Friday, November 1, 2013

Freedom comes....through the Reformation....

It was on this very night in the year 1517...October 31st, that a Catholic monk brought to light..."You can't do that! You can't pay God to turn His head...and not acknowledge sin. God can not be bought...period!
 Thus began the Protestant public profile...when Martin Luther nailed to the door of the Church ( a common thing to do at the time to invite debates and discussions etc.) a challenging paper referred to as..."The 95 Theses".
 A Dominican priest named Johann Tetzel was commissioned by the Archbishop of Mainz and Pope Leo X to lead a fund-raising event to finance the remodeling costs of Saint Peter's basilica in Rome. The money was to be raised through the sale of "Indulgences", which depending on the amount of money you gave to this particular fundraiser...the more freedom a person would exemption status...from any sin in their life and and additionally give a person a certain amount of days to live in Heaven.
 Prince Frederick III the Wise of Germany had banned this type of practice, yet church members would travel to purchase these "Indulgence Papers" and would then show them when needed to people like priests and monks like Luther...stating they were not subject to repenting...because they had bought themselves a way out...even able to enter Heaven itself without the concern of Repentance...they had purchased for themselves an exemption.
 That was enough! Luther could not just sit idly by and allow this false presentation of the Gospel to continue. He then posted on Hallow's eve...the "95 Theses" to the church door in Wittenburg Germany. 
  Here then is a modern version of the "95 Theses".  This is in Gleaning format ( my own personal conclusions from the original format) that is not directed  to condemn any church or leadership practice, but to point to this question: "Does this train of thought still go on today?"

 Let us begin:
1. When Jesus said "Repent", He meant that believers should live a whole life of repentance.
2. Only God can give Salvation...not any saint, angel, or church leader..
3. Inwards penitence must be accompanied with a suitable change in lifestyle.
4. Sin will always remain until we enter Heaven.
5. The leaders of the church must act according to canon law.
6. Only God can forgive...a pastor, pope, or any church leader can only reassure people that God will do this.
7. A sinner must be humbled or the admission they are sinners before the church and before God: order to receive the honor of forgiveness by God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
8. Canon law applies only to the living...not to the dead.
9. The Holy Spirit instructs us as to how to seek forgiveness.
10. Any priest or pastor must not threaten those dying with the penalty of purgatory or any deed that might "earn" the forgiveness of sin..
11. The church...through church penalties that include some way we can earn our salvation i produces nothing more than a "human crop of weeds".
12. In days gone by, church penalties were imposed in order to receive the forgiveness of God.
13. When you die...all your debts to the church are wiped out, and those debts are free from anyone being God. 
14. When someone is dying they might have wrong thoughts against the church, and they will be scared. This type of fear is enough penalty.
15. This fear of purgatory are ones who need to find the love of Christ Jesus and the true meaning of the Cross, then as we learn how to love Him more, we will love sin less.
16. Purgatory = Hell.   Heaven = Assurance.
17. Souls in fear of purgatory need to learn of the work of the Cross, and when found, sin again will diminish.
18. A sinful soul does not always have to remain sinful. The soul can be cleansed.
19. There is no proof that any person is free from sin.
20.  There is no such church or any church leader...who can offer forgiveness... for our own personal sins that we have embraced in our hearts. 
21. An indulgence...will not save anyone.
22. A dead soul...cannot be saved by an indulgence.
23. Sinners must be pardoned...through God... and it is not because they have perfected their lives.
24. Most people are deceived through indulgences.
25.  A church leader, even a pope has no power over a place like a so-called purgatory...nor does a pastor or priest have power to announce to the people to follow what they say and all will be well.
26. When the pope or pastor intervenes for salvation of an individual, he must do so by the will of God.
27. It is nonsense to teach a dead soul in purgatory...can be saved
28. Money can cause greed...God does not want our money...He wants our hearts.
29. How do we know souls in purgatory...want to be saved?
30. Penitence by itself does not guarantee our way to Heaven, anymore than hoping to be forgiven. It must be received by faith.
31. A man who truly buys an indulgence and believes to what it is, must be accompanied by the same thing a man who truly repents.... both must be accepted through faith.
32. People who think the purchase of an indulgence will guarantee salvation...will be damned as anyone else who refuses to...repent.
33. Do not believe those who tell you to go and buy an indulgence and your salvation is...guaranteed.
34. Indulgences were invented by man...for man.
35. We should not teach salvation can be bought...and repentance is not needed.
36.It's the other way around...a man can be saved if he truly indulgence is not needed.
37. Any Christian...alive now or in times past..can receive the love of Christ...with no requirement of the purchase of an indulgence.
38. Do not despise forgiveness offered by the pope or church leader, yet it is not his forgiveness you need the most.
39. The most educated theologians cannot preach about indulgences...and real the same time.
40. True repentance involves sorrow and change of heart...indulgences simply trivialize them.
41. Pardons alone are not enough, following through with a change in lifestyle must accompany true repentance.
42. Christians need to be aware buying indulgences have nothing to do with receiving Christ's forgiveness.
43. It is better to give to the poor and lend to those in need...than to buy some paper that says you are forgiven.
44. The love of Christ grows through caring for others and your lifestyle is influenced as well. Buying an indulgence?...does absolutely nothing to making you a better person.
45. A person who "disses" a beggar, but  buys an indulgence...invites God's anger.
46. Christians need to buy what is necessary to better life....indulgences not included.
47. Christians need to know..we do not need an indulgence.
48. The pope oe pastor should spend more time in devout prayer...than looking for..easy money.
49. Your fear of God..will not go away just because you purchased an indulgence.
50. A pope will be better off demolishing Saint Peter's cathedral, than charging these exuberant prices for indulgences.
51. The pope would be better of to "cough up" his own money and replace the money he has taken from his parishioners.
52. You are so vain...if you think for a moment an indulgence will forgive you of even one sin.
53. Those who preach indulgences and fail to preach the Word of God...are enemies to both that which the office of the pope stands for...and to Christ Himself.
54. In fact, preaching indulgences is nothing more than...blasphemy.
55. The pope or pastor should be enforcing the Gospel to the people...not enforcing these indulgences.
56. The treasures of the true not totally known to the followers of Christ.
57. The treasures of the true church...are not base on the things of this life.
58. Relics...are not relics of Christ. They are evil from their very conception. Having pretty Christian pictures, symbols, or trinkets...does not mean you are a Christian.
59. St. Lawrence was wrong...the poor should NOT be giving money to the church for relics and forgiveness.
60. The only Salvation that should be offered through the that of Christ.
61. The church is teach the truth of the forgiveness of sin.
62. The treasure of the church?...should be the Gospel and the Grace of God.
63. Indulgences makes the most evil of men....justified good. Giving money. helping charities, even reaching out to the poor...doesn't mean you are a Christian.
64. Indulgences make it seem evil is good...because penance and forgiveness are not needed.
65. The treasured items in the Gospel...are safety nets to be used by its workers.
66. Indulgences on the other hand nets for the wealthy.
67. Merchants should not be promoting the "great value of an indulgence."
68. Indulgence buyers are furthest from knowing the Grace of God, the Holiness of God, and the true love of the Cross.
69. Bishops if they want to keep their jobs are bound to sell indulgences and support's part of the job.
70. Bishops need to be under a much greater obligation...don't let these indulgence sales put false dreams into the hearts of men.
71. People who think the pardons listed by the Apostles are not accurate or enough...are living under a curse.
72. Blessed is the man who thinks what it means to be truly forgiven.
73. The pope or pastors gets irritated when told their phony indulgences...are meaningless.
74.  Church leaders will become angered even more when  indulgences are challenged by Christ's love.
75. It is so wrong to think papal pardons actually have power to absolve sin.
76. Pardon of sin comes through the desire to know Christ Jesus, and it comes as a result of guilt and conviction...two elements that are missing in a papal pardon.
77. No, it is NOT true, Saint Peter can not remove sin in your life.
78. Yet, great examples of God's Grace can be seen in Saint Peter...and even in the pope.
79. Total blasphemy...thinking the insignia of the cross is the same as the cross of Christ.
80. Bishops who encourage people to purchase a cross to wear on the outside of their heart, and do not preach the power of the cross inside their heart...are false.
81. Those who going around pardoning others because of their wise so because the pope encourages it.
82.  Why doesn't the pope go around washing and cleaning feet to show God's love...instead of getting paid to do the service?
83. I say any indulgences bought for dead people....should be repaid to the pope.
84. Evil men can never buy their salvation...and yet when a poor man is a friend of God, money is no issue.
85. Tell me why we are buying indulgences again anyway?
86. If the pope wants St. Peter's rebuilt, pay for it with his own money.
87. Why does the pope or church leaders forgive those who live only for themselves?
88. If the pope forgives hundreds of his cronies each day...where will that take him?
89. Why do indulgences always go public...when the pope sees fit to issue them?
90. Expose the church for what it really is, does the pope really think it will make real Christians unhappy?
91. If the pope worked as the Gospel dictates, he wouldn't be doing things like fact, his whole office would be eliminated.
92. Don't act like there are no problems in the they fly away like a little bird.
93. Those who say the church is perfect....maybe it's a good time to leave.
94. Regardless, true Christians must follow the end.
95. Christians need to face their problems and learn to overcome....not try to "buy their way out" of their problems.

  Thanks to the History Learning Site..for the ideas and the thoughts....

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