Friday, November 1, 2013

"Wake-up to this!" Saint Luke 2: 8-21

Continuing in Luke, a Gleaning from Luke 2: 8-21....

 "One night shortly after the birth of Christ Jesus, there happen to be some shepherds in the area around Bethlehem. They were outside the village under the open sky in a field watching over their flock of sheep. Most likely these sheep were being raised to be used for sacrifices at the Temple in Jerusalem, only a few miles away. They would watch over their sheep in shifts, and the night shift was currently on duty.
 Although they raised these sheep for religious reasons, the local Jewish religious leaders did not care for these "guys"...shepherds. Shepherds could not fulfill all the customs and regulations the religious laws "the Oral Torah" demanded. It was kind of a gray area...the shepherds were raising sheep for the "right reasons", and the Temple priests needed them...yet the shepherds themselves were not "good enough" in the minds of Pharisees and Sadducees ...after all they were all poor and not able to keep up with the "latest customs".

 Yet, in God's eyes...the shepherds were perfectly acceptable. In fact, as this story unfolds, it is important to note the local religious leaders were not informed of the Messiah's birth...the shepherds on the other hand...had quite the experience!
 It happened like this: All at once during the night watch of the sheep, the shepherds were visited by an angel of the Lord God...the Lord of the angelic armies, and the glory of the Lord God was bright...and blazed around these shepherds. It was clear...God had arrived before them. 
 The shepherds were quite terrified as He arrived before them, yet this angelic spokesman comforted the shepherds with these words: "Don't be afraid...of me or this Glory of the Lord that shines about you. God Himself is in your midst, and He has sent me to announce a great and joyful event that is happening...right now! This event is about to change history...the entire history of mankind! And this is the message: The Messiah...has come! He has entered your lives as a baby...and is in Bethlehem...right now!...the very village that is the home of King David!

 Here is how you will recognize who the Messiah is...for He is wrapped snugly in swaddling clothes...and He has been placed in a...manger!...right Bethlehem!"
 Suddenly, there appeared before this group of shepherds a.....whole army of angelic beings...the very military troops of Heaven itself!...and they suddenly broke out singing the praises of God declaring: "Glory to the God...of the Highest Heaven! And Peace on earth to all those who live their lives pleasing to Him!"
 The shepherds found comfort in this majestic display and the words that had been spoken, and were satisfied to know God accepted them for what they were...shepherds!
 At that moment, this army of angels "stood down", and returned to their posts in Heavenly places. The shepherds began to talk over with one another over the event that had taken place before them...and concluded: "Let's go to Bethlehem...and see for ourselves what these angels have proclaimed." They wasted no time...went to Bethlehem....and they found Him!

 They really found Him! The Messiah, with His mother and a manger...just like the angel had said. After seeing Him for themselves, they shared the Good News with those around them...the event that had happened, and what the angel had said about the Christ-child. Everyone was astounded on the news the shepherds conveyed...yet Mary.....

 Mary, the mother of the child who is our Messiah...received the news quite differently. Mary remained in a quiet and calm state as the shepherds announced what the arrival of the Messiah, now only an to mean. Mary processed the information, "tucked it away in her heart", and gave herself time to ponder...ponder what was happening and what the future was to hold.
 In the meantime, the shepherds concluded their visit and returned to work...out to the fields to take care of their sheep. Yet, when the shepherds got back...they "let loose!" They began to sing the praises of God and give thanks to Him for all they had just seen and heard! It was still amazing to the shepherds...everything the angel had exactly the way it really happened!
 On the 8th day of the Messiah's birth, Joseph and Mary followed the Law of Moses, and brought Jesus to the circumcision ceremony. It was at this ceremony He was officially named: "Jesus".....the very name the angel had spoke...before the Messiah had even been conceived in the womb."

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