Jesus talks about birds...He mentioned them in the Gospel of St. Matthew in chapter 6. According to Jesus, birds don't worry.
Jesus said birds don't even store up food for winter, like an ant or squirrel does. All a bird does is awake in the early morning hours...and sing! They don't even do a "feather count" to make sure they have enough feathers to face a cold day. Birds just fly off to breakfast...and continue to eat what they need for that day. It's like a bird doesn't seem to have a "care in the world".
Birds???...go figure....And I think God is quite O.K. with the mindset of a...bird!
In Matthew 6, Jesus has been speaking about the dangers that can come with wealth and possessions. It seems to me Jesus is putting some emphasis on a slang we have here in the states: K.I.S.S....meaning Keep It Simple Stupid. Granted, I don't think Jesus would call anyone stupid...well not in a degrading manner anyway, I think here in Matthew 6 Jesus is clarifying what things should be important to us in relation to our daily lifestyles.
In this chapter, Jesus seems to point out not being poor doesn't mean being in wealth will bring you the Joys of Life. According to the Risen One, Life itself in our very not based on whether we have a few necessities or alot. Life, Joy, and True Happiness are not to be found in having an abundance of "things" in this life.
(NOTE: Ok, do you actually believe people who are in need are happier than those who have plenty? Even in the Christian church...are there not sects that are always preaching about God wanting to make you prosperous?....Do You think Jesus was right on this one?...maybe He had been in the sun too long that day?....Then again...what if He knows exactly what is best for us?)
According to Jesus, it is God our Father who gives us...Life. Now, is that Eternal Life? the "Sweet Bye and Bye"...or Life to sustain our everyday lifestyles?
Jesus goes on to say our emphasis to our daily activities should pivot on this...knowing Him...putting the time and get to know Him...a little more each day.
(NOTE: Remember the days when you met a new girlfriend (or if you are a girl and met a new boyfriend)...and all you wanted to do was to spend more time with this person...and get to know the person more and more each day?...I think this is kind of what Jesus is talking about.)
According to Jesus, God the Father will always give us what we need live our daily lives...when our hearts are given over to trusting Him with...our very lives.
Along with this, Jesus goes on in chapter 6 of Matthew and talks about the "evil child" named Worry. Jesus seems to know some of the traits of this "bad-boy"...making mention that Worry has no ability whatsoever to add any length of time to your life. In fact, Worry has totally other motives in mind...for you!...and often invites his evil sidekick..."Stress" to join in and help out ...not adding any life, rather...shortening your life! Don't fool yourself! Worry and Stress have one thing in mind...they both want you....Dead!
Now, Jesus talks seems Jesus is "bouncin' all over in this chapter"...He compares us to birds...He advises us on possessions, He mentions about Worry and Stress...and now...He talks
A Gleaning from Matthew 6: 30-33
" If God gives such attention to the very appearance of the beautiful Wildflowers, spread across a vast meadow, some of these never to be seen, while those that do discover them bring them to their very homes, adorn them in a vase...only to be tossed out in the next morning's light, and a fresh and new bunch ready to take their place. If God puts so much detail into the beauty and care of a Wildflower...then how much do you think He cares for you? How much faith does a Wildflower have?....allow your faith and trust In Him to expand...beyond the Wildflower...look beyond...into the horizons of your very lives!
Anxiety and Worry always demand of you...they love to get you so preoccupied in "getting"that they do their best to have you abort God's Plan in your life...."giving". It becomes a trust issue...and who is it you choose to trust?
Questions will always arise when you "lend your ear" to these two...Anxiety and Worry. You will find yourself anxious and worried, asking: " Do I have anything to eat?...Do I have enough to eat?...How about drink? What if I don't have any clothes to wear today?" Actually this list of questions could grow quite quickly..."What if I lose my job? What if I am dying? What if I made the wrong decision on something?...and I will pay for it? What if one of my children have an auto accident?" Anxiety, Worry, and their "buddy" Stress...will destroy you if they are able...if you let them!
People who don't know the Father...they succumb to thoughts like this. They really don't have a clue how the Father "works". People who have not given their hearts to My Father find themselves in a rather lost state, thinking about "what's in it for them", concerned about their next "meal", totally dominated by these worries day in and day out.
But that's not you! You know the Father...and how He "works"! You know the right priorities in daily life...and it all starts with...Him!
Above all else...His Kingdom...when you give your heart to mercies of His Kingdom...following the Commands given by the Kingdom...daily communication (prayer), examining the Sacred Scripture, and turning your attention to those around you...these are the things that give you a long and satisfying life.
Life in My Father's Kingdom...makes everything right!
And remember, when Anxiety, Worry, or any of their relatives come knocking at the door of your very heart...and there are quite a few evil relatives like Frustration, Anger, Depression, and Stress...all related to their father, the Evil One himself. Yet, because of your confident surrender to My Father's Kingdom that you have chosen to live in your very hearts...He will greet them at the door of your heart...and what a surprise that will be! Trust Me...they won't stick around. They (those evil brothers) will think twice the next time...when they knock and ask: "Anybody home?"...Why yes! Yes there is My Father's Kingdom!"
"Worry does not prevent disaster,
It is able to prevent you from prayer."
Jesus said birds don't even store up food for winter, like an ant or squirrel does. All a bird does is awake in the early morning hours...and sing! They don't even do a "feather count" to make sure they have enough feathers to face a cold day. Birds just fly off to breakfast...and continue to eat what they need for that day. It's like a bird doesn't seem to have a "care in the world".
Birds???...go figure....And I think God is quite O.K. with the mindset of a...bird!
In Matthew 6, Jesus has been speaking about the dangers that can come with wealth and possessions. It seems to me Jesus is putting some emphasis on a slang we have here in the states: K.I.S.S....meaning Keep It Simple Stupid. Granted, I don't think Jesus would call anyone stupid...well not in a degrading manner anyway, I think here in Matthew 6 Jesus is clarifying what things should be important to us in relation to our daily lifestyles.
In this chapter, Jesus seems to point out not being poor doesn't mean being in wealth will bring you the Joys of Life. According to the Risen One, Life itself in our very not based on whether we have a few necessities or alot. Life, Joy, and True Happiness are not to be found in having an abundance of "things" in this life.
(NOTE: Ok, do you actually believe people who are in need are happier than those who have plenty? Even in the Christian church...are there not sects that are always preaching about God wanting to make you prosperous?....Do You think Jesus was right on this one?...maybe He had been in the sun too long that day?....Then again...what if He knows exactly what is best for us?)
According to Jesus, it is God our Father who gives us...Life. Now, is that Eternal Life? the "Sweet Bye and Bye"...or Life to sustain our everyday lifestyles?
Jesus goes on to say our emphasis to our daily activities should pivot on this...knowing Him...putting the time and get to know Him...a little more each day.
(NOTE: Remember the days when you met a new girlfriend (or if you are a girl and met a new boyfriend)...and all you wanted to do was to spend more time with this person...and get to know the person more and more each day?...I think this is kind of what Jesus is talking about.)
According to Jesus, God the Father will always give us what we need live our daily lives...when our hearts are given over to trusting Him with...our very lives.
Along with this, Jesus goes on in chapter 6 of Matthew and talks about the "evil child" named Worry. Jesus seems to know some of the traits of this "bad-boy"...making mention that Worry has no ability whatsoever to add any length of time to your life. In fact, Worry has totally other motives in mind...for you!...and often invites his evil sidekick..."Stress" to join in and help out ...not adding any life, rather...shortening your life! Don't fool yourself! Worry and Stress have one thing in mind...they both want you....Dead!
Now, Jesus talks seems Jesus is "bouncin' all over in this chapter"...He compares us to birds...He advises us on possessions, He mentions about Worry and Stress...and now...He talks
A Gleaning from Matthew 6: 30-33
" If God gives such attention to the very appearance of the beautiful Wildflowers, spread across a vast meadow, some of these never to be seen, while those that do discover them bring them to their very homes, adorn them in a vase...only to be tossed out in the next morning's light, and a fresh and new bunch ready to take their place. If God puts so much detail into the beauty and care of a Wildflower...then how much do you think He cares for you? How much faith does a Wildflower have?....allow your faith and trust In Him to expand...beyond the Wildflower...look beyond...into the horizons of your very lives!
Anxiety and Worry always demand of you...they love to get you so preoccupied in "getting"that they do their best to have you abort God's Plan in your life...."giving". It becomes a trust issue...and who is it you choose to trust?
Questions will always arise when you "lend your ear" to these two...Anxiety and Worry. You will find yourself anxious and worried, asking: " Do I have anything to eat?...Do I have enough to eat?...How about drink? What if I don't have any clothes to wear today?" Actually this list of questions could grow quite quickly..."What if I lose my job? What if I am dying? What if I made the wrong decision on something?...and I will pay for it? What if one of my children have an auto accident?" Anxiety, Worry, and their "buddy" Stress...will destroy you if they are able...if you let them!
People who don't know the Father...they succumb to thoughts like this. They really don't have a clue how the Father "works". People who have not given their hearts to My Father find themselves in a rather lost state, thinking about "what's in it for them", concerned about their next "meal", totally dominated by these worries day in and day out.
But that's not you! You know the Father...and how He "works"! You know the right priorities in daily life...and it all starts with...Him!
Above all else...His Kingdom...when you give your heart to mercies of His Kingdom...following the Commands given by the Kingdom...daily communication (prayer), examining the Sacred Scripture, and turning your attention to those around you...these are the things that give you a long and satisfying life.
Life in My Father's Kingdom...makes everything right!
And remember, when Anxiety, Worry, or any of their relatives come knocking at the door of your very heart...and there are quite a few evil relatives like Frustration, Anger, Depression, and Stress...all related to their father, the Evil One himself. Yet, because of your confident surrender to My Father's Kingdom that you have chosen to live in your very hearts...He will greet them at the door of your heart...and what a surprise that will be! Trust Me...they won't stick around. They (those evil brothers) will think twice the next time...when they knock and ask: "Anybody home?"...Why yes! Yes there is My Father's Kingdom!"
"Worry does not prevent disaster,
It is able to prevent you from prayer."
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