Sunday, October 19, 2014

"King David invites us to write our the Psalms"...Psalm 27:13-14

Psalm 27 is an interesting Psalm in the Bible. Some Bible historians think it was written in 2 different time periods in David's life...when life was good, perhaps shortly after the killing of Goliath...and when life was...let's say not so good, like when King Saul was frantically attempting to hunt down David to have him killed. Verses 1-6 writes of his good times, verses 7-12 writes of his rough times, and verses 13-14 combines both experiences together.
 And yet other Bible historians think this Psalm was written in one setting.

 So...who knows for sure...yet here is what we do know!

 David's life, like many of us... had been a series of ups and downs. The key to living through all these various scenarios David faced in life was to remember this: It is imperative to remember how the Lord treated us in the "good times"...when we are going through the "bad times". We must drill our hearts and minds to this thought: God has in no way forgotten in the "good times", when we are facing the "bad times". His only requirement when facing the "bad times" is to...wait for Him.
 "Waiting" is an interesting thought in itself...the Hebrew origin of this word "waiting" is defined as one who takes a rope and binds it together by the braiding of the ropes together so it might be strong ( in this case, braiding our lives to His).

 Yet, what is really different about this particular Psalm?... it's found in verse 13. This verse in the Hebrew is very strange. The words of this verse begin....only after you as a reader has placed your own words in the beginning of the sentence. And why is this important for us to do this?...because like David, our confidence and trust in the Lord is strengthened. We too must have that full assurance of the goodness of the Lord in the land we live in, in situations we face in life. It's not about the situations we's about our trust and Him!

                                              Gleaning from Psalm 27:13-14

 "(you as a reader fill this part of the sentence in)......had I not remained confident and continued to put my trust in Him. I must remind myself with full assurance that the goodness of the Lord is still here for the very land that I now dwell.
 I recognize now...the importance of waiting on the Lord, for during this time of patient endurance is where I discover Hope, and in so doing find my heart strengthened with Courage, and I become strong in the ability to Endure.  I have now also discovered that with His strength to heart leaps with Excitement for my Trust in Him is made stronger...and I shout from within me...I know Him not by any other name!...the God who allows my life to give Him!"

Note: So by waiting on Him in the "bad times", we find Hope in hopeless situations, our hearts our given Courage when Fear wants to overtake us, and we receive His strength with an ability to Endure....which leads to an Excitement as our Trust in Him has been reinforced, which then allows our lives even when times are give Glory to Him and find Purpose in all situations we face.


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