Sunday, November 4, 2012

Why is it so hard to "get into" the Sacred Scriptures...part 4

The 4th reason I have come across in my own life that keeps me from studying the Scripture..."The Sacred Scriptures are...boring!"
 After all, if the Scriptures are God-breathed, life changing, sharper than a 2-edged sword, and full of life to those who treasure them...then why are they boring?

 Some reasons I have found the Scriptures boring are:
1. I haven't taken the time to know the Author...and to appreciate His writings.
2. The Word of God is grounded in purpose...having purpose in everyday life, not just sitting back and let "life pass me by".
3. My motives: Do I read the Scriptures to because I am in need of things?...or do I even think about having God's friendship included in my daily life?
4 Have I ever gone from simply reading the Scriptures because it is a reading the Scriptures because we have developed a "love affair"...just wanting Him and clinging to His every Word?
5. Maybe it is me who is boring...instead of the Sacred Scriptures.

 Can boredom get you in trouble... well, look at David and you tell me...I personally don't think David was ever the same after this (forgiven?...Yes!...the same...I don't think so.).

 A Gleaning from 2 Samuel 11:1-5

 " In the spring of the year was the time kings would normally do battle and go to war. They avoided winter battles because of the cold, the roads being muddy, and food and general supplies were hard to bring to the warring armies. Yet, in the spring of this year David decided not to lead his comrades to war...even though he was wanting to destroy the Ammonite army.
 Instead, David stayed Jerusalem while his armies took on the Ammonite armies. David sent Joab out to lead the Israelite army, and Joab led well. The Israelite army ravaged the Ammonites, circled their capital city of Rabbah, and besieged it....while David sat home and alone in Jerusalem.
 Now it happened on one early evening David had arose from a late afternoon nap, most likely a little bored with life, and decided to take a simple stroll on the flat roof that covered his grand palace. As he was walking, he stopped momentarily and looked out over the city of Jerusalem.

 And there she was!

As he was looking down over the walls and gardens of the homes in the area, his eyes took notice of a her own courtyard...behind her private garden...and she was bathing. She was following the instructions of the Sacred Scripture in relation to purification rites after a menstrual period.

And she was hot!! (beautiful)

 David wasted no time!...he called one of his aides to go find out who this woman was...and soon found out she was the daughter of Eliam...and she was MARRIED!!! Urriah the Hittite. her name?...Bathsheba.
 Then, David, maybe because boredom had gotten the best of him, or maybe the boredom allowed "Lust" to dictate his decision...summoned his aides to go and get her...and bring her to the palace. The result?...she ended up in bed with King David that very night...then she returned home...while Urriah was at war...serving God, his country, and David...faithfully.
 A little later, Bathsheba sent a note to David. It read: "I'm pregnant."

 Maybe at first the Scriptures might feel a little boring...shake it up a little. Look up a verse on how you are feeling about the Scripture...including boredom. Let God know...He would rather hear that...than you just closing the Book...and the next time God hears from you is a prayer like: "Father, I have sinned...instead of hangin' in there thinking about Scriptures...I met this girl...who is married...and I accidentally got her pregnant...can You help me? I  should have been at work...but took some time off...not to be with You...just because I was lazy and bored...and I ran into a problem."

 In James 1:19-27, he offers some pretty practical advice to following the Messiah... so here then is a Gleaning from James:

 " My dear friends, you really need to get a hold and understand this. You need to practice being quick to listen, slow to speak, and don't let your own anger have any control over you.
 Our own human anger doesn't help us...ever! This type of anger doesn't originate from God our Father...and He doesn't want us to depend on our own anger to be the solution to our daily issues that arise in our lives.
 Instead, let it go! Even if requires force and determination to do fact, while you are at it rid yourself of any know evils that linger in your lifestyle...anything that can prove cancerous to  your life. In fact, try this!...first, be humble enough to allow God a place and time  to landscape the activities given to everyday allowing the Sacred Scriptures to find a home and rest within you...right in your very heart.
 After this begins to take place, here lies an important element that will add growth in your relationship with Him! But this comes with a warning!...Don't "sell yourself short" by simply listening to or reading the Sacred Scripture...but not doing anything about it.
 You have got to "come out of the box" and actually P-A-R-T-I-C-I-P-A-T-E and D-O what the Sacred Scriptures instruct. Why?...because that is where His power lies! This power becomes available to you at this point and has the potential to change your life, making His will the major part of your life, and to train your way of thinking to how the Sacred Scriptures "think".  Otherwise, just hearing or reading the Scriptures and not doing or the formula for "how to fool yourself".
 Look at it like this: When a person checks out him or herself in the mirror, they give attention to their face, or their hair, or the clothes they might be wearing...then they walk away and in a couple of minutes completely forget what they were looking at in the mirror. That is how some read or listen to the Scripture..."in one ear...out the other".
 Don't practice that method...try this instead! When you take the time to read and give study to the Scripture, spend a little time examining it, and give God the time to write these "Laws of Liberty" into your very heart. Then, begin to put into practice something you may have read from the Scripture...that very day! It may be as simple as a smile, giving someone a pat on the back, or saying something positive to someone you usually wouldn't give the "time of day".

 And one more thing...if you think yourself to be of a "religious nature" by simply talking a "good game" but having no actions to back-up all that talk...people like that are only fooling themselves, and deceiving themselves into thinking they are "righteous'...when the truth of the matter... they are totally useless.
 Here is a true and Godly religion...a pure religion that is supported with actions. Pure religion is...reaching out to the homeless. caring for the orphans and for the widows,  "feeling" their pain and sorrows, and refusing to allow godless and worldly views on life have any part...of their own."

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