Friday, October 10, 2014

"Global Warming"...or a "Global Warning"?.......

 Legalization of marijuana, same sex marriage, the right to die when we choose, disease threatening the lives of the entire global community, earthquakes at record levels, wars and rumors of war on every side, even our own governments in disarray among themselves...what is going on?
 Some say it's just media hype...others blame the rise of the Internet...and yet others claim these things are nothing out of the's always been like this.......

 In the days of the prophet Isaiah, the people of Israel were in what appears to be similar situations we are facing today. The ancient writings of old define where the problem started...and it was not found in the enemies they faced or the seasons of the year was the condition of their hearts...the hearts of God's people. 

  Since that day, almost 2700 years ago, is the  "voice of the people"....being echoed to our hearts today? During the time of Isaiah, Israel had divided itself into 2 separate countries,  Israel and Judah. Isaiah was a prophet of God who lived in Judah...where the capital city of Jerusalem was located. So, what was going on?
 Judah had found success as a nation. even after the split with Israel. They had experienced good kings and bad kings, yet during the days of Isaiah Judah was under the threat of enemy attack...the country of Assyria. Isaiah speaks from the love in his heart for his people, and pleads they reconsider and repent of their evil lifestyles...trusting in false gods, putting their faith in a variety of witch crafts and potions, or relying on the strength of their own human efforts and success.
 Isaiah then starts to address their outcome if they remain hard hearted toward Him, and describe what events could happen in what many historians refer to as: "The Little Apocalypse"... located in chapters 24:1 through 27:13. Here then is my focus on what the prophet Isaiah told his people at that time...and consider the words that might be echoing to us today:

                                              Gleaning from Isaiah 24

" Look! The Lord is overturning the land of Judah, He is about to twist the earth and cause it to be out of shape...a wasteland, a desert, a heap of ruins. People who live in these regions will be scattered...everyone!
Ordinary people...scholars...buyers...sellers...priests...leaders...inventors..the rich and the poor! The land will be laid bare, and no one will come there...except to loot and plunder. Why?
Because this portion of the earth has become polluted, and the reason being the people of this land has rejected the Commandments of the Lord. People have always fell short of following His Commands...yet to reject His Commands? These people have no shame...they have no integrity...and now they challenge the very Commandments of the Lord? They have gone too far. Their leaders tell the people to disregard His Commandments...their "new laws" are better...more fair...more humanitarian. The statutes and the covenant our forefathers made with the Lord...are a thing of the past...wrapped in ancient writings that were not fair or equal.

 Therefore this portion of the earth has invited curses on their plans. They have rejected the blessings of the Lord and have invoked curses upon themselves. This self-imposed curse devours this's a horrible thing they have done. They leave their own in desolation, destroyed by drought, only a few left alive, all because they embraced sin, and rejected Him. This land is polluted...not because of chemicals in the air...not because of toxins in the Seas...rather because of sin in the hearts of it's people.
 There is no more wine to "kill" their pain...the grapevines can no longer produce. The people of the land cry out great shouts of mourning...and the sound of laughter is silent. Pubs are folk songs are heard, no singing in the streets, no fiddles, no guitars, no orchestra or music of any kind. Chaos is everywhere and Anarchy now reigns in this land. Homes have been boarded up and there is rioting in the streets. The riots were not just for the search for wine...rather people were looking to have a good time again, yet there were no good times to be found. "Good Times" had left this land. Joy had left as well...there were no causes for celebration. Everything is bulldozed and now forgotten....rubbish is all that litters this land. The fate of any nation who rejects His the end is total destruction.

 Yet...wait! Listen! It is the sound of joy! It is His people...rejoicing in Him! His remnant, declaring His Glory from the East...and now others join in the Songs of Worship from the islands of the Sea! All  4 Winds blow in praises to His Name from those in faraway lands...and the 7 Seas bring wave after wave of His Glory!  All Praise to Him!...the Righteous One!

 As for heart was sick. I feel so awful...I have sensed the terror on the people...and yet they cannot be trusted...treachery rules the land I love.
 I cried out to the Lord...It is good to hear your praises from the various lands, yet all I see is Doom!...and more Doom!...and Doom once more. Everyone cuts the throat of another, the threat of terror is rampid in the streets, and traps have been placed everywhere. If you run from terror, you fall in a pit...if you are able to climb out of the pit, you get caught in a trap. Everything crumbles around us and the earth itself is shattering what is left...into small pieces. Even the earth's  axis seems to wobble now...the sin of this land has weighed down the earth itself...and the earth could no longer sustain such weight...this land collapsed.

 Suddenly God calls all those who joined The Rebellion against Him...against His ancient Commandments of long ago. Now these cut-throat rebels have been rounded-up and corralled, quiet in their prisons below. They have been sentenced to their dungeons and punished for their sin. 
 Even the moon turns red in embarrassment and the sun hides in shame. Why? For the Lord of Heaven's Army mounts His throne for all of Heaven to see...and those in Jerusalem see Him for themselves. Now all the rulers of this land...behold the wonders of His Glory!

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