Thursday, September 12, 2013

Pushed to the Edge...part 6

In John chapter 8, Jesus now stands up before the Scribes and Pharisees.....

 "Finally, Jesus stands from where He was sitting...and spoke: " Ok, here is what we do. Let's allow the first sinless man among you have the distinct privilege of throwing  the first stone. Fair enough?"
 Then, what did Jesus do next? He bent down once more...and continued to write in the dirt with His finger! 
 I would have to think the Scribes and the Pharisees were trouble. What in the world would He be writing next?

 What did He write this time? Here is my humble opinion. I think He wrote something like this: "To keep in line with the Torah, let's go to the Temple and get a confirmation with the priest  all we are about to do is...completely true. Ok, let's start with the oldest...Hezekiah (for an example) are playing this "straight up", and then Ezekiel (only as an example), you are a true man of your word,...and so on and so on...".

 The Scriptures write that: " After hearing of the decision made by Christ Jesus, the Scribes and Pharisees began...WALKING AWAY!....beginning with the oldest among them!"
 The Scriptures go on to proclaim in John 8 that "After a while (maybe this took a while...some of them might had hoped Jesus had excluded their name when writing in the dirt for the 2nd time), the only ones left standing in this whole scenario were....Jesus...and the woman accused of adultery. There was not one Scribe...not one Pharisee...among them.
 Then, the Scriptures read: " Jesus stood up once more (He was still probably writing all these guys names down (lol)), looked around and spoke to the woman: "Where did everyone go? Where did all these people go that were so fiercely out to condemn you? Did anyone throw a stone at you?"

 Now...enter the woman accused of adultery. She responded to the question Jesus asked her and said: "There is no one one here but You and me."

 The question for me is: Why didn't she leave? one was there to hold her back. Yes, the crowd was still there to hear the words of Jesus....but they were not involved in the theatrics of what had just happened. Why didn't she just take off....

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