Monday, July 9, 2012

Jesus issues a "Declaration of War"

What I admire and deeply cherish about Saint Paul is his unique way of giving practical advice in the Sacred Scripture.
 I find many religions have a certain "mystique" about them, and in order to attain a certain peace or comfort in order to rise above life's struggles, it demands doing "kind of weird things" to me.
 Examples are doing some hunger fast until you receive whatever you or after...or die in the process, perhaps getting away to some mountain to seek an "eternal peace", meditating in some"corner of the world" hoping to attain whatever it is you are after, or simply going into seclusion and escaping the chaos...all lifestyles have.
   Not Saint Paul!

 He maintains Christ Jesus has a totally different agenda pertaining to lives that have surrendered to His Kingdom.
 First, it is Christ Jesus who makes the first move, and comes to fact He comes into us and establishes His Kingdom in our very hearts and lives. Then , He fortifies our lives with gifts, brought through the power of the Holy Spirit, and here is the big difference between most other religions vs. choosing a friendship with Jesus Christ....He sends us right into the "heart of everyday battles", and we pass out His Gifts of Grace that He has given anyone and everyone in need of the very gifts we now carry...for the King Himself.
 And as we maintain "good communication" with our King, He constantly reloads us with Gifts of fact, they seem to we do our part to assist, to serve, to aid, or to rescue those around us.
 For myself, I think Saint Paul makes this statement abundantly clear: "Christians Don't Run, We Face Our Obstacles, and Trust in Him!"

 In the "Our Father's" prayer, I personally believe Jesus issued a Declaration of War while He was teaching the disciples how to pray. I think Satan was right there when Jesus was advancing His Kingdom by showing the disciples how to open up communication with the Father, and I am sure this was a"strategic move" Satan did not want to succeed.
 Now, how do you think Satan "took it" when he heard from the King say: "...Thy Kingdom come...Thy Will be done...ON EARTH AS IT TIS IN HEAVEN...".
 Didn't Satan consider himself the "Lord of this world?".... if so, was he about to encounter some sort of attack?......

         Gleanings from Romans 12:6-8

 "Each of us have talents, qualities, and faculties that enable us to do certain things well. These "Gifts", as we recognize them from His Presence now established in our lives, are being used to strengthen those around us, particularly those who are members of His Body...that being the Church.
 You could simply compare this to our own physical bodies, each part having a function to perform: the eye to see, hands to grasp, feet to walk, and so on.
 These "Gifts of Grace" that we receive operate on the same principle....each gift has a function and is to be used...liberally so. For example, you may be supplied with a gift of Prophecy, to aid and help in giving direction for others, or you may have been supplied with a gift to Serve, to help others "bent beneath their load."
 Here lies a key to these various and unique Gifts of Grace He gives to each of us(...and yes...we all have been given certain Gifts of Grace), we are to give them out...freely with all the strength and might that lies within us.
 A few other Gifts of Grace you might have heard about or be acquainted with:
1) Encourage: a tremendous Gift that involves helping others to see the good in life, and gives them motivation to carry on with the things they are doing.
2) Giving: another awesome Gift of Grace that involves reaching out to those in need and giving them things that will "get them over the top" of life's struggles. This is a powerful gift because it causes people to turn and actually give glory to our Father. Also, when you exercise this gift, the Gift of Giving, you are actually giving to Him... and trust me...that is a good thing!
3) Generosity: a Gift of Grace that allow you to give away blessings God has given you...and we all know how that works...God simply replenishes you can be even more generous "the next time!"

 There are many Gifts of His Grace the Holy Spirit deposits into each of our individual lives: leadership skills, kindness, acts of mercy, genuine cheerfulness, joyful eagerness, and these are but a few.
 These gifts are given to Him! Find them...they are already in your hearts...and begin to use them...for the sake of others!
 Your supply of these Gifts within you will never run-out, in fact, the opposite takes place! Your supply actually enlarges as you become more equipped on passing these gifts on to others...remember...that is the real secret for these wonderful gifts from is for....others!


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