Sunday, August 11, 2013

You got to be "crazy" be a Christian

To the natural mind and logically piecing together a movement, an event that would impact our become "Christian" just doesn't seem to make any sense........

I mean, look at it...when Christ Jesus returned to Heaven to see His Father...whom He said was now "Our Father"...because we know Him...was peculiar to say the least.

 1. He really didn't leave us a list of rules of things we are to accomplish or follow, like Moses receiving the 10 Commandments.

 2. There was no secret code that could give us exclusive this One who said He was the Son of God...the Only Son of God at that! It wasn't like things were written in "hieroglyphics" like the findings of ancient Egyptian writings.

 3. There wasn't any Declaration of the founding fathers of this country who worked together with all their strength and minds to establish the United States of America.

 4. There wasn't any Emancipation Proclamation, stating we were now free to be President Lincoln delivered at Gettysburg. 

 5. We didn't hear Jesus say to His Father: "This is one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

 6. Nor did we hear Him say: "Ask not what "this Kingdom can do for you, ask what you can do for this "Kingdom."

 7. Nor did Jesus offer any "trickle down" economic package that would give us all a more satisfying life.

On the appeared a complete chaotic mess.  I do recognize the fact we have the Sacred Scriptures to give us direction...yet this rather humbling beginning of Christianity was....unusual...I'm just sayin'.
 Then He dropped a "bomb" is written in the Gospels. During the Last Supper, He says that "Unless you drink of My Blood and eat of My flesh, you can not be a part of Me."
 OK...then. That will go over well with a predominate Jewish crowd, for when the word "blood" is mentioned in any is associated with totally unclean...let alone an obscure thought about "Is this guy a cannibal?"
 He had mentioned to Nicodemus earlier about how we must be "born again" to enter this Kingdom Jesus is talking about, and Nicodemus used his logic and asked: "What do You want me to do...crawl back into my mother's womb?"
 Now...He states we must eat of His flesh and drink of His Blood...or we will not know Him.

 Is this the best way to start and lead others to a new way of life?

 And the crowd on the night of the Last Supper got real intense after He had proclaimed these statements. I'm not just talking a little grumbling...I mean there were flat out arguments and divisions. Wasn't He suppose to be the Messiah...of Israel?

Oh...and it appears to get much worse!

 When the Jewish leaders came to apprehend Him at Gethsemane...things got a little crazy! Peter, one of The Original...whacks off a guy's ear...because another one of The Original had "sold out" on Jesus, and turns Him in. Jesus puts the guy's ear back on and heals him... and what happens next?!! They all left Him..."The Original"...gone! The Scriptures use phrases like: "escape", "fleeing". and "running"...for their lives.
 Matthew...who at one time had thrown a party and invited his friends to meet Him. Andrew...who brought his own brother to meet Jesus. Phillip...who had spoke to Nathaniel rather adamantly about Jesus. And Peter...who after cutting off the servant's ear, was told by Christ Jesus Himself that he would deny ever...evER...EVER...knowing Him, and not once but 3 different times before this "night of horror" had concluded.

 You still think He is who He says He is? I do! Yet, there is more! And yes....the Holy Spirit..He's coming! Wait a bit....... 

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