Sunday, July 15, 2012

A "Refresher Course"....

Sometimes I like to be refreshed...on what Christ Jesus has done for me and in fact for each one of us! For me, it's like having a certain book I have loved since childhood, I have read it countless times, and keep it on the shelf with easy access.
 And happens! There is a certain statement or phrase, or perhaps a certain part of the story...that ...all of a sudden...out of the "clear blue"...I just got to read again... even though I have probably read it a "100 times", this hunger...a craving like...almost like an addiction...I just got to read that part again!
 "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens will do that to me: In fact, just the other day I used a phrase from this story....can't seem to get my fill of  "Mr. Scrooge" and company.

 There are some Sacred Scriptures that have a similar effect on me....I just love to read them...over and over and over.
 Here are some gleanings of various Sacred Scripture verses I love to read in reference to this train of thought: 1) He really became "one of us"! and 2) He brought "the Power"!

                                                    Refresher Course "101":

 "When people continue to practice the "art of sinning", allowing Evil and all of its influence to have the upper hand in our lives, then we take on his character...that being Satan himself. The Evil One has been out to violate God's Divine Law since the beginning...that is until...the Son of God made Himself visible! For when He came for us, all the works of Darkness were loosened...dissolved...abolished...and destroyed! Him....the One who broke through Death itself!" Gleanings from 1 John 3:8

 "We all read about know....what happened in Judea. Remember, the news first came out of Galilee...about Christ Jesus! John the Baptizer was telling everyone about the One coming whom John said was THE...yes, THE One...The LIFE CHANGER!
 Then, sure enough...He arrived. He first came out of Nazareth, and He had this Plan... a Plan for us! His Father gave Him full support and anointed Him...and this anointing came through another...who calls Himself the Holy Spirit...of God Himself! This Christ appears put His Plan into action! 
 Now here is what He has done. He has gone through the countryside...doing good. He goes around helping people from all walks of life, and He heals those who are beaten down and have been harassed by the powers of Evil that are around us. The Christ is bold, and has power and strength to accompany His passion...for us! He says the reason this is so is because... His Father accompanies Him." Gleanings from Acts 10:38

 "Here's the thing: Christ Jesus disarmed and thoroughly defeated all the powers and forces of the Evil One. He stripped all evil in the world of its holding power...of its false authority, and did so by going to the Cross, taking on and annihilating Death itself.
 Then, He marched the Evil One and all his kingdom as prisoners, leading them through the streets...while He announced to us....His Victory over Evil is now complete! We are FREE!"
 Gleanings from Colossians 2:15

 Here is one of my favorite gleanings of the Sacred Scripture...I still "get the chills" when I read it:

 " Since the Lord has made us to be a people of flesh and blood, Christ Jesus eagerly chose to become like one of us...that is He too became flesh and blood...He became one of us.
 For by doing so , that is to take on the identical nature and make-up of each one of us...He did of us! every way! He did this because not only did He choose to...He wanted to! He wanted it this way so He might rescue us from the grips of Death.
 And that is exactly what He did! He lived His life as one of us...and one of us. Then, His power was unleashed!
 For as Death put his grip upon Him, that is Death approached the "One who came to Ransom us", Death found out quick enough he could not retain any grip...on Him! In fact, Death could not stop Him...for it turns out the "One who came to Ransom us" put His grip on Death...He embraced Death...pulling Death right into Himself! He then broke and destroyed every  stronghold Evil had on each one of us...and because of this, Death cannot contain us...Death has lost all its power over us. Now, any of us who cower through this life...scared to death of Death...are now free!...freed by the "One who came to Ransom us."
 Gleanings from Hebrews 2:14-15

 And, one more....

 " If you see for yourselves that Evil has been conquered by the Power that is within Me, and that Power generating from My Father, then you can rest assured His Kingdom has arrived...and is coming for you!
 When guards are assigned and fully armed to protect the possessions belonging to their master, then everything appears "safe and secure".
 But, when the guards are overpowered by another who has greater strength, and overpowers and conquers the guards that have been posted, He then strips the guards of their armor (which they had put their trust in to protect them), and divides up all the goods and spoils He has taken.
 So, then, the "One who has Conquered"...shouts His "battle cry" with His sword held valiantly in the air: "Are you with me...or do you oppose Me? Are you here to enjoy your new found Freedom in Me, or do you wish to remain, a slave to the wicked powers of Evil?"
 Gleanings from Luke 11:20-23

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