Thursday, September 12, 2013

Pushed to the Edge...part 5

Moving on with this passage in John 8, I am personally and totally convinced this meeting with the Scribes and Pharisees was not about this woman they had brought before Him. It was not about the act of was about...getting rid of Him......

 "After the Scribes and Pharisees had presented their case before Him, Jesus...did not verbally respond. He remained seated, bent over and began to write something in the dirt...with His finger!"

 The question of the ages...what did He write? Many have given quality opinions, thoughts, and insights as to what might have been wrote. My thought?
 I think He followed the very instructions of the "Oral Torah", of which the Scribes and Pharisees were keenly aware of. Just as the priest would write the commandment that was broken when a case was brought before him at the Temple, Jesus almost did a "in your face" type reaction, following the very instructions these Scribes and Pharisees were totally aware of...but were not following themselves!
 So, what commandment might have Christ Jesus wrote in the dirt with His finger. No, I do not think He wrote the commandment "Thou shalt not commit adultery." I think He saw through this whole thing the Scribes and Pharisees were attempting to pull off, and skipped down to the.....9th commandment of the "Big 10".
 And the Scriptures indicate in John 8 that while Jesus was beginning to write in the dirt, they were badgering Him...wanting an immediate answer and doing all they could to keep Him from seeing what the secret motives that were really going on. I could just hear them: "Come on...Come on....we need an answer here....what are you going to do about this woman...stone her or not!"
 And then, the writing appeared to them.

 I don't think Jesus was even thinking about whether the woman was an adulterer...I really don't think He was concerned with all the charges the Scribes and Pharisees had used to build their case at this precise moment.
 I keep in mind...knowing the Scriptures and understanding them, coupling the Scriptures with the Oral Torah....that was Priority #1 to a Scribe or Pharisee.
 So, what do I think He wrote? I think He wrote this: "You must not testify falsely...against your neighbor." I think Christ Jesus called it for what it was, and knew this whole "adulterous claim" was a hoax, a drummed up idea that involved a lot of cover-up, ulterior motives, and deceit. This woman just happen to be the victim of this ill-thought out plan. I think these guys were so arrogant about their status and knowledge of the Sacred Scriptures...they could pull this off. After all, they were dealing with a guy who was only the son of some poor carpenter.

 Moving on in John chapter 8, as the Scribes and Pharisees were badgering Him for an immediate answer, and He had wrote the commandment in the dirt as to which one had been is written..."Finally, Jesus stood up from where He was sitting."

 In numerous resources today on the subject of body language, it is often written or said that how you carry yourself physically during a conversation...can speak even louder than the actual words you articulate.
 In the Scriptures, when ever God stands better believe...something is about to happen!

 Do you think the Scribes and Pharisees were straining to see what He had wrote with His finger in the dirt? How do you think they might have reacted when they read it.....maybe "Uh-oh...He is on to us."   Hmmm? Like we say in sports...."The momentum has shifted..."

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