Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Before the Arrival of the Holy Spirit.....

Christianity was born...in total chaos...at least it appeared so....

 It is in the early morning. Jesus is handed over to Pilate by the Jewish leaders and governing body of the people of Jerusalem...the infamous Sanhedrin.  Pilate had been the Roman Prefect (governor) of the region since 26 A.D. and would complete his tenure in 36 A.D.
 The Sanhedrin had ordered Jesus to be executed...even though they had no authority to do so, Roman authority was the only authority allowed to make such judgments. The Sanhedrin pulled the same stunt again in the Book of Acts 6:12....ordering Stephen to be executed by stoning him to death. Hatred and Bitterness...can poison a soul...and knows no bounds to force what "they think" is right.

 The reason I think the "Jesus Trials" exposed the true nature of man...wasn't because Jesus was a "good guy"...uh...He is a little more than that right?
 Yet, even with the total and pure innocence that Jesus truly demonstrated in both word and deed while He was here...being one of us, the real motive for His death was: He didn't fit the image and the pattern for what His people wanted...in a Messiah. And, He still doesn't fit what people want in a Savior... today. 

 The emphasis and thrusts of Jesus teachings...His parables...and His compassionate nature was focused on one matter...the matter of our hearts. Issues in life, whether it be of political nature, morality standards, relationships, or equality ....all hinges on the words He spoke with the Jewish Pharisee named Nicodemus: "You must be...born again". 

 Born Again....a phrase that has been "used and abused" throughout history. In one sense, it has seemed to me to be quite shallow in appearance, and other times forceful in the nature of its presentation.
 In her book, "The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert", by Rosaria Champagne Butterfield, she shares: "There is a core difference between sharing the gospel with the lost and imposing a specific moral standard on the unconverted." ( Rosaria Butterfield is a Christian who at one point of her life despised both Christians and Christianity.)

 Born Again..we all got to have it right? We hear numbers like 3 million getting "born again" in Africa, we might see a religious program on TV that has a "large number scoreboard"..asking everyone to get involved in getting people saved..."Born Again".  We have evangelistic groups from numerous denominations going out and getting people to know Jesus...the importance of being..."Born Again".

 What is this "Born Again"?....What does it really mean? 

 For myself, it is an issue that generates from the heart. Anything other than a heartfelt decision...won't last. Fear won't...guilt won't...feeling or being emotionally touched...won't...it's a matter of...the heart. I think the parable of the sower in Matthew 13 points to that.
 Born Again for me is about making a decision...desperate yes...so desperate that you are willing to do whatever it takes to see your life change...and give a purpose to why I am here and what am I suppose to do with my life. 
 And it is in that precise moment, when you make a prayer that is genuine...motivated by the need to know Him....no trade offs...no "if You do this for me, I will do this for You" type of thing. Nothing matters...circumstances...outcomes...victory or defeat...all you really desire....is for Him to come in your heart, give to Him all you are, recognize the failures and sin that has come as a result of attempting to live your life on your own abilities, and invite Him...to come into your heart...and take control of....everything that concerns you. I do think when that happens....you are safe....because the embrace He gives you...is an eternal embrace...and it does your heart good...permanently.

 With that being said, becoming "Born Again"is in my humble opinion the key that opens the Door to Life, ...how does this genuine hunger for Him continue...and deepen? Being "Born Again" is one thing...allowing Him to become "Lord of your life"....that involves surrendering...not only daily lifestyle changes, or actions, or desires....it also includes thoughts, learning to be in touch with your true motives..with others...with financial decisions...with family... and with your decision to be a Christian.

 Here are some other statements Rosaria Champagne Butterfield made when she prayed a desperate and genuine prayer at some point in her life....and was embraced by Him..."Born Again"!

On Repentance: " I learned the first rule of repentance requires greater intimacy with God than our sin. How much greater? About the size of a mustard seed. Repentance requires that we draw near to Jesus, no matter what. And sometimes we all have to crawl there...on our hands and knees. Repentance is an intimate affair. And for many of us, intimacy with anything is a terrifying prospect."

 On Listening to what we are told: " I think the churches would be places of greater intimacy and growth in Christ, if people stopped lying about what we need, what we fear, where we fail, and how we sin."

On the Importance of the Bible: " Biblical orthodoxy can offer real compassion, because in our struggle against sin, we cannot undermine God's power to change lives. "

 Mistakes in Life (keep in mind Rosaria Butterfield tenured as an English professor): " When you make mistakes in public you will learn that they are mistakes and in being corrected you will grow. It is also reminded me that being wrong and responding to correction with resilience was a higher virtue than covering up your mistakes so your students and the watching world assumed success meant never being wrong..." 

 Life's Calling: " If the Lord calls us to be a bridge, we have to learn to bear in His Strength the weight. And it hurts. And it is good. And the Lord equips."

Answers to Life: " Answers come after questions, not before. Answers answers questions in specific and pointed ways, not in sweeping generalizations."

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