Saturday, September 14, 2013

Jesus Displays Emotion...about His Friend

Matthew 11 is quite an interesting chapter to me...because Jesus gets fired up about His dear friend, John the Baptizer. If the crowds were looking for a little "drama"...they got it here.
 Actually, I think Christ Jesus was so emotional over this that it probably took all the human strength He had to not call down some angels and get John out of the situation he was now in.

 Jesus had been told by some of John's disciples that John was in prison, and Jesus knew John's death was fast approaching. John had sent a request to Jesus through his disciples asking Him: "I know You are One the Sacred Scriptures have declared....You are the Messiah. Jesus...I just want hear it one more time....Tell us who Your are!
 I am sure this was heart wrenching to Christ Jesus...I don't think John was asking this question with any doubt as to who He is, I think John, now in prison and close to facing death, yearned to hear His voice...His words...His comfort as John's close friend...and take those words with he was about to face Death.
 And what a great response Christ Jesus makes, reassuring John that nothing he had accomplished was done in vain, for the Gospel was being spread...and the people could receive Life....a Life Jesus wants to share with all...and embrace all those who upon His very Name.

 In the middle of this chapter, Jesus responds to the "talk in the streets" about both John the Baptizer and with Christ Jesus Himself. There is no doubt in my mind....His emotions were high.
 First, He emphasized the true value of John's life, and what he meant personally to Jesus. Then, beginning in verse 17 His emotions and His love for John came across something like this:
 " We played wedding songs to you, yet you refuse to dance.
    So we played funeral songs, and you refused to mourn.
    You act like a spoiled child, always complaining no matter what a parent does.
    If we come to play with you, you are always tired.
    If we come to want to go somewhere, a dinner or just hang out, you are always too busy.
   John has come, refusing to drink wine or any strong drink to relax, and he spent long periods 
   of his life fasting and seeking the face of My Father....and what is your reaction? You say he is    crazy...perhaps even possessed by a demon.
   I have come to you, and I eat with you, celebrate holidays with all their feasts, and drink wine
   during these celebrations....and what is your reaction?
   You call me a "lush",  a "party guy" because I share My Life with tax collectors 
   and women...with the riffraff and the loan sharks."

 And then it seems Jesus regroups within Himself, and His love for all people begins to overflow from His very heart. As this chapter in Matthew's verses leave me with this impression:
 " Jesus said to them: " Come to Me, all of you...particularly those who are weary, loaded-down, and carrying weights in life that are too heavy...weights that were never intended for you to carry. And, if you will do this, that is ... come to Me, I will take all that weight off of you, I will take your weights in life upon Me, and in exchange, I will give you My rest.
 I have the very power to transform your life, taking all those things that bring you down, all those things that do nothing but exhaust you, and all those things that breed so much uncertainty in your life you simply find yourself constantly living in a desperate state of mind. In exchange, I will give you My rest, a complete rest, and you will find life exciting and full, having a calm expectation for good as each day arrives and the sun greets you in the early morning.

 When you choose to come to Me, to get away...and come with Me, from all of life's heavy burdens, you will have given yourself an opportunity to recover your life.
 As you begin to experience My love for you and our friendship begins, You will find Me gentle...gentle of heart. I am not the type of friend who does nothing but criticize or condemn you, I am here to give you strengthen  and assist you in having the "joy of living".
 I am humble of heart, and gentle in spirit. If you choose this path to follow, you will discover for yourself what My true rest is all your daily life. You will no longer find life a "forced one", causing you to push and shove others out of the way to get where you are trying to go. Instead, My rest will embrace you with a "new song", coming from your very heart....all those things you long to believe in, all the hopes in life you long for, and all your efforts in life....are now possible...through the experience of partaking in My rest. Your life in Me and our friendship together, will produce a new song...the "Song of the Rhythms of Grace" springing from within because of My rest.
 We will be yoked together as you take on everyday life, and you will not be burdened down with such heavy agenda that sees no end in sight, nor will you will not find yourself frustrated...mired in an endless array of rules and regulations, and you will no longer have to chase after goals that cause you deep stress and demands you could never attain.

  Our friendship is surrounded in Peace...My Peace. This peace I give to you freely brings a total relief and a sense of ease from your war-torn life, and will bring you out of any ruts in life you may encounter. You will find refreshment for your very souls... times of relaxation...times of enjoyment...a time to understand the purpose of your life.

 You will have found...the true way of Freedom...and it all starts...with Me."

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