Saturday, November 2, 2013

Luke 2:22-36...It seems like...Palm Sunday"....

The people of Israel had long been awaiting for the Messiah...the Christ, the Redeemer of Israel. Actually the word Messiah goes back to the ancient Hebrew definition meaning: "The Anointed One"...a time when a king would be anointed with oil as he would take the throne and be confirmed as God's representative to rule the nation of Israel.
 Yet, just as with Palm Sunday, death lurked in the midst of all the joys of the birth of Christ Simeon points out to His mother...Mary..........

                                        A Gleaning from Luke 2:22-35

 "The time had now come for Mary and Joseph...and their small child Jesus, to be presented before the Lord at the Temple in Jerusalem, for Law of Moses commanded all Jewish parents to do so.
 Mary herself came to give an offering for purification, a Mosaic law involving pregnancy and giving birth, and a time to recognize as a woman God had given her the power to create life within her physical body, and to give this new life. Now, she surrenders herself (including her body) to the Lord until He once more may grant her the power and strength to create and give life.
 As for the young Jesus, He is at the Temple to be dedicated to the Lord. The Mosaic law required that if a woman's first child is a boy, then he must be dedicated and given to the Lord.
 The offerings to the Lord for this event consisted of either a pair of turtledoves or...two young pigeons.

 As Mary and Joseph came into Jerusalem and arrived at the Temple to fulfill their obligations to the God they both loved and admired, there was at the Temple an older man named Simeon.
 Simeon was a righteous man in the eyes of the Lord, and had lived his life in obedience,respect, and honor to the Great God of Israel. {NOTE: Some historians conclude Simeon was a priest at the Temple, yet the Sacred Scriptures do not make that clear. What the Scriptures do say is Simeon had a deep honor and respect to the Lord, and had yielded his life to Him.}
 Simeon was earnestly watching for the Messiah of Israel to come and rescue this nation of people. In fact, God had spoken to Simeon through the power of the Holy Spirit and told him he would not die...until his very eyes had seen the Messiah...of Israel!
 Now, on that day when Mary and Joseph with Jesus came to the Temple and began to enter the outer enclosure, the Holy Spirit had already directed Simeon to be there in the same area Mary and Joseph were about to enter. And as the couple entered with Jesus in Mary's arms...he saw Him....Simeon's eyes beheld.....the Messiah!

 Simeon approached Mary and Joseph, and Jesus was the very arms of Simeon! Simeon then spoke in praise of the Lord God of Israel saying: "My great and sovereign Lord, I have been Your faithful servant...and now!...You again...are faithful to me! I can now finish out my life in peace, because You are always faithful to Your words and promises, and  I can now be released to death...just as You have commanded. For it is with my very own eyes...I see Him, the Salvation of Your very people, and how You have chosen to come and save Your people. He is the Light...a Light that reveals...You! not only Israel...but to all nations as well. He truly is...the Glory of all Israel!"

 After Mary and Joseph had heard the words Simeon spoke, the couple were surprised and yet marvelled over the words he had said. Simeon returned the young Jesus back into the arms of Mary, and spoke a blessing over Mary, Joseph, and Jesus.
 Yet, Simeon then spoke once more, this time directly to Mary, the mother of Jesus and said: "This child's destiny will cause many in Israel to fall and reject the "Chosen One", and yet many others will embrace Him...the very heart of our Messiah. Although this child is the sign the people of Israel have long awaited for, many will oppose Him. And as for you Mary, this will be a difficult time for you, and you will suffer to watch this. It will feel like a dagger has been thrust in your very heart, for you will witness the true intents, the thoughts, and the purposes that are deep within the hearts of men."

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