Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Christianity and "Thinking"...now that is a twist!

Thinking is defined as: " to engage in the process of logical thought and a deepening study with the result being to form an opinion or a particular view on a given subject(s). This process may include consideration, a pondering, taking the time to evaluate, and to reflect with the purpose of retaining what has been given to the entire thought. Thinking not only allows one to gather facts, but has the capability to invent an entirely new idea on any given subject being analyzed and thought through." The result of this type of pursuance....a lifestyle change...a different outlook on what life means to you.

 Including myself in the following deduction...I do think "Thinking" is becoming more of a "lost art". I feel this way because it seems so many people form or live a particular lifestyle built on a simple phrase they might have heard somewhere, a "one-liner" which seems to be a popular trend, perhaps even a greeting on a Hallmark card, or my all-time favorite...a Bible verse...taken out of context.

 Thinking and comprehending....takes a willful act to pursue a certain subject. I think receiving Jesus into my heart requires that sort of thing. While it is true, we receive the Lord Jesus by faith; examining, studying, and becoming a friend to Him....takes effort on our part to...pursue Him!
 Jesus spoke to the people in his lifetime by choosing to relate to through the power of parables. Parables are simply designed to: " bring an enlightenment of the unknown through the known".

 I also think we live in an age where we just "do our thing", we don't take time to study and examine what it means to  have asked  Him to live in our hearts, and then to follow through with our initial decision of response to the call of: "Follow Me".
 In Matthew 13, Jesus uses a parable to describe how the call by the Master works. He breaks it down into 4 various types of soil...indicating that even when a person decides to yield their lives and give their hearts to the Lord Jesus, there is basically a 25% chance it will produce the kind of results that He makes when becoming an active part of our daily lives.
 I am not talking about being saved or not, rather, I am referring to the love and power of Christ Jesus being demonstrated in our individual lives and our abilities to help others find the Peacemaker (the Lord Jesus), our lives passing on the "Great Invitation" ("Follow Me") to help and minister to those around us.

 In Matthew 13: 4-9, Jesus describes how the Word of God is planted into our lives...and what happens after the initial seed has landed...into our hearts.

                                            A Gleaning of Matthew 13:4-9

 " While a sower, a farmer perhaps, was scattering seed, it became obvious the seed was broadcast unto the various ground within his casting distance.
 Some seed fell upon hard ground...beaten paths made so from people travelling on these paths to and fro. The ground had become almost rock-hard, and as a result this seed that was thrown on to it, had little if any chance of finding root. As the seed laid exposed on the top of the hard soil...the birds spotted this seed easily and came and ate the seed.
 Other seed that had been scattered fell on a rocky and rather thin top soil. In this soil, the seed was able to take root, yet the roots of these seeds didn't have the depth needed to get to water, the rocky soil made it difficult for the root...to take hold. As a result, when the sun came up and the heat of the day arrived, these young and tender plants with shallow roots...simply whithered and died.
 And yet there was still other seed that had been scattered among weeds and thorns. These weeds and thorns were "too much"...too strong for the young tender plants coming from the seed to withstand, and the weeds and thorns overtook the plants...blocking them from the needed warmth of the sun, usurping water in the soil, and choking the young and tender plants attempting to grow.
 Still, there was some scattered seed that fell on soil that had depth...a richness of nutrients needed for the seed to take root properly. These young plants were able to take root and find water, absorb the heat of the sun, and were free from the thorns and weeds which were out to overtake them. In fact, these young plants when full grown and healthy...brought quite a harvest to the sower (farmer). Some of the plants whose origins had been simple seeds cast, brought 100 times of their own value, other plants brought 60 times their precious value, while other plants brought 30 times."

 Later in Saint Matthew 13....Jesus explains the meaning of his "mystery".... using the known...to explain the unknown. "Gotta" check this out!

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