Monday, September 16, 2013

Faith and Trust...for All....

Rome...during the time Jesus was one of us...was by far the most important city of the known world....

  The Roman army was massive, able to control every country that surrounds the Mediterranean Sea. As a result, the rulers of Rome were not only wealthy, but extremely powerful. Rome had become a great trade city and many sought employment there. Slavery was a primary source of labor in the Roman Empire, and many worked in Rome.
 Christians were not a popular sect of the Roman Empire. They were often blamed for political uprisings, economical repercussions, and in general the refusal to participate in the Roman way of life.
 In 64 A.D. Christians were blamed for the "Great Fire" of Rome, even though much evidence is given that the Emperor Nero may have started the fire. The Roman writer Tacitus wrote of the alarming number of Christians being in Rome and referred to them as "enemies of the human family of people."

 Saint Paul wrote a letter to the believers in Rome, some conclude that along with his letter to Hebrews, these may indeed in fact may have been some of his most prized letters.
 Believers in Christ Jesus were facing many issues...some of which we face even today. One thought emerged was that our belief in God was of a very private matter, meaning our convictions and general attitudes and thoughts on spiritual matters were very personal, and as a result some thought it best to mind your own business on the subject and not be concerned as to one's choice of belief. Surely some of this was due to the immense persecution  Christians were facing at that time, and the fact false teachers of the Christian faith were already twisting how one is to follow the call: "Follow Me."
 Yet, part of this train of thought is true, inviting the Lord Jesus into our hearts and lives is a very personal matter, an individual  choice made from a sincere and needful heart.
 But, receiving Jesus and announcing the Message of the Gospel...are two different things. When one receives the Lord Jesus into their lives, the Gospel requires all men to make a decision to take a stand on their belief. Water baptism for example is a public expression of our commitment to follow Him.

 In Romans 10, Paul addresses the fact that not only is it important to make a stand in the announcement of the Gospel, it is of vital interest to let it be known the Gospel is all men.

Here then is a Gleaning of Romans 10:11-13

 " The Sacred Scriptures reassures us of this very thing: No one who puts their trust and reliance in Christ Jesus, will ever live to regret it or be disappointed in making this choice, or to face shame in doing so.
 And let it be known to all, this Promise of Jesus Christ becoming the central theme in your life is not based on any type of background checks. It makes no difference whether you are of a religious persuasion or background, your financial status, raised in a broken home, or simply abandoned. This Promise comes with the guarantee of His generous regards to you and anything that concerns you. He is with you for the long haul, and will not fail anyone of us...not even one.
 Therefore you can put your entire hope and trust into His care and allow your life to be governed by the Lord Jesus Himself...He will be there for you...and see to it that no matter what situation you are facing in life...He will see you through it.
 All this comes as a direct result of you personally calling upon Him...with those simple word: "Help me...Lord."

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