Thursday, October 30, 2014

"Rachel cries once more....listen as she weeps...from Mosul"

The thought of children any way, has often gripped the hearts of many who hear of such events, who witness the horror of innocent loss, or have suffered the loss their very own children. It is a type of extreme weeping and mourning that has been heard through the corridors of time throughout the history of mankind.....
                                                                  and at times yields no explanation.

In recent times we have seen the horrific tragedies of Chaldean Christians living in Mosul Iraq...fleeing their  homes, needing supplies to survive, and the slaughter of their innocent children. Yet, this is not a new thing happening in history...for history depicts these type of scenarios as far back as 2700 years ago, the Sacred Scriptures describing a scene in the book of Jeremiah.
 Rachel, the wife of Jacob...the granddaughter-n-law of our Christian patriarch Abraham, has been identified as the "mother of Israel". Rachel had 2 sons ( 2 sons of the 12 sons of Jacob who became known as the 12 tribes of Israel), Joseph and Benjamin, and she died giving birth to Benjamin...she happened to be travelling to Bethlehem.

  Mankind and universal suffering has been around since ancient times. Many have questioned God on why He allows it, yet even God's own have not always escaped the pain in suffering. In this article, I am not here to discuss the reasons of suffering, I do have other articles that have made a humble attempt in discussing this subject, yet the one thing I have come to isn't God who does these things and the gift of Free Will has caused many to abuse this God given gift.

 Rachel's story is in the very first book of the Scriptures...the book of Genesis. In chapter 35, verses 16-20 it reads: " Jacob and Rachel had left Bethel and now had a little ways to go...for they were on their way to Bethlehem ( Ephrath...perhaps 20 miles). Yet, as they were travelling, Rachel's pains of childbirth had begun and it became evident she was having a hard labor. 
 While Rachel was in intense labor, Rachel's midwife spoke to her with these words: " Don't be afraid Rachel...for you are having a wonderful boy!" Yet, as Rachel was giving birth, her labor was too hard and now she was at the point of death. As she was about to die, Rachel spoke and said the new born baby boy should be named "Benoni"...meaning "son of my sorrow". Yet, Jacob thought better to call his son Benjamin, meaning "son of the right hand".

 In Genesis, the relationship of Jacob to Rachel was a true romance...a love that started the first moment Jacob had laid his eyes on Rachel. Jacob had worked for Rachel's father Laban for 7 years before he was able to receive the hand of Rachel in marriage, and that coming through Laban tricking Jacob and then Jacob having to work for Laban another 7 years. 
  Yet in only a few short years, this romance came to an end...for now Rachel had passed away. In some ways, Rachel did not get to see her dreams fulfilled...her life of hope cut short. Rachel did not get to see her children grow up, she did not get to hold her grandchildren in her arms, and she could no longer share her life with Jacob.

 And the prophet Jeremiah, over a millennium after the death of Rachel, now brings Rachel to the forefront once more. Rachel to the nation of Judea/Israel had  become known as the "mother of Israel"...perhaps due to her tragic death while giving birth and her story of romance with Jacob. 
 Jeremiah was also seeing suffering...the suffering of human life. In 597 B.C. the great king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, had conquered Judah and destroyed the city of Jerusalem, including The Temple. As a result, the people of Jerusalem had been gathered to obey what the Babylonians wished them to do. Some of the Jewish people were set free to stay in the area, many were ordered to their deaths including children, and the rest would be taken away as slaves to Babylon. Many of the surviving children died on the way to Babylon from pestilence, lack of food, or by the forced labor as slaves to the Babylonians. { Babylon was  located approximately 53 miles south of Baghdad Iraq and is now present day Hillah, Babil Governorat. Today there are only ruins of the great Babylon although Sadaam Hussein did at one time make an attempt to restore the ruins that remain.}

 In Jeremiah 31: 15-17 it reads: The Lord spoke to me once again: " Listen!...Listen! There is a voice...coming from is the voice of a woman and she is weeping...bitterly! It is the voice of Rachel...and she can not be comforted...for her children are no more. Yet I say...the time has come for her to restrain from her weeping...and her eyes from overflowing with tears. I have heard her mourning...and the agony of her tears from a broken heart. I give My Word to Rachel...and to all you left in will see your children again. They will all return to the land your enemy now dwells. Begin to accept in your hearts the Hope I give you this day...for the day will come when all shall return home...for this is My Decree."

 Later in the Sacred Scriptures, the name of Rachel returns. This time it is recorded in the New Testament, in the Gospel of Matthew. Jesus had come to become one of us...and was born in Bethlehem. His family had now been forced to flee to Egypt, and again, children in Ramah had been King Herod, in a mad search to put the baby His death. 
 Matthew 2:18 reads: " In Ramah...a voice is heard once more...and again the weeping is deep and the mourning is great. It is Rachel...crying for her children...she refuses to be comforted...because they were no more."

 And now in 2014...we hear the cries...the cries of the Chaldean Christians in Mozul and other northern areas of Iraq, and once again...the killing of the innocence is right before our eyes. I am sure Rachel has again arrived on the scene...and she is mourning...and in great tears, for their children are no more.
 Like Rachel, who can comfort the deep mournings and tears of the human heart? Yet, as when the Lord spoke to Jeremiah 2700 years ago...we must put our trust, our faith, and our hope...on His Promise...for all those who suffer...including the children of innocence...we shall see one another our homeland...the very essence of our faith...we shall all be together...forever...with Him!
         Let us keep those who suffer for Christ Jesus in Iraq, Syria, and surrounding areas in our prayers, along with all those who suffer in that region of the world...for one day...those who trust in Him will be together...this is God's Decree.

                                                         A Prayer

 To the God who knows mourning, who understands our tears, and who hears the cries of our hearts...
 We join our hearts as one...and lift up our brothers and sisters who suffer in Mosul and surrounding areas. We set our hearts on You...and on the Hope of Your Decree given long ago through the prophet Jeremiah. Rescue your people who have fled to the mountains, grant them food, water, medical supplies, and the breakthrough of the Kingdom of God in the midst of this hell on earth. We join our hearts as one...bring to an end this horrible slaughter of innocent people. Let us see the fulfillment of Your particular...that the children will come running to their parents once Your Holy and True glorified. Amen.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

"Your Specific Prayers and Reading the Scriptures...Do Make a Difference..."

I think we live in a day and age, particularly in the Western culture, where we look at things going on in our lives or in the lives of others as: "Stuff Happens", "It's out of our control", or "Life is just a "bitch" at times". Then, we dismiss it all and go on our merry way....

 I remember more than once when I was doing my routines of the day...I thought about praying...even reading a little Scripture. (lol) I don't have this consistency thing all together yet, especially when it comes to prayer or reading the Sacred Scripture. Hope I am not "busting any one's bubble" of my various writings here in this is what it is.
 Yet, one day I had a little experience that has given me a "little more drive" to pursue prayer and Scripture reading with more emphasis and consistency.
 I bowed my head in His Presence one day and spoke these words: "Lord, I don't feel like reading the Bible today...and I equally don't have any initiative to pray as well....Amen."
 As I sat there for a moment, I thought it was a little rude to speak to the Lord in this way...yet He always insisted I be honest with Him...although I must add to do so in a respectful matter. 
 It got a little inside where my thoughts my mind and heart. Yet...after saying this prayer...I simply went on my way.....

 Later on that very same day...I admit it kind of "bugged me" I had developed this attitude, when out of nowhere this Still Small Voice seemed to speak inside of me. That is how I have gotten to know Him...and quite honestly these words or phrases usually come at a time when He is the farthest thing on my mind. I am just not a "religious type guy"...just say what is on your mind or don't say anything , above all don't"candy coat" things in life... and trust me...when this Still Small Voice came to me, there was no "candy coating" whatsoever.
 Now, that being said, I have discovered and do believe God speaks to our hearts within the framework of our personalities...otherwise I am not always able grasp what He is attempting to communicate with me ( I am not one of those kind of people that "picks everything up real quick"). Along with this, I am given to have a little sarcasm in my daily conversations with others...not mean...most of the time just light-hearted stuff...keeping things upbeat and light. Am I right in doing so?..well that I really don't know...although I do know some of my friends who do not like sarcasm in any my own brother, he goes berserk if I use I am more careful on how I respond to things when carrying on conversations with him....and I am OK with that...we are all made different...right? Anyway...

 This Still Small Voice spoke to me and said: "Why is it every time you pray or read the has to be about you?" I thought to myself "What? I don't always pray in relation to me! (and I thought I wasn't religious lol)." Then, this Still Small Voice responds: "Really, then why didn't you want to pray or read the Scriptures today?" I thought to myself,,, and answered: "Because...right now everything is "cool" is good." Then I thought about how I responded..."Ok...maybe I do a little...yet I am willing to help any of my "buds" out if they need it." Then, the Still Small Voice comes back with "I thought you said you were not "religious"...don't you find quite displeasure in people being "religious" fact you refer to them as least that is what you tell..." . I kind of interrupted and said: " Ok...ok...I get Your point exactly are we going with this?...if I may be so blunt to ask?"

 And this is the part of my experience in learning to hear His least what I think hearing His voice means...that is sometimes "painful" you might say. Why? Because it seems like days before I hear anything more from this Still Small Voice...even though in reality it may be only a few minutes. I guess He is giving me time to allow the recent discussion to "sink in". 
 Finally...His instructions came to me...and honestly, it completely changed the way I view prayer and the reading of the Sacred Scriptures.

 Here is what I learned that day...  when I put into practice prayer the reading of the Scripture...I wish I could tell you daily but I would be lying to you...Yet I am a work in progress...that I can say "straight up".
 This Still Small Voice pointed out to me that my prayers are important because...others need it. Now for some of you, you might think to yourselves "Duh"...but to me this was big at the moment. In other words, my daily prayer life is not based on how "I am's not about my needs all the's about others needing my support in prayer...just like when someone is low on cash or food or just want to sit and have someone who cares enough to listen... our prayers for others are equally vital.  
 The other thing about reading the Sacred's not always about me either...getting some "Divine insight" or reading a verse to make me "feel better". Don't get me is a good thing to do that, because we are turning to Him for help...yet if that is where my Scripture reading comes to an end...then I am missing out on an important element of Scripture reading...and here is why. Throughout our daily lifestyles, particularly those who are of the Christian faith, we are taught to be sensitive to the needs of others, instead of all our focus being on how to improve ourselves etc., which for myself has daily challenges because I am so prone to want to "getting ahead" in life...sometimes even for good reasons. Anyway, I have disccovered that if I can arrange time to give time to the Lord in relation to reading of the Sacred Scripture...eventually His Word begins to be established in my heart...and I am able to have a "good word in season" to compliment the effort of caring for others. 
 Not too long ago I was researching  in the Scriptures on the word "prayer", and loved this thought I came across when studying the Scripture: the meaning of the word Prayer has a connotation of God answering our prayers in reference to "fulfilling a vow He gives to us...and seals this vow with...His Peace." This is why the study of the Sacred Scripture is important like our prayers....the Scriptures teach us how to pray, what to pray, and the purpose of our prayers. And the thing is....those Sacred Words  come in handy...I have noticed He will send people my way...when His Word is in my heart and someone else may have  need it.  

                                             Gleanings of the Sacred Scripture

Prayer: Philippians 4:6-7  " Do not allow stress, worry, or any variety of anxiety take over your life. Instead, regardless of your present circumstances or how you may be feeling, make some time to pray. Offer up a grateful heart to Him, and give thanks for His concern for you. Give to Him your requests...for yourself and the needs of others, coupled with a grateful heart, for it is here you will discover His Peace...for when you seek Him...He is right there...for you!"

Reading Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:2  " Proclaim...the Word of God! Do so with a willing heart, even when it not the most popular thing you would choose to do at the moment. Share with others how our wrongs can be made right! Share His Word to encourage others and to give them a sense of purpose for their lives...and remember to do these things with patience toward others...the same kind of patience God has for you...and share the Word of God with a genuine faith, clarity, and accuracy to what His Word has for them ( in other selfish motives or with deceit in your heart)."

 Oh...and that "Still Small Voice" thing...check this out!:

1 Kings 19: 11-12  " God spoke to Elijah and said: " Go out and stand on the mountain! I want you to see Me...when I pass by!" Elijah then went out to the mountain ( for he was hiding in a cave), and a strong wind ripped through the mountainside and shattered the rocks. Yet, in the midst of these terrific winds...God was not in the strong winds.
 Next, the mountainside shook...for an earthquake was taking place...yet God was not in the earthquake.
 Then, the mountainside burst into flames...a wildfire...yet God was not in the wildfire.

 Then all became quiet...and there was a gentle stillness on the mountainside. The only sound was now the sound of a gentle whisper...a still, small, voice, and Elijah now covered his face with his cloak and stood at the entrance of the cave he had been hiding, and spoke: " that You?...." 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

"Halloween...has Arrived"

In  the last few years, I have focused on the history of Halloween. If you are in a curious mood about Halloween, I can offer some assistance from some older posts:

1. "Don't Answer the Door...if a Druid Priest comes knockin..."  October 3, 2012
2. "Halloween and Druids" October 3, 2012
3. "The Fall...Halloween is Coming"...part 1 October 2, 2012
4. Hallowed be Thy Name and "Hallo"ween  October 10 2012
5. "The Perfect Storm"...a Halloween story from the Scriptures  October 23rd 2012

Along with this, I have some posts about Edgar Allen Poe and Jack the Ripper which kind of go along a similar theme, and those were in the October 2012 posts as well. I guess I had a lot of curiosity about the "Dark Side" that

  This year my interests have taken a different twist in reference to Halloween. The question that keeps "haunting" my mind is: "Why do we as Americans love to dress up in costumes and act crazy on Halloween?"
 After all,  Halloween is the 2nd leading holiday in the U.S. in regards to sales...only Christmas boosts more retail sales...and Halloween isn't even an "official" holiday! Retail sales estimate that in 2014 sales will top 2.8 BILLION dollars!....and 1.4 BILLION dollars will be spent on Halloween costumes!

 I happened to read an article from "Psychology Today", dated October 13th, 2013 written by Kit Yarrow, Ph D. In this article she wrote about Halloween costumes and what they say about our personalities.
 My take on her article is Halloween costumes have a strong emphasis "Sexy nurses, sexy maids, sexy school girls blended with bare-chested Tarzans, swashbucklers, and super heroes" as she describes. Dr. Yarrow points out these "characters portray women in subservient roles while male costumes represent more of the savior or hero roles."
 Yet, she also writes these "sexy wretches" doesn't mean their secret wish is to be powerless or in need of rescue...and the same applies to male costumes". Rather, it tends to portray "people unsuccessful in their love lives and end up solitary". I know...kind of gets a person fired up right?
 Dr. Yarrow then writes some numbers: 75% of adults between the age of 18-24 will wear Halloween costumes, 50% of adults between the age of 35-44 will do so, and 25% of all adults between 55-64 years of age will choose a Halloween costume. Dr. Yarrow also writes: " on one hand, it (Halloween costumes) are really". I love where she writes: " Nobody (normal) puts on a costume to sit at home alone".
 In reference to rock stars, athletes, and actors, Dr. Yarrow explains and kind of culminates her article in my mind: " Like those who choose costumes as a means of creative expressions, this group ( exhibiting a fantasy life) are also hoping to connect and communicate with others".

 Halloween costumes seem to bring out our "wild side". untamed and rebellious part of our human nature...yet at times a more truthful side of what is void...inside of us.

 Oh...I almost forgot...what about Zombie costumes? Well...zombies have issues, yet this may be the most popular costume of all for Halloween. I mean we are all aware of the TV series "The Walking Dead" brought to us by the AMC Network. The premier this fall as it entered it's 5th season drew 17.3 million viewers!

 So, what about dressing up like a Zombie...or maybe a better question...Why?

 Identifying with the Zombies bring a number of things to consider:
1. Zombies don't recognize anyone.
2. Zombies are impulsive and are not whom their next meal might be.
3. Zombies do not express themselves or have to answer for their behavior.
4. Zombies do not need to communicate...only grunt or sometimes groan.
5. Zombies do not have to respond...or understand any pleas by their victims.

Nice huh? for me? Well, as I continue on my journey as a I celebrate Halloween?
To be honest, my first 3 years as a Christian ( I gave my life to Christ Jesus on October 7th, 2007. Well, I actually rededicated my life to Him...I originally committed my life to Him in 1971..but I left Him and did not return until the latter part of 2007.) I did celebrate Halloween like most of my friends.
 Yet, in the years since I returned to Him, I have found my enjoyment in studying the Sacred Scripture...and I can't really explain how it happened or what specific time it happened, all I know is...celebrating Halloween just died...within me. It just doesn't  do anything for me anymore. 
 I used to love the "rush" of being scared without being hurt. I loved going to the local bar and getting in on all the celebrations of a Halloween party...yet as my friendship with Him has grown...Halloween has kind of faded out. I know I am getting older which I realize could have some "play" in it, and I still love giving candy to kids...yet for me it's more than all that.
  I think the part I do not miss about Halloween was waking up the next morning...usually hung over...part of my costume still on me...and the worst of all...the reality of being back in the real world... that I definitely don't miss.

 And to be straight up, my excitement to study the Scripture, praying for others, and enjoying songs of Worship...have become more meaningful and more long lasting to me than a few hours in a bar celebrating Halloween pretending to be someone I really am not...just sayin'. 
 I think His love for just too much. That's the way it is...for me.

 I conclude with a passage of Scripture I read 5 years ago...and has stuck with me ever since. It really describes what has happened to me. The Scripture is from Psalm 18:24 and it is from The Messenger version of the Scripture. I happen to enjoy The Messenger by Eugene Peterson because he "paints a picture" of what the Scripture is old Hebrew train of thought...and I happen to love this style. 

 It goes like this: " God rewrote the text of my life, when I opened the book of my His eyes."  

"Cultivating a Culture of Grace and Mercy"

 In Psalm 61 David is far from his home in Jerusalem, perhaps being forced to live in an area we know as Syria as mentioned in Psalm 60.  Other historians think this section of the Psalms was written by David when he might have been in Edom...what we know as Jordan today.
 What is evident in these passages was David was in trouble once again, being chased by his very own son Absalom, who desired to be much so that he wanted his own father (the present king) to be killed.
 David himself had become quite despondent at this point of his life...although his accomplishments in life had been gratifying and certainly brought an element of grace and mercy in his own life and in the lives of others, it  now seemed to David his entire life had culminated into a "train wreck", and in Psalm 61:2 he confesses his "heart had now grew weak". He didn't have it press on and fight, he simply wanted to die.

 Yet David knew from his trust in the Lord this wasn't the way...this wasn't the path he needed to take. Why? Because He knew his God was not the designer of this path, and by doing so would only lead to more harm for him...and for others. Psalm 62:1-2 describes what David was thinking in his heart : " He's a solid Rock under my feet...a place I can receive some breathing room for my soul."
 David needed some time to think all this out...what had happened in his life and what was he going to do now. He was acquainted with God's acts of Grace and Mercy in his own life...and he needed it now!

 Those of us who have grown up in a "western culture" have been submerged in the idea of protocol. We come home only to find the front door we immediately search to find who was to blame for this. We investigate this thoroughly, using deductive reasoning and diligence in our search...until we find that person and pronounce them "guilty as charged".
 At the same time we in western culture neglect to use proper protocol when it comes to other more important issues...choosing to be uninvolved, not to bother, or simply too lazy to pursue. We give up on our spouses, we let our children go about their lives neglected,and choose not to follow protocol when we see others in need, but yield to apathy instead.

 In these chapters in the Psalms, David is definitely in a "broken relationship" with his own son Absalom...and that's putting it mildly...Absalom wanted his own father put to death. Now, protocol requires us to find out how this originated and ultimately find the guilty party. And this is where David moves from the "western way of protocol" to another form of solution...he simply cried out for the Grace and Mercy of His God.
 In our culture today, we find our present society in dire need of the Grace and Mercy of God. Going to the Oxford Dictionary, the following definitions are given for Grace and Mercy:
Grace: "to give someone favor not deserved, often yielding a response of joy, pleasure, delight, and gratitude from the recipient of this decision."
Mercy: " choosing to exercise compassion and forgiveness toward someone when having the authority to punish and harm if so desired."

 There are two things I take note of in David's response to his dilemma: 1) His heart...although Absalom desired David dead, David loved Absalom, and chose to seek God's Grace and Mercy in this situation...regardless who was to blame for their relationship to have come to this point...choosing to seek His Maker than to follow the natural rules of protocol, and 2) establish the right protocol in coming to God...not on our terms, rather on His terms.

 In this day and age, we often hear the phrase "the Grace and Mercy of God", and how much they are needed in situations in our lives. We suffer in our western society the epidemic of broken families like no other time in history, divorces and separations of loved ones leaving many to feel alone in facing problems in their lives, and although communication from modern technology is at an all-time high in history, the communication between families and our friends is at an all-time low in history as well.  Yet, to cultivate a culture that relies on the Grace and Mercy of God and see the healing of relationships we so desperately need, we must understand God's protocol needed in order to receive these things from Him. It doesn't guarantee both parties will find the remedy most needed, for Absalom ended up meeting his death because he made the choice not to follow God's protocol that would give him the direction he too so desperately needed...but David did his part to stand before the Ancient One and cry out for Grace and Mercy in the situation he found himself in. 

 Cultivating a Culture of Grace and Mercy begins with each of us...and as we begin to follow God's protocol for a beginning of healing in our generation through God's generous acts of Grace and Mercy... perhaps we too have time to make a difference in our present culture. 
 David's message to us in Psalm 62 came with a great price...although God followed through with what He promised to David...the loss of his own son was a painful experience that lasted throughout the rest of David's life. God's protocol begins with this: our salvation comes through Him...and Him alone. We may still have time...

                                          A Gleaning from Psalm 62

" Only God can save me, therefore I stand silently before Him...this is the secret place from where my rescue originates...where my very salvation has it's origin. {Note: the first protocol understand we are needing saved from the sin in our own lives, and stand in silence allowing the Holy Spirit to direct us as to what we need to do.} 
 Only God is the Rock of my Rescue...the Rock of my Salvation. When I follow the path that leads me to this "Rock", it becomes my place of refuge, my fortress, a defense that is impregnable like a strong-built castle. { Note: the second protocol...only God can save us from  situation(s) we face in life, and we begin our journey of faith in knowing He is "Our Rock".} No matter what I have been through, no matter what I may be facing now, and no matter what may lie ahead; I am secure, I am protected from being shaken to the point of no hope, this Rock I find refuge in... causes Fear to let go of it's grip on me...and cannot enter this place of safety. 
 This Rock of Safety gives me some room, room to breathe, and room for my very soul to find some much needed rest...that I might listen to Him...His Will for me, His thoughts about me, and to settle those emotions within me that have caused so much havoc.
 At present, my natural eyes declare the things going on in my life are hopeless, and my defense against these assaults seem a great outer wall beginning to show signs of sagging, a fence that at the mere touch is shaky and about to fall, or a strong wall that is leaning profusely.
 It seems all my troubles in life have gathered together and had a meeting, consulting one another on plans to bring me down and end it all...or at least humiliate me and cause dishonor to be associated with my name. And their plans are covered in deceit: for the words from their lips are covered in kindness...even saying "I hope he is blessed", yet from this Rock of Safety...I see the very motives of their hearts, and it does "not line up" with what is coming forth from their lips. Their hearts are filled with curses for me...not blessings! Their hearts are filled with hatred and indifference toward me...only hoping my end might be soon. {Note: protocol 3:when we approach His Throne crying out for His Grace and Mercy, we must allow Him full access to our own hearts }.
 Yet now I am tucked my Rock, my God...and my trust is in Him to rescue me. All my dependence is on Him, and I wait for show me what to do. { protocol 4: to allow Him the time to establish a friendship with each of us, that we might know Him. } This is where my heart discovers His Peace, where my heart is given Hope once more, and where my Faith waits with an expectancy. 
 There is no other rock that can offer this kind of assistance to me. He is my only Rock! He is my Defense! He is my Fortress! He is my very Salvation! In this place where He has given me room to breathe...this is where I find my Strength in Him and in Him alone!
 Only by rendering myself to my God, my where I find the protection I need, my success in life, and honor to my name that gives all the Glory to Him!
  So I write this to you my friend, all of our trust and confidence in found in Him! This is the place to unload the burdens of your hearts, and find the Grace and Mercy you so desperately want in your life. Selah {meaning to take the time and give this thought...until it finds it's home in your heart and mind.}
 If you really think about it, we are all of low degree. Our lives are nothing more than a series of futility, yet we are so proud of our achievements coupled with a high dignity of ourselves...but we soon realize we are only fooling's all nothing more than a mirage. Besides, our lives in the eyes of Heaven are nothing more than a breath, like lighting a candle, only to simply blow out the same candle with one mere breath of air.
 Another thing, don't allow yourself to get all wrapped up in windfalls and excellent returns on your investments, and don't allow yourself to get involved with extortion, usury, or reverting to violence (whether it be verbal or physical)...thinking this is your only hope to get ahead in life. Along with this, don't rob others of their hard earned money. And even if your riches increase in an honest matter, don't let your heart "sell out", replacing "The Rock of your Salvation" for some temporal treasures that are here today...and gone tomorrow.
 Ok, while I am spending time in this refuge...this Rock whom I depend on, I have heard Him speak this to me...make that 2 things He has spoke to me:
1) All my strength and power to discover ways to love life...originate from Him.
2) All the acts of Grace and Mercy that I receive in my life as well as anyone of various cultures throughout time...come  from a very kind and loving God, and given to us according to how we consider Him, and how we another."

Note: { David gives us some specific instructions on how to  "cultivate a culture of Grace and Mercy" our culture today. A past theologian, John Calvin wrote in reference to Psalm 62 that although the true desire of various afflictions are to overtake us, we shall not be moved because of them...even when they arrive one after another.
 Calvin went on to write that our expectations in this life must be of a foundation that has a total and complete reliance on Him. We must allow the discipline of trusting Him be the dominant role in our short-lived lives here on earth.}

 To cultivate a culture of Grace and Mercy, we must adhere to the disciplines required to freely receive His Grace and Mercy into our own lives as well as the lives of others...and receive these gifts with joy from a grateful heart....

Monday, October 20, 2014

"Where did the Apostles go?"...James "the Less" today's world of emphasis on self-esteem...having a name like James "the Less" might not be acceptable. Yet, at a closer look Jame's name, it might not exactly mean what it implies. James throughout history has had alias name descriptions like James "the Minor", James "the Little", and what is probably the most accurate description James "the Younger".  
 James was a common name in the 1st century and the "add-ons" to their names were simply meant to distinguish one "James" from another. Most likely the name James "the Less" did not imply his characteristics in comparison to others, but simply he was younger than another James in a certain the 12 apostles..."The Original". Sometimes "the Less" could imply to his height in comparison to another James in a certain group, yet most likely in this Jame's case it was in reference to his age...James "the Less" being younger in years than James the brother of of the sons of Zebedee. So...I'll go with that...

 James "the Less" is thought by many to be James the son of this story could get a little interesting. Some historians think Jame's father Alphaeus might have been the husband of Mary Clopas. Mary Clopas was a sister to Mary, the mother of Jesus making James "the less" a cousin to Jesus. This would not have been too far "fetched" a deduction because many of "The Original" (the 12 disciples") were from the region in Galilee from small villages near one another like Cana, Nazareth, and even Capernaum. As a result, there were family connections with some of the apostles like Peter and Andrew and James and John the sons of Zebedee. 
 The important thing in all this s not to confuse James "the Less" with James the son of Zebedee or James the brother of Jesus.

 In the listings of "The Original" in the New Testament, James "the Less" always appears 9th in the names of the 12.
 In 1 Corinthians 15:7, it reads "Then He appeared to James, then to all the apostles." Some think this might have been a reference to James "the Less"...yet many others including myself think this James was in reference to James the brother of Jesus.
 Other than this remote possible reference, there really isn't anything written in the New Testament of James "the Lesser". What we do know is James "the Lesser" was hand-picked to be one of Jesus disciples, and he too gave everything up to answer the call..."Follow Me."
 In the Gospel of Luke, chapter 18, verse 28 it reads: " We have left all we had to follow You!" This would include...James "the Lesser". James was also present when He appeared to The Original in the Upper Room shortly after Christ Jesus had rose from the dead.

 James "the Less" was perhaps a native of Capernaum in Galilee and was thought to have been from the tribe of Levi. 
 The impression James "the Less" leaves to his fellow believers in Christ Jesus is: ordinary men doing extraordinary things to the Glory of God. Some evidence concludes James "the Less" seemed to have a heart of humility that encouraged others to exercise the fruit of forgiveness, patience, and a respect for one another.
 One verse of Scripture that is identified with James "the Less" is out of Psalm 115:1, which reads: " Not to us O Lord, not to us...rather to Your Name be all the Glory...". 

 An Egyptian historian of the 20th century, Aziz S. Atiya, who gave much study to the ancient history of Egypt known as Coptic study, along with historical study of neighboring countries in the Middle East...including an extensive study on the Crusades of the early and middle ages, once wrote of James "the Less" with these words: " The seeds of the Syrian Christianity had been sown in Jerusalem during the Apostolic Age and the contention had been made that the first bishop of the Syrian church was none other that Saint James of the Twelve Apostles, identified as " James the Less".

 Yet tradition cries out through it's history that James "the Less" met his death in Jerusalem. It is written that James was taken to the top of a pinnacle on the Temple in Jerusalem, shortly before it's destruction in 66 to 70 A.D., and was threatened to his death for his belief in Jesus being the Christ...the True Messiah.  This pinnacle at the top of the Temple is said to have been the similar place Satan had taken Jesus during His temptations in the desert.
 James "the Less" refused to recant his belief in the Lord Jesus, and was pushed from the top of Temple (approximately 100 foot drop) where he landed on the ground...still alive! It is written he was then beaten to death by "Fullers mallets"... tools used to clean clothing, and it was there Jame "the Less" met his death. His death was probably around 62 to 63 A.D.

 Early artists painted and portrayed James "the Less" with facial features similar to the early paintings...of Jesus. Based on what we know of James "the Less"...he would consider this of the highest honor a man could ever receive....and I am now convinced...there was nothing "Less" about James.