Monday, November 4, 2013

Anna.....the prophetess, a Gleaning from Luke 2:36-51

"At the Temple in Jerusalem, during the same time Mary, Joseph, and Jesus had just run into Simeon....there was another.....

 Anna was a prophetess who made her "home" in the Temple enclosure {NOTE: Anna was her Greek name, in Hebrew she would be called Hannah, and serve as a reminder of Hannah, the mother of Samuel in the Old Testament. Hannah's prayer in 1 Samuel chapter 2 is one that has been admired for ages...right up there with the "Song of Mary" earlier in Luke. Hannah's prayer seemed to reflect both Elizabeth's greeting/prophecy to Mary as well as Mary's prayer in the Song of Mary. 
 Hannah, like Elizabeth gave birth to Samuel at a late age, said a prayer that was messianic in it's meaning, much like in Elizabeth's exultation, and yet a prayer of redemption as spoken by Mary in her song of praise to the Lord...bringing redemption to His people.
 The Scriptures seem to point out 7 prophetesses from the Old Testament including Hannah, tracing back to Sarah and Miriam (the sister of Moses), Deborah, Abigail, Huldah, and Queen Esther. Now...enter Anna}.

 Anna, the prophetess at the Temple was also like Simeon....looking for the Messiah. Anna was a daughter of Phanuel from the tribe of Asher. {NOTE: Most of the exiles who returned to Israel from the Babylonian captivity were from the tribe of Judah. It was common in the days of Mary and Joseph to know the origin as to which tribe of Israel you were from..i.e. Saint Paul pointing out he was from the tribe of Benjamin. In the early days when Jesus was only a boy, and by the way this is the only documentation in the Sacred Scriptures that tells of a story when Jesus was a boy, a woman like Anna who was at the time 84 years old...was considered a person of great wisdom, and her words of advice would be passed on to the next generation.}

 Anna the prophetess at the Temple had an unusual role to play in the early life of Christ Jesus. Prophecy was held in high regard by the Jewish faithful. and now Anna being very old (84 years) was about to see the young baby Jesus.
 Anna's husband had died after only 7 years of marriage, and throughout all this time Anna remained a widow, being consistently at the Temple enclosure, worshipping the Lord in prayer and fasting, both in the day and on into the night. { Some bible historians conclude she had a home in Jerusalem and would return to the Temple daily, while others think she had perhaps a room in the outer courts of the Temple itself.}

 Anna, coming up to Mary, Joseph, and the young Jesus...just as Simeon was concluding his conversation with Mary, began to praise the Great God of Israel. 
 Anna then begins to express herself verbally to everyone entering the Temple, telling of the great plan of redemption right there in Jerusalem...and now it was about to unfold!
  After they had heard Anna confirm what Simeon had spoken, and Mary and Joseph had done everything commanded of them in the Law of Moses, they returned to their own Nazareth of Galilee.
{NOTE: Fulfilling the Law of Moses was a top priority to any Jewish person. In those days, there were 3 distinct times of year a Jewish person would come to Jerusalem to worship: 1) the Passover (in April), 2) the Feast of Pentecost, and 3) the feast of Tabernacles. If a person was unable to attend all 3, the Passover was one of most importance, reminding the people of their deliverance form slavery in the land of Egypt. This may have been another reason why the scribes and pharisees looked down upon the shepherds, who had seen the Christ-child in a manger. Their line of work would prohibit them from all the activities in Jewish beliefs, raising unblemished sheep for sacrifice of sins at the Temple and yet not always being able to attend...well, along with the fact they were poor. But, don't we see that even in our present day...criticizing others who work to make our lives better?} 

 It is in Nazareth the child Jesus grew and became spirit, filled with wisdom, and the favor and blessings of God Himself were upon Him.
 As for the parents of the young Jesus, Mary and Joseph continued to attend the Passover festival in Jerusalem each year.
 It so happened when Christ Jesus was now 12 years of age, the couple again were returning in a pilgrimage to the Passover in Jerusalem. Yet, this year was about to be a little different.
 After the Passover had concluded, and Mary and Joseph had started on their way back home to Nazareth, Jesus had stayed Jerusalem. Mary and Joseph were unaware Jesus had stayed behind, for it was customary in those days to travel in large groups (partly because of all those attending from their village in Nazareth, and partly due to the risk of being approached by robbers in the area), and as a result Mary and Joseph did not notice Jesus was not with them...until the 2nd day of their journey home.
 When Mary and Joseph could not locate Jesus, they went back to Jerusalem on their own and began to look for Him. It was 3 days later before they finally found the court of the Temple...sitting with Rabbis...listening and asking questions pertaining to the Sacred Scriptures. Everyone in the discussions were quite astonished with His understanding of the Scriptures and what they meant.

 When Mary and Joseph approached Him, they were both amazed...and yet perplexed as to why He would do this. Mary then spoke to Jesus and said: "Son, why?...why have you treated us like this? Do you not realize we have been searching everywhere...for you?"
 {NOTE: First, it would seem rather odd to me Mary and Joseph did not look for Him at the Temple first, or perhaps they had...a number of times. Perhaps the place was so massive and the crowds so large it was difficult to do. Some historians conclude the population of Jerusalem was approximately 30,000 people, yet during the Passover there might be well over 100,000 in attendance. I don't know for sure, and the Scriptures only say it took Mary and Joseph 3 days to find Him. One other item of note: At age 12 it was time Jesus would have gone from a boy to becoming a man...a "Son of the Law". Bar-mitzvah is a Jewish celebration that celebrates this very event.}

 Jesus then responds to His mother's question saying: "Why is it you are searching for Me so frantically? You honestly did not know that the time has come for Me to attend to My Father's affairs, and I must now be occupied with My Father's work?" Yet, Mary and Joseph had no idea what He meant at that moment. {NOTE: This is "big"! No Jewish person up to that point and time would ever say...or even think...of referring to the God of "His Father".}

 Jesus then went back with Mary and Joseph to Nazareth, and continued to live with them...being habitually respectful and obedient to them. Yet, Mary...again pondered His words and actions in her heart...keeping her thoughts...deep within herself.
 As for Jesus, He matured, in both body and in spirit, being blessed of God...and a blessing to His people. {NOTE: This is the last time Luke records anything about Joseph. Numerous historians believe Joseph passed away...before Jesus entered...His public ministry.}

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