Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Why Bother...with this "Stuff"?

As I proceed toward the importance of the 3rd Member of the Godhead, His Name is the Holy Spirit...I can't help but ask myself: "Why am I bothering with this stuff?"

 In the Gospel of John 6:68-69...Jesus proposed a similar question to His disciples, asking them: "Who do you say that I am?" And it was Peter, who made a declaration that has been repeated through time by many: "Lord, whom else could we go? You are the One who has the words to Eternal Life. Our faith...is in You...and are confident You are the Holy One of God, the very Son of the Living God."

 It seems in this life we all search for something...something that will give us a joy for living. Jesus spoke about that too... in the Gospel of John 15:10-11 it goes something like this: " When you continue on the path ignited by My words "Follow Me"...and begin to do what I do, just like I do in trusting and following the words of My Father, you will then have found your home. The home you now live is in My love for you, and it is a love that intimately remains. The reason I tell you this now is I want you to know what My joy is: My joy...My delight...is you. And because of this, your joy...your delight...is in trusting our friendship will never leave you...and your joy in life will be full...and overflowing."

 Being a Christian in today's world... I find challenging at certain intervals of my journey through life. It seems to me this life comes down to 2 basic questions: 1. Is God real? and 2. Why don't we ever have enough money to do what we want?
 Another thought that occurs to me at times: This joy that Jesus speaks of...is it achieved by following a set of "Do's and Don'ts? Do virtues like joy, kindness, and compassion dominate the better part of my day, or do I tend to lean on judgment, criticism, and harshness toward others...especially if I feel threatened or become defensive? 

Jesus...He definitely has a way with people. He has caused others to walk away from careers, ignore reputations to uphold, change their focus on personal possessions, and no longer embrace the need for power. And...with just 2 words: "Follow Me".

And yet,

 Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., a member of the Supreme Court for 30 years, once wrote how he chose his career path. He wrote: I might have entered the ministry...if certain clergymen I knew had not looked like and acted so much like...undertakers."

 Happiness...Joy...we all seek it...is it the same thing? 

 Happiness is used approximately 26 times in the Scriptures, and is used in reference to transitory emotional experiences. 
 Joy is found approximately 323 throughout the Scriptures...and is found to be obtained without any dependence on outward circumstances.
 Jesus spoke of...joy. Joy...right in the middle of daily sadness, regardless of our adversities, and in the midst of our setbacks in life.
 And this joy that Jesus offers...is received from Him...even if it requires giving up everything, facing heart aching hardships, or in the midst of persecution.
 Joy...the joy of knowing Him and finding our lifelong passion in life...in 2 simple words: "Follow Me".

 Joy also can expose how shallow we are. C.S. Lewis once wrote: " Our Lord finds our desires...not too strong...but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition, when infinite joy is offered to us. It is like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a humble surroundings because he is unable to imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at sea. We are too easily pleased." 

 People are watching each of us...much more than what we sometimes realize, and human nature often gravitates to the hope others will find life  miserable like so many do, and desert the words that offered us hope...the words "Follow Me".

 I think David said it best in the Book of Psalms: "I will sing for joy at the works of Your hands, how great are thy works O Lord, for You have made me glad...by what You have done." 

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