Monday, October 6, 2014

"A Time to Prepare"....Isaiah 22:12-23

As the country of Judah was facing the enemy who had plans to attack, the country of Assyria now close to their borders, the prophet Isaiah issues a warning to the leaders of the sacred city of Jerusalem.
 Hopelessness was now in the hearts of the people of Judah, Discouragement was throughout the land, and the enemy of Judah had discovered points of attack against the country of Judah. The great Jerusalem, the center where the very Temple of God resided...had entered a time of Darkness...and the true believers are told by the Lord Himself: "This is the time to prepare".

                                        A Gleaning from Isaiah 22: 12-23

" As things progressed and the nation of Judah was in disarray, depending on it's own greatness and leaning on it's own strength to see then through...the Lord spoke....

 " This is a time for you to repent...a time to weep...a time to mourn. This should be a national effort...shaving your heads and wear clothes made of sackcloth. Yet, what do I see and hear? The people of Judah continue to sing, to dance, and seek pleasures with more eating...and more drown out the sorrow and pain awaiting them.
 And what is their "national anthem"?...Listen to their words: "Let us eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we may die".

 Then the Lord spoke once more: " How can I help you? You think you are always right and give yourselves all the credit for your humanitarian you want everyone equal...and how all the other nations want the same as you!  You tell others there is no sin, our behaviors are right, and the Ancient Laws of the land are "out of date"...and are to be ignored.
 How can I help you?...when you think your right in all your thoughts and actions, and My Laws which you have purposely ignored are no longer a concern...God and His Ways...are a thing of the past. Repentance and seeking Me are not this God blind?...Does He not see all the humanitarian efforts we perform...who does the world call on when they have the first sign of trouble?...Is it not us? Why would God have us repent?

 The-God-of-the-Angel-Armies spoke again: " Go to the palace administrator...his name is Shebna. Ask him why he is building such as elaborate statue of people will remember him? Does he really think this statue will remind this nation of his importance...long after his death? Does he really think this is how "this is going to all play out?" 
 No, here is what is going to happen. First, I will drive you out of your "highly esteemed" office, and pull you down from your high position. You will become a captive, and I will "wad you up in My Hands", and throw you to a far distant that is barren and dry. And in this barren will meet your death. Why? Because you have disgraced this nation and have misguided My people.
 I will replace you with My servant Eliakim, and he will wear your kingly robes and have the authority you once had. He will be like a father to the nation of Judah, and lead the priests of Jerusalem and the government of repentance, and restore My Ancient Laws...the true Davidic heritage.
 He shall open doors no one can shut...and close doors no one can open. he will be fastened firmly in his place, and he will bring honor and glory to this once great nation, to his own family and it's people, Me."

Note: The word Shebna is of Hebrew roots meaning a "tender youth". His birth was never made clear and it is thought he was of non-Israelite origin.

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