Thursday, November 7, 2013

Luke 3...the Power Struggle is Evident...

As John the Baptizer was growing up in the desert region, the Israelite countryside was governed by Roman Authority with Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea while Herod governed Galilee.
 Then there is Jerusalem, the very core of Jewish belief, with its group of religious leaders including the scribes and pharisees, the sadducee, the sanhedrin...and led by the chief high priest. Well, except during the time John and Jesus roamed the land of Galilee...the Jewish people had ...not one...but two...high priests. Could they do that? Why did they have 2?
 Enter" "The Dynamic Duo"...Annas and Caiaphas...the high priests of Jerusalem.

 What had happened during this time was Annas had been made the high priest of the Jewish faith...but he overstepped his bounds...perhaps forgetting the nation of Israel was under Roman rule. What Annas had done prior to Jesus coming into the public light was...have people executed who were a political or religious threat. The problem with this is Roman law declared this was not allowed...only Roman law could dictate such actions. Along with this, Roman law did not recognize Jewish Annas was removed from his role as a high priest by the Romans. Yet, according to Jewish law, once a  high priest is put into that office...he is a high priest until his death.
 So, the Romans said the Jewish community must have another high priest, and as a result Caiaphas became the Jewish new high priest...who happened to be the son-n-law....of Annas... kind of putting a "Godfather theme" into the equation. That is why on the night of the betrayal, after Jesus was "voluntarily" apprehended ( I could only imagine angels in formation waiting for Jesus to command "Come"), Jesus was first taken to...Annas for trial.

 Now, as for John the Baptizer, he was the son of Zechariah and Elizabeth, both of priestly lines in reference to his lineage, and was destined to be a priest Jerusalem. Yet, he made the live in the desert and not become a priest.
 The desert...or wilderness as sometimes translated, was east of Jerusalem and near the Jordan River. Very few plants are able to grow in this region, very few animals make their habitat there, the soil itself is poor, and the contents of the soil includes a type of chalk. And, the area itself is pretty much covered in rocks of various sizes.
 Luke in his first chapter speaks of John's early life in a one sentence verse 80 : "John grew up and became strong in spirit. And he lived in the wilderness until he began his public ministry to Israel." {Living Translation}. That's pretty much it...that's all we know.

 Some historical reports claim John stayed with the Essenes, a Jewish religious sect that lived in the desert region, committed to a simple life much like John and a group  who did not agree with the pharisee and sadducee lifestyles and their beliefs. The Essenes were a monastic sect that lived in the wilderness outside of the village of Jericho and near the Sea of Galilee, having existed from the 2nd century B.C. on through the 2nd century A.D. They were committed to preserving the mechanics (translations, interpretations) of the Sacred Scripture and opposing things like oaths, slavery, and the "politics" of religion. The "Oral Torah" for example were customs the Pharisees followed in great detail, yet the Essenes did not consider these customs the true mandates of the Sacred Scripture.
 With that being said, there were major differences between the Essenes and the teachings of John the Baptizer (the dipper). John announced repentance with water baptism, a one -time occurrence that contains the power to change your way of thinking about life and as a result your lifestyle will honor the Scripture and give glory to the Lord.
 The Essenes also had water baptism beliefs, but thought it was necessary to be water baptized numerous times....even daily to ensure your life is pure before the Lord.
 John preached of the coming Messiah, while the Essenes focus was on the translation of Old Testament law. The Dead Sea Scrolls are said to written by...the Essenes.

 I don't think we really know what John did in his early life, much like his cousin...Jesus. What the Scriptures do make clear concerning John is this: he was the forerunner of Christ the days when the very Son of God became "One of us".
 In some Hebrew references to John living in the desert, it has the meaning of "Desert Strings",  implying "there is a song coming out of the desert". The prophet Isaiah makes this clear about John: "The one who cries from the wilderness, prepare you...the way of Yahweh, make a straight highway for our Elohim (God)".
 {NOTE: The meaning of highway is likened to a large herd of cattle being driven into a large open field, where they will find the nourishment they need... to live.}

                                          A Gleaning from Luke 3:1-6

 " It was now the 15th year of the reign of the Roman Emperor Tiberius. { Tiberius full name was " Tiberius Claudius Nero". He was the 2nd Emperor of the Roman Empire and was the son of Livia, the wife of the first Emperor Augustus. Augustus had adopted Tiberius (reluctantly) and groomed Tiberius for the role of Emperor.}
 Pontius Pilate was the Roman appointed governor over Judea at the time, while Herod Antipas was governor of Galilee. Along with these appointed governors, Herod's brother...Phillip was governor over Iturea and Tranconitus while Lysanias was the governor of Abilene (these territories were in northern Israel and expanded into Syria.)
 From the Jewish perspective, their hierarchy had appointed leaders as well. The position as high priest of the Temple in Jerusalem was filled, yet at this moment in time Israel had 2 high priests...instead of the standard high priest. These 2 high priests were named Annas and Caiaphas.

 As this part of the story of Christ Jesus begins, there was another situation that was developing. There was this man...named John, who was the son of Zechariah ( a priest of the Jewish faith who lived near Jerusalem). John had been living a rather secluded lifestyle, living in the desert east of the City of David, and had chosen this way of living rather than following his calling in the traditional sense of becoming a priest at the his father.
 John had recently began to come out from the desert and make a proclamation to the nation of Israel. He announced that the time is now to be baptized in water in the river Jordan, and demonstrate a public repentance of their...personal sin. By doing so, the heart of a repentant sinner will begin to have his heart softened, and welcome the Lord God into their very lives...and receive His forgiveness.
 The Old Testament prophet...Isaiah...had spoken hundreds of years earlier...about this man who was called John, saying: " There is thunder...coming from the desert, while others may likened his voice to the sound of "Desert Strings". Isaiah continues: " John cries: "This is the time to make the road ready...a preparation time for the Coming...of our Messiah! This is the time for the road to made straight and smooth. Valleys...even ditches will be filled in, and mountains...even bumps on the road...will be made smooth. For all mankind...shall see for themselves and receive God's plan...a plan for our very salvation...a plan that delivers His people from the grip of Eternal Death...and this highway that is being made? decreed...and God Himself."

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