Tuesday, October 7, 2014

"Saint Peter reminds us..."Stay focused!" 1 Peter 3: 8-22

Most likely there was a man named Silas who assisted Peter in the writing of this letter. Why? Simply because it was a common thing to do in that time...some people were more trained and properly skilled in writing...and Silas was most likely a skilled writer.  This does not mean this letter was not from Peter, it just means the person more likely to write this letter...was a guy named Silas. Historians conclude this letter was probably written 30 years after "The Ascension...when Jesus left His time on earth and returned to His Father.

 The real question is: "Who was Peter writing this letter to?" Actually, Peter did list 5 different countries, many of these areas located in what we know as present-day Turkey. It is thought that on the Day of Pentecost, people from these various areas received the Good News and may have taken this Message to their homelands. 
 This letter must have been given to someone who travelled these different regions...and delivered this message. The common thing to do at that time was to read the latest letter given them, that being to the Christians of these different regions, and then copies of this letter would be sent to the smaller churches within the same region.  

 Another question for me is: "Why did he write this letter?' The answer I have found is in the "spirit of Peter's letter". He desired to encourage his fellow believers who were suffering for the Lord Jesus. Suffering at this time was very real, and most likely seemed unending to the believers in the faith. Peter wanted them to know although this suffering is hard...it would not last forever. This world is not our home...Heaven is our real destination...and our real home. Peter continues to encourage his fellow believers to keep their hearts focused on the Grace of God...for God has done what is right for them...sending His only Son for their rescue. Peter continues....we must live like Him!

                                                      A Gleaning from 1 Peter 3:8-22

" Finally, seek out ways to be like-minded and in unity to the belief and teachings of our Lord Jesus. Focus on the genuine concerns of others with His love in your hearts as your motivator. Make compassion a top priority and share your lives with one another, mixing this compassion you have received from Him with tender hearts that are both courteous and wrapped in humility.
 Above all, never allow retaliation of any kind play a factor in any of your thoughts, regardless of what circumstances you might find yourselves in. Don't react with a sharp tongue or a sarcasm that cuts to the heart another person, instead, when you hear words directed toward you that are unkind, simply refuse to belittle or bite-back at what was said...no matter how derogatory it may have been.
 When these things happen, look at it as an opportunity that you have been waiting for...a time to bless those who may have done unkind things to you. Pray for them...for their welfare...for their hurts to be healed...for this kind of reaction will go beyond the words they might have said and convict their hearts. This is our strength as Christians...to look beyond and offer hope.
 Keep in mind opportunities like this is a wide-open door for you not only to embrace true Life in Him, this allows you to share your lives with others..with good things! God blesses these kind of things and allow this attitude to be a part of your daily lifestyle. God loves it when you act like this! When you come into His Presence in prayer, He answers quickly...because the attitude in your hearts. Even if it means you might suffer for it, don't give the opposition a chance to find an opening.

 Don't allow fear or worry to enter your hearts, even when your lives are at stake...for these threats  are because you are reflecting Him...the Lord Jesus and His love for all people.
 We are called to a life of trust...and all our trust is in Him. When people ask you why you believe in Christ Jesus and Christ Jesus alone, give them an answer like one seeking hope. May your answer be one of passion with a humble heart....filled with kindness and respect.
 Besides, when you have an attitude of His love, it has the power to convict and expose the shame of selfishness. Remember how Christ Jesus suffered greatly...for each one of us. He died for us when we were very much like those who treat us wrongfully at the present, and yet Christ Jesus was totally innocent of doing any wrong toward us. After all, it is much better to suffer for what is right...than to suffer for being in the wrong.
 And when Jesus arose from the dead He went to those who were in the prison of judgment and proclaimed God's way of treating others...which those in prison refused to do. Remember God waited patiently while Noah constructed the ark, yet only 8 people were saved from the Great Flood.

 This is the meaning of water baptism. It's not about washing dirt from our physical bodies, rather it is clearly about the washing of our hearts and allowing the Lord to wash clean within, and we arise from water baptism with a new heart and a clear conscience.
 Make no mistake, Jesus is the final word...on everyone and everything! He arose from the dead and now sits beside His heavenly Father. He is the Final, the True, and the Only Authority...over the angels, all authorities, and all and any powers that try to exalt themselves. He alone is our "Decision-Maker". 

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