Saturday, July 7, 2012

How You Know a Real Friend

Friends...we all need them. Some need just one or perhaps a few, others find joy in having many friends. With that being said... a REAL  friend or REAL friends... that can be a different thing altogether.
 Real friends don't come along everyday, and usually demand much time before a real friendship is established.
 One key ingredient to having a real friend...a real friend won't take away our "inner strength", instead a real friend will help you build your "inner strength." Another way of looking at it is a real friend doesn't strip you of your confidence, and then walk away. A real friend doesn't stand over you and "preach at you" when life has given you a "blow" or a series of "blows", and you don't know if you can get back up again.

 One ingredient to a real friendship...don't judge others. It can be lethal to a friendship. One virtue in true friendship is being there...for your bud...and whether you agree or understand what may have happened to your friend, your obligation is to reach out and help "your bud" back up...on his/her feet.
 That is true virtue. In the 18th century France was really into the "Romanticism" and "Freedom of Expression" in life, and whether you agree or disagree with all of their outlooks on pursuing life, there were some "cool things" they wrote that has merit. There was this one guy, a French philosopher named Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and I liked his statement about having virtues in one's life. He wrote: " Virtue is a state of war, and to live in it we have always to combat with ourselves."

 One big virtue about a real friendship...don't judge others. Here in the Sacred Scriptures, the Gospel of Luke has something to say about judging others:

                             Gleaning from Luke 6:37-38

 "Don't judge others.
   Don't pick on others.
   Don't "jump all over" others when you don't see things the way someone else does.
   Don't be critical when your friend has just suffered a failure or failures in life.
   Don't express what YOU think a friend's faults are.
   Don't be so hard on others..when they are hurting.

You want to know why? By doing so you are "sentencing yourself". Here is a key to life...whether you are a Christian or not: the same way you treat others, God will use YOUR method of judge you!
 Some people call it "karma", me...I just call it "Scripture".
Here's a better idea! A God-idea! Learn to forgive what others may do, be easy before you start making all kinds of assessments...and here is the cool part!...when you do this, your life finds some nice things come your way.
 Always release resentment that you have toward someone ( that is a main culprit that often fuels judgment)...just let it drop. When you succeed in doing that, the "God thing" comes into play again...He forgives you and releases you of things you have done that has offended Him.

 In fact, if you start to practice this type of behavior, and give yourself to being real...especially when it comes to friendships...this lifestyle will bring its own rewards.
 Here is what happens:
   When you give it up, that is the selfish, resentful, and narcissistic attitude of life, and choose the God-idea way of life, the new way of life returns to you packed down, pressed, and shaken fact it is overflowing it is so compressed...with His Blessings...for you!

How much is that? ask. Well, here is the way it works. The amount you give up when it comes to not judging others, and give your life to building others up...starting with your friends...will be the amount God sends "back at ya'". So, figure that one out....

 Keep this phrase in mind...for the sake of your friends:
              "Giving, not getting is the God-idea way of life,
                 Generosity brings....Generosity."

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