Friday, August 23, 2013

Pursue the Godly Lifestyle...Although We are at Times Hindered.....

During Paul's lifetime, the Corinthian people seem to display a culture that demanded evidence...evidence to whatever philosophy or religion that was presented to them.....

 If a minister of The Good News in today's world was transported through time to the Corinthians during Paul's lifetime, he/she had  better brought an "arsenal" with them...that is a display of power from on high that is visible to see or the power to touch, for without it the Message of Christ Jesus might be deemed: Unacceptable!
 In historical writings and various archaeological findings, it seems the Corinthians loved the "glamour of life"...stylish buildings, handsome and beautiful leaders, expensive tastes, and prosperity everywhere. If someone presented the Risen Christ under a format that related to the "tastes of their culture"....many would come to know Him!

 So, who did God send?.....the Apostle Paul....not exactly the prototype this culture demanded.

 Paul, physically scarred from the beatings he had suffered for simply acknowledging: "Yes, I know Him...He is my closest friend...and He is the Living Messiah!"
 Paul, by the historical data that has been gathered over time...not exactly a powerful looking individual. He was said to be small in stature, no real adorning features that would cause the women to go "OOOH or AHHHH", or no bulging muscles...Paul did not have the "Conan" look to enhance his masculinity. Historical evidence concludes this guy had a "war-torn" look...far from any Corinthian manual that might dictate: "How to become a powerful leader".

 Yet, what Paul did carry with him...was more powerful that any culture could exalt...including the Corinthian culture. Paul, through his increasing daily friendship with the Lord Jesus Christ had power...the power from the Holy Spirit that overcame the Corinthian mentality. Paul had a confidence, an almost unbelievable courage, a determination, and delivered the Message of the Good News with an authority that originated from the very heart of Heaven itself.
 Paul was a well-seasoned warrior of the Gospel, and his increasing friendship with The Risen One had only made him...stronger! He displayed no fear as to the demands of the Corinthian community...and spoke boldly and clear as to the Message his dear Friend had deposited into his very heart...Jesus loves them...not dependent on any "fireworks" as a sign that He does. Now, in saying that...I am not saying signs and wonders did not accompany Paul's message of the Gospel, what I am saying is the acceptance of Christ Jesus into our hearts and lives is not secured by what we see or is received! 

 So, how did Paul present the Gospel to the Corinthians? It is clear in the Scriptures as to Paul's primary interest: our lives are to reflect the brilliance and the Glory of the Risen One...with no physical condition required to accept Him as your Savior, your King, and your Friend. In other words, rich or poor, Jewish or Gentile, sick or well...He doesn't play favorites...Jesus died for each one of us.
 In the 12th chapter of 2 Corinthians, Paul did perform through the power of the Holy Spirit physical evidence that Jesus Christ is truly alive, yet in Paul's first letter to the Corinthians believers he makes it abundantly clear in chapter 13 where our true source of power our love for Him and the love we have one for another. Above all, Paul stresses his heart's desire from his friendship with Him....that our lives...regardless of what circumstances we might face...are to give Glory to Him.
 Paul's message to the Corinthians...and to us today: Keep our eyes fixed on the Eternal...nurturing the friendship you have with Him, and allowing The Kingdom type lifestyle to have entry into our hearts. In so doing, originating from a kindred with Him, the power of the Holy Spirit is now welcome to operate through us, bringing with Him the gifts so many are in need of.

                                    A Gleaning from 2 Corinthians 4: 16-18

 " Never give in to your heart, when it might say: "Man, just give it up." The Work of the Cross equips us with Power from on see this life the end! Although discouragement, utter despair, weariness, and fear is found knocking at the "doorsteps of our hearts", and our physical bodies are wasting away...we are filled with this incredible Power from on High that generates an inner strength...that grows stronger each day stemming from our friendship with Him, that is able to overcome all the adversities in life we may ever...ever....ever face! 
 These momentary troubles or what may seem like a monumental disaster  that presently confronts us...and sometimes they come rather frequently, seems to produce this Glory that belongs to Him which oozes from us as our dependence on knowing Him and enjoying the beauty of our friendship increases, and is actually able to defeat any troubles or oncoming disaters we face in life. Although the "plagues of this life" are very real to our physical eye, it is the eye of faith that comes from our very hearts....that destroys any of the Works of Darkness...whose real target is our hearts...and the desire to destroy...our very souls." 

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