to make it clear through documentation how the Gospel was spread...from Jerusalem to Rome. Luke wanted all to know...the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is for all people...in very nation...whether that person be Jew...or Gentile!
 Here then, is a description of how the "First Believers" conducted themselves in daily life...a Gleaning from Acts 2:42-47"

 " The "First Believers"...shortly after our Messiah had resurrected, spent much of their time devoted to the instruction and general fellowship with the apostles, "the Original 11". This included sharing meals together, the Breaking of Bread (the Lord's Supper) and in prayer.
 Because of this type of devoted commitment, there came a deep sense of "awe" over them...that is the "First Believers", and accompanying this "awe" were many miraculous signs and wonders.
 Here then is how the "First Believers" handled themselves daily as an entire group...because of their commitment to who they believed, who they adhered to and trusted in, and their total reliance on Him...the Lord Jesus Christ. They became united, including sharing everything they had or possessed, and they held all their possessions in common. In other words, they simply pooled their resources, shared everything between them...including the sale of personal property...in order to give to others who might be in need.
 The "First Believers" met daily...meeting at the Temple's outer courts and simply worshipped Him...in the "Songs of Praise" , prayer, and examining the Sacred Scriptures. They also shared the Lord's Supper together...this being done by meeting in one another's homes...and shared their daily meals together as well. From this came a "Spirit of Great Joy" and much generosity, with the "Songs of Praise" given to God for the new lifestyle they were now living.
 And people of the general mass...liked what they saw...and the number of the "First Believers" grew...people daily being saved from the grips of Death that had formerly ruled their very lives."

But....that was in another time....like Star Wars..."in another galaxy... far...far...away"...or in the movie "Conan, the Barbarian"..."In another time, long before we knew"....this Scripture wasn't really written for the year 2012...right?


Thursday, October 18, 2012

"...Of the people, by the people, for the people..."

The words of Abraham Lincoln that have been echoed through the corridors of time since it's inception....in 1863, after the bloodiest battle of the Civil War had taken place.
 The "Gettysburg Address", has made a deep impact and an almost written constitution  itself in declaring a Democracy as perhaps the best government of all.
 So, we as Christians are going to spend eternity in a "Kingdom"...not a Democracy...what's up with that?

 Today, there are approximately 44 or 45 countries that have a monarchy...that is a kingdom type government....Great Britain likely being the most popular. In fact, going into the 19th century, kingdoms were by far the most popular and common forms of government.
 When we hear or read the phrase, the "Kingdom of God", are we to think God's Kingdom has similar values and make-up as to the kingdoms we have read about in the past?...in the course of human history?...or the kingdoms that are established now...throughout the earth?
 And what type of monarchy will the Kingdom of God be...a constitutional monarchy?...an absolute monarchy? In fact, according to Christ Jesus, the Kingdom of God is living within the hearts of His believers now!...are we able to "get a feel" to this Godly Kingdom lifestyle?...is it more comforting...open-minded...respectful to all...then the Democracy we live in now (in the U.S.) with all its human frailties?

 Thomas Jefferson once spoke of people in general and the 2 types that seem to inhabit a nation: "Men by their makeup are naturally divided into two camps: those who fear and distrust the people and wish to draw all powers from them and put these powers into the hands of higher classes;
 Then there are those who identify themselves with the people, having confidence in them, cherish them, and consider them the safest and most honest, if not always the wisest repository for public interest.
 These two camps exist in every country, and wherever men are free to think, to speak, and to write... these types of freedoms will bring to light their identity."

 American citizens  I think would say as a whole: "Democracy...we are livin' the dream...even with all it's faults."
 I recognize some of its weaknesses such as: 1) the high and frequent turnover of our leaders, 2) certain political gains (through lobbyists for example) and power gains can influence our political leaders, 3) at times national decisions are not always made in the country's best interest, rather for the sake of "what is good for us...right now! 4) sometimes the true facts or totality of a given subject to the people are covered up in "cherry-picking" statements, taken completely out of context, and 5) the general populous can become callous or even apathetic in caring about important issues we as a nation may face at the moment.
 On the other side of equation citizens of Democracy experience the freedoms of civil rights, freedom of the press, freedom of speech, the right for all to seek employment in various fields of interest, and of course the freedom of religion. Along with these basic rights Democracy allows everyone to "have a voice" through elections, referendums, and public conferences. Ideally, citizens can pursue their own diversified interests, officials and leaders are appointed by vote, not one person or a select few determining who will be making decisions (of national interests), and the multiparty system hopefully brings balance and fairness to the making of major decisions. Above all, the majority "always wins", meaning what the majority of what citizens want is potentially able to be given.

 So, I ask myself...the Kingdom of God?...is it better?...is it different?...can it offer a more secure life than that of a Democracy?....

 I will have to give this a little more thought....

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Why Bother with us?...because it is God's Idea

As Halloween approaches, and I do my "little ritual studies" on the origins of this holiday, studying the customs, the cultures, the passing down of how this holiday is kept and honored....I ask myself: "Why?...why does God put up with all of our erratic behavior...throughout history none the less!
 We kill each other off because we don't understand or accept another's view on life, we have a "thousand ideas" of whom God is, while others don't think there even is a God, and if that is not enough, we hurt our very earth in the name of greed, we want things...and we want it now, and family values are faced with new views and outlooks.
 Even those who are under the umbrella of Christianity, with its various belief systems and ways to honor Him, are at times "ripping one another to shreds"...and doing so because they believe God told them to.

 Now here we are...Halloween...we have Christians ripping other Christians who celebrate the event, while others are finding Christian alternatives to the night of Halloween, while other Christians are saying to "chill out"...it is a harmless night of fun and festivities.

Sometimes I think the whole of humanity is simply "nuts"...it doesn't make sense. And this is just the "tip of the iceberg" as the saying goes.
So, here is what I am doing....taking a "timeout"...thinking about how all of us came about, and just relax a bit from what man has done...what is going on now...and where we are going....sometimes it just gets mind-boggling.
 First, I do have one prerequisite: I honestly believe the Sacred Scriptures are inspired through the power of the Holy Spirit. I know...that could be an endless argument in itself...except for one ingredient that has been a constant throughout history and one I feel man has failed to understand...that is Faith...I simply believe this by...Faith.

 A Gleaning from Genesis 2:5-7:
 " In these days, there were no shrubs, no crops in the field, in fact there was no plant life...nothing had been "springing up" from the ground. You see, the Lord God had not yet sent rains to the earth...after all, who would be there to attend to all the landscape, the fields, or to cultivate soil? In these days, water came by underground springs...the whole earth receiving its water by these springs....until one day....
 The Lord God had a plan...and formed a man...right from the very dust of the earth itself. He didn't bring in special components from elsewhere in the vast universe, but made it with what was already in place...the very dust of the earth.
 Then, the Lord God did something that would change the course of history...forever...God breathed into man's nostrils...He instilled into man the very Breath of Life itself...and man became...alive!...a living...human being!"

 I can rest in the fact God is in charge of us...from the very beginning. It was His idea to create us, and because He designed it, I put my trust in His idea...not in mankind or any one individual.
 I take some time to consider the Psalm David wrote...not sure exactly when he wrote this in his life...but what a potent thought...a Gleaning from Psalm 8:

 "Lord God, You are so brilliant! Your Excellence, Your Majesty, and Your Glory simply fills the entire earth! And yet...Listen!...Your Name is spoken within the family households.
 Nursing infants, small babes, toddlers, and children of all ages sing the "Songs of Praise" that contains the power to drown out Evil, the "Songs of Praise" that establish You and You alone as the Conqueror of any foe, "Songs of Praise" that shuts out the Enemy's chatter, silence the babble of the atheist, and leaving anyone who opposes You...speechless!

 When I think of the heavens, or simply take a moment and look up in the skies....the complexity...the enormous work...the awesomeness...of Your handiwork...Look!...the star-studded skies, the moon...the sun...the planets...what wonder!
 Why is it You choose to concern Yourself with man...a living being...and even that because You breathed Life into the heart of man...we are alive!...because of You!
 You could have easily "scratched the whole man idea"...and start with something new.

 Yet, You didn't! You went beyond what most would have done...making man just a little lower than Yourself...in fact, man narrowly missed being gods, and then You crowned man with glory and honor.
 And You didn't stop there!...You put man in charge with everything You have made. You made the decision to put all things You have made...under the authority of man...including the flocks, the cattle, the herds of various kinds, and the wild animals as well.Even the birds in the sky, the fish...from the streams to the seas, and the great creatures within the ocean's depth...are subject to...man.
 Lord God, You are brilliant. Your Excellence, Your Majesty, and Your Glory...simply fill the entire earth!"

 Why bother with us?...because it was His idea!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

"...Hallowed beThy Name"...and "Hallow"-ween

I have always enjoyed the fall season, and I particularly like the idea of harvest time...the pumpkins, the gourds, the corn stalks tied together, the Indian corn, and such.
 I also have always looked forward to Halloween, a kind of gala event for myself, going to parties and participating in the costume dress, drinking a few, enjoying my friends, dancing, and in general just having a good time.

 This year I have had a rather odd incident occur to me, and it has to do with words...well, actually a word...Halloween. I have done my share of study on the history of Halloween and recognize the fact it was birthed in a pagan (non-Christian) origin because of agricultural reasons generated by the fear of not having enough and the fear of having enough food for oneself and family to survive a cold and hard winter. I also realize that in its origin Halloween was basically making a covenant with the Lord of Darkness to dispel the fears I earlier mentioned....and at times it was taken to the extreme. The Druids of Ireland in the Middle ages are an example of going to the extremes by promoting human sacrifice to appease the Lord of Darkness and give a sign through a human sacrifice so all might be well for the upcoming winter.( During that era perhaps as high as 50% of local populations would lose their lives because of winter).

 Yet, the thing that has gotten to me this year is not all the pagan traditions that have continued through time, but the word "Halloween" itself. Halloween, or as in the old Gaelic words, "Hallow's Eve" is troublesome to me....because of the word "Hallow".
 Hallow is described as: to declare sacred or holy, to honor with the feeling of deep respect, to admire and to adore, and to set apart from all the rest.
 Now, here is the why the word "Halloween" rubs me the wrong way...this year anyway.

 In the Sacred Scriptures, the word "hallow or hallowed" is used approximately 48 times. You will find it in the Amplified version, the King James and the New King James most generally. The highlight of this word is in the Lord's Prayer in St. Matthew 6, starting in verse 9: "Our Father who art in heaven, HALLOWED BE THY NAME..."

 In ancient Jewish times, a person's name was taken as a type of personality they had with their name. Joseph for example, is defined as "adding to", meaning to have generosity and  to support the people of the land of Israel or those of his own.
 God the Father Himself goes by a number of names: for healing He is Jehovah-Rophe, for guidance He is our shepherd Jehovah-Rohi,  the name Jehovah itself means He reveals Himself to us, and so on.

 So, when Christ Jesus was teaching His disciples how to pray, He opened up with..."Hallow be Thy Name...
 Now I come to the word "Halloween"...and I have to ask myself...am I saying..."Holy, to be affectionately adored, or do I regard this as sacred?...this particular night or holiday?
 The answer to that for me is: "No!...No I don't!" I regard it as a fun time with my friends..a time to celebrate and embrace life...and to enjoy the gifts and blessing God has given to me.

 I am of the belief that this is just another example of Satan, the Lord of Darkness, trying to steal another name of our Great God...and applying it to Himself. There is nothing holy about Satan, he is not someone I highly esteem or want to set apart as the  one who gives me Life, and I certainly don't find him adorable.
 Jesus made it clear as to the type of names Satan goes by. Since I am kind of on the more traditional translations today, I will use the American King James Version to identify the Lord of Darkness true names according to Jesus....in St. John 10:10. It reads: "The thief comes not, but only to steal, to kill, and to destroy. I am come that they might have Life, and that they might have it...more abundantly."
 Satan has names that clearly identifies he has no concern at all for any of us....his names are: "Thief", "Killer", and "Destroyer". It makes no difference what name he attempts to steal from the One who truly loves us,...the Lord of Darkness could never live up to our God's name...nor are those his intentions anyway. Satan is out to separate us...and live in the misery he lives in....void of any love of the Father.
 One of Jesus names is "Immanuel", meaning "God with us". I am soooo glad He is!

 Will I be going to a halloween party this year? Honestly...not sure yet...but here is what I am doing! Every time I see...or hear...or read the word "Halloween", I say to myself..."No...not Halloween.....Hallow be Thy Name".
 And you know what I am finding...if you do that 4 or 5 times a day, especially this time of year...there seems to be a "rumbling" inside me that starts to occur....I think El-Shaddai (He blesses me)...does just that!  Try it...it's kind of cool!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Edgar Allen Poe....fits right in the Fall Season...

As Fall approaches,we acknowledge the beauty of the changing of the leaves, the vast array of its colors, the scent of crispness in the air during early morning hours, and frost about to make its intro by "putting to sleep" all the lovely landscaping we have accomplished over the Spring and Summer, I realize I have been kind of delving into the "Dark Side" of the Fall season, doing a little research on Halloween, the stories of "Jack (or Jill) the Ripper", and yet there is another... I always relate to this time of year that has both the characteristics of beauty and an eeriness all rolled into one....Edgar Allen Poe....

 Born in Boston, Mass. on January 19th, 1809, Edgar Allen Poe was a short story writer, a poet, a literary critic, and an editor. I personally have always found him having remarkable talents not so much for the subjects he chose to write on, but the techniques and abilities to translate what he thought to the "written paper".
 Edgar Allen Poe was the son of actors, who in his lifetime achievements became known to many today as the "Father of Mystery Stories". Actually, Poe did not really know his real parents very well as his father left early on, and his mother passed away when Poe was only 3 years of age.
 After his mother's passing, Poe was sent to live with a John and Francis Allan, who were successful tobacco merchants in Richmond, Virginia. His relationship with Francis was a seemingly good and stable one, but Edgar and John had a "rocky relationship" at its best. John was very much a business man, while Poe was naturally a visionary who expressed himself on paper at an early age...including writing poetry on the back of invoices prepared by his step-father John. In fact. Edgar Allen Poe was publishing poems as early as 1827, at the age of 18 years old.

 Poe did attend the University of Virginia, but didn't have the funds to finish. He even embraced gambling as a form of revenue, but when his time at the University was done, he was still in debt.
 Poe was accepted into West Point, and went there for a year, finally being "kicked out" because of his poor handling of his duties.
 It was during this time Poe severed ties with his foster-father John Allan.
From 1831-1835, Poe moved from place to place and ended up in Baltimore, where he met his young cousin, Virginia. She was an encouragement to Edgar Allen Poe in all his literary pursuits and...they fell in love. Virginia and Edgar were married in 1836. Virginia was said to have been 13 or 14 years of age, Poe was 27.

  Edgar and Virginia moved to Richmond Virginia where Poe gained popularity as a literary critic. He was notorious for his vicious reviews of his contemporaries, and was known for his "combative personality". He left the firm he was employed to in the latter of 1837, and it was now noted alcohol was becoming a problem in his life.
 During the late 1830's, Edgar Allen Poe published short stories like the "Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque", and in 1843 won a literary award called the the "Gold Bug"...attributed to the tales of "secret codes and hunting treasure".
 Poe did face some serious contentions with other poets of his era, including the famous Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Poe had claimed Longfellow was guilty of plagiarism, and this had a somewhat negative effect on Poe because of Longfellow's popularity to the public.

 Edgar Allen Poe's death has always been a mystery to many. Again, this is a subject that has been discussed far and wide, and there are numerous books, writings, many websites, etc....all given to the subject of Poe's death.
 In 1847, Poe's wife Virginia passed away...it is recorded to have been due to lung disease (common in that time period). It was then reported Poe was overcome with grief, and his last couple of years on earth is a mystery...even to this day.

 It seems on September 27th, 1849, Edgar Allen Poe was on his way to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, yet on October 3rd Poe was found in great distress and was admitted to Washington College Hospital...where he died on October 7th, 1849. It is recorded by some that his last words were: "Lord, help my poor soul!" Edgar Allen was 40 years of age when he passed.
 There are numerous reasons attributed to Poe's death including congestion of the brain, alcoholism, rabies, epilepsy, or even carbon monoxide poisoning.
 One of Poe's literary adversaries, Rufus Griswold, seemed to take revenge on Poe's death and wrote some very negative articles about Poe after his death, including accusations of being a deranged drunkard and a womanizer. These writings by Griswold seemed to have a effect to the public's mind for quite some time.
 Edgar Allen Poe never achieved real financial success, but has become one of America's most enduring writers. The reading of some of Edgar Allen Poe's stories even today carry the power to shock, surprise, and move the modern day reader.

 For me, his poem of "The Raven"...is a true classic! Whether you enjoy the subject matter Poe chose to write this poem, his talent to express on paper what his thoughts are...and to identify some thoughts we have in our own minds....simply priceless!

 "The Raven" was published in 1845, in the New York Evening Mirror. It was highly acclaimed even at its onset and became famous both in England and the United States.
 Here for me is what makes a great writer or poet...the ability to create impressions, to tap into emotions, to display feelings, to set the mood, to paint images, and be given to detail...and to translate that to the "written paper".
 In the poem "The Raven", there is an unnamed narrator of this story who is sitting on a bleak December night, not able to find release of sorrow from the death of his beloved "Lenore".
 The narrator then hears a knock from what he thinks is the door...but no one is there. Then, he hears the knock again..goes to a window..opens the window and a Raven enters.
 The Raven responds to the narrator's series of questions (who is in such deep remorse), such as the Raven's name etc.,with only a one word response... "Nevermore".
  The setting, your mind creating this almost "Gothic-style atmosphere", seems to have a pinnacle point when the narrator asks the Raven: "Is there balm in Gilead?"...of which the Raven offers no hope.
 The poem ends in despair..."his soul forever floating on the floor".

 I realize the poem "The Raven" does not offer the type of hope we have in Christ Jesus...yet I must applaud Edgar Allen Poe on what he related to this literary classic...the very anguish we all sometimes face...in our very souls!

 I realize Edgar Allen Poe had a troubled life, and the choices and decisions he made in daily affairs didn't always prove helpful both to himself and/or others.
 Yet, if it be true that Poe's lips did mutter: "Lord have mercy on this poor soul!"...it is possible his heart was uttering..."Come into my life Lord Jesus!"
 Would that be cool!... to see Edgar Allen Poe with Jesus...when we arrive there! 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Don't Answer the Door...if a Druid Priest comes Knockin'

I got a little more I would like to share on the Druids and their origins.....

 The ancient Druids have been recorded over 30 times from references in both Greek and Roman writings, from the 2nd century B.C. to the 4th century A.D.
 Honestly, my impression is these were not the "type of guys" you would really want to mess with. The Druid society was considered a barbaric society in Europe, and definitely carried the reputation for "power" and a thirst for blood...including human blood.

 The Druids have an appearance of a type of law-abiding society( as long as you would just nod your head and agree lol), including specific instructions for animal sacrifices ( I read for humans too but I am not suppose to believe that lol).
 The Druid priests were the ruling authority of their culture, and with that they were also deemed the sole interpreters of their religious practices. All disputes were settled by the decisions of the Druid priests, which could render one pardoned...to punishment by death (and of course death could be in a form of a sacrifice).

 On the night of October 31st, the ancient Druid priests would go through the villages and countrysides collecting offerings for the "Lord of Darkness"...whom we as Christians know as Satan.
 These priests would carry things like lanterns, bags for money, and they had these canes with extremely sharp blades and points on the end. In fact, these canes later became nicknamed: Leprechaun Staffs, Good Luck Horns, and Fairies Wands.

 Now, when a Druid priest would arrive and "knock on your door" on the night of October 31st, the priest would demand a certain amount of money for an offering to the "Lord of the Darkness".
 Ok, here is where it gets a little "sticky". If you did not have the specified amount demanded, the Druid priest might decide to castrate the male human of the home, or one of the prized animals. That is not "cool".
 These Druid priests would go from home to home, singing and dancing, to some almost appearing in a transonic state. The priests were adorned with horrifying masks and grotesque costumes to keep the roaming evil spirits from attacking them, and continue this activity long into the night.

 Now it has been rebutted that these "wise men" of the Druid society were not all that bad. Although animal sacrifices on the night of October 31st have been confirmed from numerous historians...and it was in honor of the Samhain Celebration, the rest could be nothing more than "imaginary folklore".
 Hmmm? All I know is what the elder President Bush of the U.S. once said years ago: " If it walks like a duck, and it talks like a duck....then it probably is a duck."

                                      NOTES: THE MODERN DAY DRUIDS

  Today there is a following of the Druid religion.  They say that although they do participate in the Samhain Celebration, it is now simply a celebration of the turning of the year from "light into dark". In fact, it is now noted that a "Charities Commission" has now deemed the Druid Religion to have the same status as other faiths...like Christianity or Islam.
                         Other Notes on the modern day Druid "faith"...
1. Today's modern day Druids do not worship a single god, rather it looks for god-like qualities in all of nature.
2. Druid belief today is reported to put less emphasis on "following rules", instead choosing to focus more on the environment and in particular give more regard to women in modern society today.
3. Druid followers today give honor and worship spirits who inhabit the earth. Spirits can be in the embodiment of "rolling thunder, beautiful hills and mountains, and the rushing of a river".
4. Samhain is simply a "changing of the seasons", and is a time to see the beauty within this change.
5. Ireland's ancient traditions are being revived...and fortunately has not been 'stamped out" by the Christian Church.
6. Human/animal sacrifices is not condoned today. The ancient practices and rituals were simply because of the "times they lived in".
7. The main tenet of the modern day Druid is: "To seek truth against the world".

 I have to stop and wander...what if one of those ancient Druid priests were to show up in a modern Druid gathering today?...probably back to the "blood-curdling" screams...don't you think?

  What did the writer in Proverbs share in chapter 14, verse 12?.....

 "There is a way that seems right to a man...but in the end you are still having to face the same person...DEATH." 

Halloween....and Druids

The roots of Halloween are said by some to trace back to the Celtic culture in Ireland. The "Druid Religion" marked November 1st as the beginning of a New Year.
 The Druid celebration of the New Year would begin on October 31st. Their belief system, which had no Scriptural basis, promoted the idea that on the night of October 31st, the "spirits" of all people who had died in the past year, would actually be alive and allowed to come among those who are living, and roam the earth...for this night only.

 On October 31st, the Druid Religion thought that on this very night a "mystic veil" that separated those living from those who had died...was opened...for this night only. As a result, the "spirits of the dead" were allowed to roam the earth in order to find a living body to possess and not be sent to the Underworld...namely Hell.
 The Celts that were alive on this night were quite frightened of these spirits who roamed the earth, and would masquerade themselves to look similar to what these roaming spirits might have looked like...or at least what they thought they looked like. So, they would disguise themselves as demons, jack-o-lanterns, evil looking faces, ghosts, etc. to convince these "roaming spirits" they were one of them.
 Along with the masquerades, the living Celts would prepare meals and treats in an attempt to appease the roaming spirits from taking possession of their bodies,  or evil tricks, or perhaps some malicious and hideous act against them. Obviously, the phrase "Trick or Treat" has its origins in this belief.

 The Druids went to the extremes to protect themselves from the roaming spirits that were out to take possession of a living body. Druid practices on this night included vile rituals and the act of human sacrifice. Basically, the night of Samhaim was an attempt to make a terrifying covenant with death...with hell itself...and with the Evil One....namely Satan.
 Human sacrifices recorded to this event usually involved the firstborn child being offered as a sacrifice. Then, it was followed by the participants drinking the victim's blood, and partaking of eating their flesh...all of this resulting from fear of not only Death itself...but going to the evil Underworld...Hell ...being totally under the control of the Lord of the Darkness.
 Vile rituals included having sexual intercourse openly on this night...including with their own mothers and sisters.

 The Celts recognized and celebrated 2 seasons of the year: 1) "Beltane"-the beginning of Summer ("Bel"...having its root in the word "Baal"), and 2) "Samhaim"-the beginning of winter (Samhaim being interpreted the "Lord of the Darkness").

 It is apparent to me that if the Druids had a Halloween parade on this night, the Grand Marshall would be "Death".


1. It is thought by some the word "Halloween", derived in part from the word "hallow", which means holy and to be honored, was Satan's attempt to take this word from the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:9, "...Hallow be Thy Name" and apply this...to himself.
2.Halloween in modern day in the U.S. according to retail sales, is the 2nd highest holiday consumers spend on celebrating this event.
3. Martin Luther posted his "95 thesis"....his objection to the Church's policies in general on Christianity...on October 31st, 1517.

Halloween for me always reminds me of the Sacred Scripture in Hebrews...Hebrews 2:14-15. Here is a Gleaning I have of those two particular verses:

 " Since we are His people, children made up of flesh and blood, it would seem logical that our Savior, the Lord Jesus Himself, took on and became flesh and blood like us...in fact...He became one of us!...in order that we might be rescued from Death.
                                 And did He ever!...take on Death!
 You see, when Death and Christ Jesus had their "confrontation", Jesus embraced Death...in a stronghold he has yet to forget! Then, Christ simply "manhandled" Death and stripped him of all his power over us.
 Christ Jesus took Death...right into Himself...destroyed the Evil One's power through Death, and freed each one of us...every single one of us...who have been cowering through this life...scared to death...of Death."