Thursday, August 8, 2013

"We Have Contact, the Holy Spirit has Landed"....

The impact of the Holy Spirit...."What Does He Us?"

 I think I would like to pursue the thought of...the Holy Spirit and how His influence in our lives are vital to the Good News...and sharing with others through word and action the love Christ Jesus has for each of us.
 First, what exactly is "The Good News?"

 A dictionary definition of this phrase includes: Current information received that was not known before. Good news may come in a variety of ways including approval, victory, or success. The origin of this phrase is from the Middle English ( the late Middle Ages) which was defined as "the hearing of new things that are welcome and quite refreshing".
 Hmmm? Current information not known before.....

 Pastor Rick Warren of the mega-church "Saddleback Church", defines "Good News" from a Christian perspective as: " The Good News is when we trust God's grace to save us, through the work of Jesus, our sins are forgiven, we get a purpose for living, and we are promised a future home in heaven."
 Pastor Warren goes on to explain the importance of receiving God's love and accepting His love into our individual and daily lives. God's love does not choose certain individuals...He has made the decision to love all of us...and His love is brought to us in a very personal and intimate matter.
 Another point of interest Pastor Warren makes is the fact how God's love for each one of us...knows no fear. His love for us overcomes, drives out, and overcomes any resistance to accepting Him into our hearts.

 Here then are some Scriptural verses that speak of the "Good News" and the love Christ Jesus has for the form of Gleanings:

 Romans 1:16-17  " The Good News is not a message that causes you to feel ashamed or makes you "want to hide". On the contrary, The Good information not known previously... is the very power of God currently at work. This power is designed to rescue everyone!...who makes the choice to trust Him and respond to the call: "Follow Me". 
 The Good News reveals and informs us...this news comes straight from Heaven! God had a plan already in place where everyone can embrace a deep friendship with Him....all made possible through His Only and Dear Son, our Lord Jesus...with one requirement...we trust and believe in the work of "The One who came for Us".
 For the Sacred Scriptures are clear: God accepts us...not through any merits or actions of our own, rather, we can stand before God...because Christ Jesus really is alive!...and lives in our hearts."

  2 Corinthians 5:14     "It is this very thought, the message of The Good News, that causes His love to urge and compel us, and is the main component that influences our very daily decision making. We really do believe Christ Jesus has died...for each one of us, and because of His love for us, we are able to receive His strength to die to our old way of life."

Yea...I know..."How about the Holy Spirit?"  Part 2 ...and possibly then some...just have to see where this is goin' right? 

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