Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Christianity and Thinking..."Now that's a Twist" Part 2

Continuing on with Matthew 13: 4-9, Jesus now explains what He was talking about:

   A Gleaning from Matthew 13: 18-23

 " Listen to Me, I will explain to you what I was talking about in the "Parable of the Sower".

 First, the meaning of the birds eating the seed. Give yourself some study out this story I have spoke to you. Here is how it goes: When anyone hears the Good News of My Father's Kingdom...but gives no further thought or follow through with what has been heard, just listening and possibly rationalizing it as a possibility yet not taking the step to be an active participant and allow The Kingdom to make an impact on their daily lives, the results are...nothing. To give comprehension to inviting Me into your heart, but more often than not originating  from wrong motives such as fear or emotion, the whole concept of My Father and I making our home in your hearts is not able to take your very hearts, and the joy of our friendship is deserted...and they fail to see"The One who has Come for Them".

 The seed cast on rocky and thin soil is meant to show there are those when at first hearing the Good News, get excited. Often their emotions are stirred....yet it ends there. Here is why: The first time difficulty(ies) arise in their lives, the very same emotions that "triggered them" when hearing the Good News...will be the dominant factor in "throwing the Good News out the window"...saying to themselves..."This didn't work." In the end, they distant themselves from The Good News and actually desert any thought of having a friendship with "The One who has Come for Them".

 Then there are those that hear the joy of The Good News, yet their cares, desires, and general concerns and worries in life "speaks louder" than the joy of hearing The Good News. The "tugs of life"...that offer false delights, glamour, and being seduced through false illusions...simply choke out any chance of My Father's Kingdom taking a solid root in their heart. As a result, these people are left feeling disappointed....even abandoned...and desert "The One who has Come for them".

 Yet...there are those...

 Those who truly embrace The Good News...and My love for them. They listen and consider...and make the decision to "Follow Me" in both word and in their deeds. They hunger for our friendship...more than anyone else or anything this world can offer. They make it a top priority and set aside time to ponder and comprehend how much love our friendships brings. Soon others will begin to notice their lifestyles have changed, and their joy for life is quite evident. They will see My Peace upon them, they will see how My Love embraces them, as our friendship is nurtured and made learning of Me. 
 These results will be quite different than what I spoke of before: their harvest will be plentiful. Those who make our friendship work, growing stronger each day...will bring perhaps 100 times more to those who hear The Good News and the joy of our friendship, others will bring 60 times more, and yet others 30 times as many...all because they have chosen to love Me, to obey God's Commands, and receive My Blessings....from our friendship."

 The other question I have in having a friendship with "The One who has Come...for me!" How does the Holy Spirit make an it did with "The Original"?

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