Tuesday, October 21, 2014

"Halloween...has Arrived"

In  the last few years, I have focused on the history of Halloween. If you are in a curious mood about Halloween, I can offer some assistance from some older posts:

1. "Don't Answer the Door...if a Druid Priest comes knockin..."  October 3, 2012
2. "Halloween and Druids" October 3, 2012
3. "The Fall...Halloween is Coming"...part 1 October 2, 2012
4. Hallowed be Thy Name and "Hallo"ween  October 10 2012
5. "The Perfect Storm"...a Halloween story from the Scriptures  October 23rd 2012

Along with this, I have some posts about Edgar Allen Poe and Jack the Ripper which kind of go along a similar theme, and those were in the October 2012 posts as well. I guess I had a lot of curiosity about the "Dark Side" that year...lol.

  This year my interests have taken a different twist in reference to Halloween. The question that keeps "haunting" my mind is: "Why do we as Americans love to dress up in costumes and act crazy on Halloween?"
 After all,  Halloween is the 2nd leading holiday in the U.S. in regards to sales...only Christmas boosts more retail sales...and Halloween isn't even an "official" holiday! Retail sales estimate that in 2014 sales will top 2.8 BILLION dollars!....and 1.4 BILLION dollars will be spent on Halloween costumes!

 I happened to read an article from "Psychology Today", dated October 13th, 2013 written by Kit Yarrow, Ph D. In this article she wrote about Halloween costumes and what they say about our personalities.
 My take on her article is Halloween costumes have a strong emphasis on...sex. "Sexy nurses, sexy maids, sexy school girls blended with bare-chested Tarzans, swashbucklers, and super heroes" as she describes. Dr. Yarrow points out these "characters portray women in subservient roles while male costumes represent more of the savior or hero roles."
 Yet, she also writes these "sexy wretches" doesn't mean their secret wish is to be powerless or in need of rescue...and the same applies to male costumes". Rather, it tends to portray "people unsuccessful in their love lives and end up solitary". I know...kind of gets a person fired up right?
 Dr. Yarrow then writes some numbers: 75% of adults between the age of 18-24 will wear Halloween costumes, 50% of adults between the age of 35-44 will do so, and 25% of all adults between 55-64 years of age will choose a Halloween costume. Dr. Yarrow also writes: " on one hand, it (Halloween costumes) are really about...sex". I love where she writes: " Nobody (normal) puts on a costume to sit at home alone".
 In reference to rock stars, athletes, and actors, Dr. Yarrow explains and kind of culminates her article in my mind: " Like those who choose costumes as a means of creative expressions, this group ( exhibiting a fantasy life) are also hoping to connect and communicate with others".

 Halloween costumes seem to bring out our "wild side". ...an untamed and rebellious part of our human nature...yet at times a more truthful side of what is void...inside of us.

 Oh...I almost forgot...what about Zombie costumes? Well...zombies have issues, yet this may be the most popular costume of all for Halloween. I mean we are all aware of the TV series "The Walking Dead" brought to us by the AMC Network. The premier this fall as it entered it's 5th season drew 17.3 million viewers!

 So, what about dressing up like a Zombie...or maybe a better question...Why?

 Identifying with the Zombies bring a number of things to consider:
1. Zombies don't recognize anyone.
2. Zombies are impulsive and are not partial...to whom their next meal might be.
3. Zombies do not express themselves or have to answer for their behavior.
4. Zombies do not need to communicate...only grunt or sometimes groan.
5. Zombies do not have to respond...or understand any pleas by their victims.

Nice huh?

 Ok...as for me? Well, as I continue on my journey as a Christian...do I celebrate Halloween?
To be honest, my first 3 years as a Christian ( I gave my life to Christ Jesus on October 7th, 2007. Well, I actually rededicated my life to Him...I originally committed my life to Him in 1971..but I left Him and did not return until the latter part of 2007.) I did celebrate Halloween like most of my friends.
 Yet, in the years since I returned to Him, I have found my enjoyment in studying the Sacred Scripture...and I can't really explain how it happened or what specific time it happened, all I know is...celebrating Halloween just died...within me. It just doesn't  do anything for me anymore. 
 I used to love the "rush" of being scared without being hurt. I loved going to the local bar and getting in on all the celebrations of a Halloween party...yet as my friendship with Him has grown...Halloween has kind of faded out. I know I am getting older which I realize could have some "play" in it, and I still love giving candy to kids...yet for me it's more than all that.
  I think the part I do not miss about Halloween was waking up the next morning...usually hung over...part of my costume still on me...and the worst of all...the reality of being back in the real world... that I definitely don't miss.

 And to be straight up, my excitement to study the Scripture, praying for others, and enjoying songs of Worship...have become more meaningful and more long lasting to me than a few hours in a bar celebrating Halloween pretending to be someone I really am not...just sayin'. 
 I think His love for me...is just too much. That's the way it is...for me.

 I conclude with a passage of Scripture I read 5 years ago...and has stuck with me ever since. It really describes what has happened to me. The Scripture is from Psalm 18:24 and it is from The Messenger version of the Scripture. I happen to enjoy The Messenger by Eugene Peterson because he "paints a picture" of what the Scripture is saying...an old Hebrew train of thought...and I happen to love this style. 

 It goes like this: " God rewrote the text of my life, when I opened the book of my heart...to His eyes."  

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