Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Pushed to the Edge....part 3

Now I return to the Gospel of John, chapter 8....

 The Scribes and the Pharisees arrive in the dawn's early light somewhere near the Temple in Jerusalem, Jesus already has a crowd drawing near to Him...to hear His style of teaching that has the very power to lift the heavy burdens many carry through their everyday life...offering security and hope...and getting a life...a life that can be full of...Joy!.....

 First, in the early verses of chapter 8 the Scribes and the Pharisees come to see Him. It appears as the way this story is described that although they addressed Him as "Teacher", their respect for Him was rude and degrading. Why?

 In various translations and paraphrases it reads from verse 3: "While He was speaking...". In other words, the Scribes and the Pharisees had little or no respect for what Jesus was teaching at that moment, rather simple barged in and said: "Teacher...".
 Have you ever been in a conversation with someone, particularly a deep one, and someone just totally interrupts the conversation and wants all your attention to be on them? Most likely we all have....and for me...you have just "pissed me off"....right? 

 Not Jesus...well He didn't give that response anyway....

 Here come the Scribes and the Pharisees, and they have a woman they have brought with them. When they arrive where Jesus was sitting, in front of the crowd that had gathered to hear Him, they continued to speak apparently having no care as to what Jesus might have been discussing.
 And the Scribes and the Pharisees were "off to the races", wasting no time to bring to everyone's attention their "idea" on trapping Jesus.
 And here is a key...in the beginning of verse 6, it describes the real motive behind this whole confrontation. It really wasn't about the woman supposedly caught in adultery...it was about finding a way to trap Jesus and the things He was teaching...so they could gather evidence against Him...and hopefully get rid of Him.
 Ahhh...the "best laid plans of mice and men...".

 So, the Scribes and the Pharisees announce, and if you take a little time to study the grammatical words of this "entrance" by the Scribes and Pharisees, there is little doubt these opening statements were accompanied by a theatrical performance.
 "Teacher", they said to Jesus, "This woman was caught in the very act of adultery! The law of Moses says to stone her...what do You say?" (verse 4).
 Ok...this is mistake #1...and what a mistake this was!

 Have you ever known someone that has such an animosity...a hatred for another...that they will do almost anything without "covering all their bases"? They are so intent to destroy this person, perhaps so arrogant to think none of what they say will come into question, that they say or do things that will only embarrass themselves but make themselves look stupid?
 I personally think that is how these Scribes and Pharisees thought of themselves...the "Untouchables"...were about to have their "bells rung".

 In the latter part of verse 6...is perhaps one of those "questions of the ages", for it reads: " "...but Jesus stooped down and wrote in the dust with His finger."
 How many have asked; "What did He write?" The Sacred Scriptures never spelled out the words Jesus wrote when He stooped and began writing in the dirt with His finger.
 Yet, that does not necessarily mean we don't have a fairly good idea what He wrote...Oh yea...this is gonna' get good!

 Remember, the Pharisees were really into the "Oral Laws of the Torah"...right? Do these oral laws have anything to say about a situation such as this? Why yes....yes they do!
 Jesus used their very own oral laws to "nail them"....sweet!...this was an entirely awesome and sweet move Jesus makes in this passage of the Sacred Scripture.

 In the "Oral Law of Moses", there is a carefully documented procedure that is to occur when one is caught in the act of adultery.  First, both the MAN and the woman are to be brought to the Temple. In fact, they even had a gate where these type of offenses were to be heard...the Nicanor gate. From there, they are to be brought before the priest, who first of all listens to the charges being made against the adulterous couple. Then, if these charges are confirmed and the man and the woman are found guilty, the first thing the priest will do....stoop and write down on the floor of the Temple...in the dust...the sin that has been committed. The reason behind writing the commandment violation in the dust...it will disappear when concluded.

 I happen to grow up with a mother who loved mystery stories. In the late 60's, on almost any wall in a home  you would find some common similarities. There was usually a picture of Jesus, and depending if you were catholic or protestant as to the type of picture...it could be "the Sacred Heart" if you were raised catholic, or Jesus almost "looking out" if you were protestant. Along with this, there was usually a picture of Abraham Lincoln on one side and John F. Kennedy on the other. At the base of this collage of photos was perhaps a family photo or a member of the family like a grandfather, a dad, or an aunt, usually one who had been a great influence to the family. Not in my family...we had a picture of...Agatha Christie...the popular mystery writer of that day.

 So, this story in John 8 is starting to "warm-up"...for Jesus knew exactly what to do!!

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