Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Being Holy...the very heart of a Christian lifestyle...

Even in the ancient of days, when the Old Testament law was to be followed, the Scriptures commanded His people to be holy... even as He (our God) is holy (Leviticus 19:2)......

 And now in the epistle of Saint Peter, we are reminded again...we must be holy...for He is holy.

Holy...the word itself has Germanic origin...the word "heilig"...which actually brings across the meaning of being made whole.
 The definition of holy also brings with it a derivative of " to belong to, usually associated with a Divine Power, that is worthy of adoration and given a special reverence, as well as given inspiring fear or awe in being associated with this "Divine Presence".
 Holy...sometimes easier said than least I think so. I think the most important ingredient in being our act of obedience that comes with His Command to do so. And yet, as so many other elements that pertain to the Sacred demands practice, a time to begin to interweave a holy lifestyle...within the lifestyle we choose to

 Here in 1 Peter, the message comes across on how we can implement a "holy lifestyle" within the present country we preside, and yet a remembrance as to the Kingdom we are now a part of...that being His Kingdom..and where we are going.

                    A Gleaning from 1 Peter 2: 13-17

 "If you have it in you to make the Lord "proud", be a good citizen within the country you are sworn to...even now. This includes local authorities, heads of State, and to the President. Along with this, show the utmost respect to the officials the President has appointed, and to all who have been rendered representatives by the lead the nation.
 Remember, officials and all those appointed to carry out the laws of the so to administer justice within the framework of society, and to encourage those who are continue along this path and to do things that are right.

 For here then lies the very Will of God, that by so choosing to live an honorable life and do will then support and silence the foolish and ignorant ones...those who might be ill-informed or given to misconceptions, and as a result minimize the ever present dangers it can bring to a present day society.
 You are free...through Christ Jesus, and He has provided you with a freedom the moment you accepted Him and was announced that you now have a citizenship with Heaven itself.
 Yet, we are not to allow this freedom we have received through Christ to be an excuse to do whatever we want in our present circumstances....joining with others whose only intent is to do evil and be in rebellion to the very society we live in now. Choosing to do so only negates the Sacred Scripture that now rules our very hearts.
 Rather, it is best for you to give respect to all men and to treat them with honor. As for those who share your genuine faith...share His love that is now in your own heart, given to us through our Lord Jesus...the True Christ."

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