Sunday, October 19, 2014

"The Mystery of a Christian's Faith"...The 4 Essentials to Life { part 2 }

 The 2nd part to the series of "The Mystery of a Christian's Faith" is: The realization the Bible is God's it's entirety... the Bible is God-breathed.
 In a courtroom trial, evidence reigns supreme. If evidence is found to be clear, unmistakable, and beyond reasonable doubt, a verdict is rendered.....

 The fact that God gave to mankind a manual we refer to as the a clear and overwhelming evidence of His love for us. The Bible has proved when the instructions within it are examined and  properly applied to our everyday lives, the evidence of it's impact is unmistakable and life changing, both in our present lives and in the life to come. 
  Furthermore, if the Bible is truly God's Word to man, and a person ignores or dismisses it's original intention, then is it correct to say that person is dismissing God Himself?
  And if so, who now would find themselves on trial?...and if God is the judge of all mankind, might it be wise to consider the Bible.... God-breathed instructions given to all of us... a detailed instruction for all people to return to their original be with Him?
 When a person writes a letter, leaves a set of notes, or texts someone and its contents has a passion, a purpose, and a message that comes from a heart that is genuine... and the person receiving this letter or message in whatever form it arrives... simply ignores it...or worse yet deletes would that make the sender of this correspondence feel? Yet, when we fail to simply read and study God's Word we commonly call the you think God feels ignored?

 Saint Paul was near death in the city of Rome. Colder weather was now in the great city and Paul is writing this letter to his much loved "son in the Lord", Timothy. Paul had wrote in an earlier paragraph to bring Paul's coat to him when he came to visit Paul...who was by this time in prison for his testimony of the Lord Jesus.
 Saint Paul brings attention in chapter 3 of the importance of the Sacred Scriptures and how Paul desires Timothy to be quite aware of this. Paul writes that although the Scriptures have been recorded through the hands of human authors, the words that were written were all "God-breathed"... goes on to explain to Timothy the benefits of the study of the Sacred Scriptures. The Scriptures teaches how: 1) to understand how God sees us 2) how we are to please Him 3) teachers of our faith should teach the Scriptures 4) the Scriptures teach the sin within man and 5) the value of repentance and a yielding of our hearts to the Lord Jesus that changes our lifestyles from a life of sin to a life that pleases Him...both in this life and in the after life.

                                                       A Gleaning from 2 Timothy 3:16

" Every word in the Sacred Scripture is God-breathed, and has been given to us that we might receive the inspiration from God that we so desperately need. His every Word He has given us in Scripture is not only useful...but is profitable for His Truth to be a part of our very lives. 
 The Scriptures teach us how to follow His Truth and exposes our rebellion against Him, yet does not leave us in the guilt of our rebellion, rather it gives us the direction we need for correction that convicts us of our sin of rebellion and leads us to a life of discipline and obedience in Him.
 The Word of God changes our lifestyles from a life filled with corruption to a life of holy living. This change of adhering to His Word enables us to now be in conformity with God Himself, where we are now welcome into His Presence, our wills and desires in life becoming in sync with His Will, our thoughts becoming His thoughts, and our purpose in life becoming His purpose in our lives...that we might now have a lifestyle that is not only right...but goes further and shapes us for the tasks ahead...whether we live or die for Him!" 

Note: A short time later Saint Paul was sentenced to his death by the Roman emperor...Nero.

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