Tuesday, October 28, 2014

"Your Specific Prayers and Reading the Scriptures...Do Make a Difference..."

I think we live in a day and age, particularly in the Western culture, where we look at things going on in our lives or in the lives of others as: "Stuff Happens", "It's out of our control", or "Life is just a "bitch" at times". Then, we dismiss it all and go on our merry way....

 I remember more than once when I was doing my routines of the day...I thought about praying...even reading a little Scripture. (lol) I don't have this consistency thing all together yet, especially when it comes to prayer or reading the Sacred Scripture. Hope I am not "busting any one's bubble" of my various writings here in this blog...it is what it is.
 Yet, one day I had a little experience that has given me a "little more drive" to pursue prayer and Scripture reading with more emphasis and consistency.
 I bowed my head in His Presence one day and spoke these words: "Lord, I don't feel like reading the Bible today...and I equally don't have any initiative to pray as well....Amen."
 As I sat there for a moment, I thought it was a little rude to speak to the Lord in this way...yet He always insisted I be honest with Him...although I must add to do so in a respectful matter. 
 It got a little quiet...you know...like inside where my thoughts originate...in my mind and heart. Yet...after saying this prayer...I simply went on my way.....

 Later on that very same day...I admit it kind of "bugged me" I had developed this attitude, when out of nowhere this Still Small Voice seemed to speak inside of me. That is how I have gotten to know Him...and quite honestly these words or phrases usually come at a time when He is the farthest thing on my mind. I am just not a "religious type guy"...just say what is on your mind or don't say anything , above all don't"candy coat" things in life... and trust me...when this Still Small Voice came to me, there was no "candy coating" whatsoever.
 Now, that being said, I have discovered and do believe God speaks to our hearts within the framework of our personalities...otherwise I am not always able grasp what He is attempting to communicate with me ( I am not one of those kind of people that "picks everything up real quick"). Along with this, I am given to have a little sarcasm in my daily conversations with others...not mean...most of the time just light-hearted stuff...keeping things upbeat and light. Am I right in doing so?..well that I really don't know...although I do know some of my friends who do not like sarcasm in any form...like my own brother, he goes berserk if I use sarcasm...so I am more careful on how I respond to things when carrying on conversations with him....and I am OK with that...we are all made different...right? Anyway...

 This Still Small Voice spoke to me and said: "Why is it every time you pray or read the Scriptures...it has to be about you?" I thought to myself "What? I don't always pray in relation to me! (and I thought I wasn't religious lol)." Then, this Still Small Voice responds: "Really, then why didn't you want to pray or read the Scriptures today?" I thought to myself,,, and answered: "Because...right now everything is "cool"...life is good." Then I thought about how I responded..."Ok...maybe I do a little...yet I am willing to help any of my "buds" out if they need it." Then, the Still Small Voice comes back with "I thought you said you were not "religious"...don't you find quite displeasure in people being "religious"...in fact you refer to them as hypocrites...at least that is what you tell..." . I kind of interrupted and said: " Ok...ok...I get Your point Sir...so...where exactly are we going with this?...if I may be so blunt to ask?"

 And this is the part of my experience in learning to hear His voice...at least what I think hearing His voice means...that is sometimes "painful" you might say. Why? Because it seems like days before I hear anything more from this Still Small Voice...even though in reality it may be only a few minutes. I guess He is giving me time to allow the recent discussion to "sink in". 
 Finally...His instructions came to me...and honestly, it completely changed the way I view prayer and the reading of the Sacred Scriptures.

 Here is what I learned that day...  when I put into practice prayer the reading of the Scripture...I wish I could tell you daily but I would be lying to you...Yet I am a work in progress...that I can say "straight up".
 This Still Small Voice pointed out to me that my prayers are important because...others need it. Now for some of you, you might think to yourselves "Duh"...but to me this was big at the moment. In other words, my daily prayer life is not based on how "I am feeling...it's not about my needs all the time...it's about others needing my support in prayer...just like when someone is low on cash or food or just want to sit and have someone who cares enough to listen... our prayers for others are equally vital.  
 The other thing about reading the Sacred Scriptures...it's not always about me either...getting some "Divine insight" or reading a verse to make me "feel better". Don't get me wrong...it is a good thing to do that, because we are turning to Him for help...yet if that is where my Scripture reading comes to an end...then I am missing out on an important element of Scripture reading...and here is why. Throughout our daily lifestyles, particularly those who are of the Christian faith, we are taught to be sensitive to the needs of others, instead of all our focus being on how to improve ourselves etc., which for myself has daily challenges because I am so prone to want to "getting ahead" in life...sometimes even for good reasons. Anyway, I have disccovered that if I can arrange time to give time to the Lord in relation to reading of the Sacred Scripture...eventually His Word begins to be established in my heart...and I am able to have a "good word in season" to compliment the effort of caring for others. 
 Not too long ago I was researching  in the Scriptures on the word "prayer", and loved this thought I came across when studying the Scripture: the meaning of the word Prayer has a connotation of God answering our prayers in reference to "fulfilling a vow He gives to us...and seals this vow with...His Peace." This is why the study of the Sacred Scripture is important like our prayers....the Scriptures teach us how to pray, what to pray, and the purpose of our prayers. And the thing is....those Sacred Words  come in handy...I have noticed He will send people my way...when His Word is in my heart and someone else may have  need it.  

                                             Gleanings of the Sacred Scripture

Prayer: Philippians 4:6-7  " Do not allow stress, worry, or any variety of anxiety take over your life. Instead, regardless of your present circumstances or how you may be feeling, make some time to pray. Offer up a grateful heart to Him, and give thanks for His concern for you. Give to Him your requests...for yourself and the needs of others, coupled with a grateful heart, for it is here you will discover His Peace...for when you seek Him...He is right there...for you!"

Reading Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:2  " Proclaim...the Word of God! Do so with a willing heart, even when it not the most popular thing you would choose to do at the moment. Share with others how our wrongs can be made right! Share His Word to encourage others and to give them a sense of purpose for their lives...and remember to do these things with patience toward others...the same kind of patience God has for you...and share the Word of God with a genuine faith, clarity, and accuracy to what His Word has for them ( in other words...no selfish motives or with deceit in your heart)."

 Oh...and that "Still Small Voice" thing...check this out!:

1 Kings 19: 11-12  " God spoke to Elijah and said: " Go out and stand on the mountain! I want you to see Me...when I pass by!" Elijah then went out to the mountain ( for he was hiding in a cave), and a strong wind ripped through the mountainside and shattered the rocks. Yet, in the midst of these terrific winds...God was not in the strong winds.
 Next, the mountainside shook...for an earthquake was taking place...yet God was not in the earthquake.
 Then, the mountainside burst into flames...a wildfire...yet God was not in the wildfire.

 Then all became quiet...and there was a gentle stillness on the mountainside. The only sound was now the sound of a gentle whisper...a still, small, voice, and Elijah now covered his face with his cloak and stood at the entrance of the cave he had been hiding, and spoke: " Lord...is that You?...." 

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