Thursday, June 28, 2012

Our Battle Cry....Psalm 91

Psalm 91 is one we hear read often, particularly in times of trouble, or those nearing death or have just passed.
 Psalm 91 is an awesome Psalm!...but there is a requirement to reap the benefits of what this Psalm proclaims...we have to "put our money where our mouth is" as the saying goes...we need to put ALL our confidence and ALL our Him.

 And for all of us in certain times in life...that is easier said than done. But, if we take the chance, let go of our natural reasoning that has been our guide throughout life, and give our attention to an almost "glowing profession of trust in Him" when our rationale is screaming "No!", it is at that moment we just might find a way through....that's how I take Psalm 91.

 No one seems to be sure who wrote this Psalm. It is possible it was the "words Moses prayed", like in Psalm 90. Jesus knew this Psalm...and spoke of it when Satan was tempting Him in the wilderness (Matthew 4:11).
 Just in the first 2 verses alone God is referred to with 4 different titles:
1. Most High: meaning more important than anyone else.
2. Almighty: meaning more powerful than anyone else
3. Lord: meaning He will be around longer than anyone else.
4. God: meaning He makes the final decision...above anyone else.

                                       Gleaning of Psalm 91

" When you make this choice: to rely on and trust in the protection of the Most High, He sends His friend greet you! Don't be concerned how dark it might be at the moment, you are covered...under the very Shadow of the Almighty...and there is no foe able to withstand His shadow.
 For it has been heard from heaven a declaration that originates out of your very own lips: "He is my Refuge. He is my Fortress....and now I realize...He is my God! I put all my confidence and my Him!"

 For He, the Lord Himself is able to keep me from those secret traps and deadly diseases. He does this by simply spreading His wings and covering me in His feathers. He has erected Pillars on each side of me: one He calls "Truth", the other "Faithfulness". He said they are there to be my shield and a strong rampart.
 The terrors of the night?...Fear will not get the best of me. If disaster decides to make its strike in the middle of my day...he won't get the best of me either.
 In fact, chances are there may be many around me screaming and looking for shelter, but they don't like the shelter I am under. As for me, I am stayin' put, under the "Shadow of His Wings".
 Even if I see thousands terror stricken or "goin' down for the final count"....Evil having its way with all those running back and forth...I'm not movin'.
 I am keeping myself steady...under His safety and His protection.
Here is the way I see it: if I make my trust the Lord throughout life, and be content in knowing He can be trusted...then Evil cannot gain the upperhand on me. All that junk Evil goes around threatening everyone with, like plagues and calamities...they have to keep their distance...because I am under His Divine Protection.

 In fact, I have learned from Him that He has arranged a special unit of His angels, to accompany and take charge over watching get this...they have been assigned by the Lord to protect, preserve, and to defend... me!..wherever I go. And where am I going?...wherever He is going! You got that right!
 Not only that, but I have also learned that when it is needed, these assigned angels are to watch over me, and will carry me through certain areas. The reason they are to do so is to protect me from the jagged rocks, possible minefields, or even sharp thistles and cactus.
 If Evil tries a serious fear tactic, like sending a mad-hungry lion right on my path, or a vicious poisonous snake ready to strike, they too will be destroyed!

 All this comes about because...I made a choice...well not just a flippant choice...I put my all my heart into this one: "I'm going with Him! I believe in Him!...and Him alone!
 And because of this heartfelt decision, He has poured His love on me...and I am now experiencing the "best of the best of the best." I "threw in with Him", and it turns out to be the best decision I ever have made!

 Wait! I am not done. Here is the best part...He knows my name! He calls me my own name. In fact, He told me He not only knows my name, but He understands my name. And because He understands my name, He hand picks from His arsenal of Mercies, His vast amounts of Love, and His massive Vaults of Kindness, which ones will work best...for me! He explained to me He knows which of these I need, how many I need, and when I need be implemented in my life,
                       I'm tellin' ya, the "guy" knows what He is doin'!
And get this...all I have to do Him! Night or Day, good times or bad times,...anytime! He then said He hopes to hear from me soon...just to say "Hi" if nothing more!

The truth is: He will always be there to rescue when needed...and then "throw a party" over the ocassion. He then makes a toast!... saying: " With long life I will satisfy you, and you will be given a long drink...of My Salvation!"

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Journey....continues....

As I take some time to understand the meaning of "being there for others", I now come to a place I am a little familiar fact, he is one of my favorites from the Sacred's John...John the Baptist...I call him John the Baptizer. Cool guy! He is one of those guys I want to meet when I get there...along with Paul and the one people call "Doubting Thomas"...but I think when we do get there we will find Thomas was far from doubt. Well, along with those 3 I can't wait to meet Queen Esther...anyway, back to John the Baptizer...

 During the time Christ Jesus was here among us, I mean, He loves us so much He became one of us...there was talk going on about his good friend and relative John...John the Baptizer.
 "Have you heard about the crazy Desert Preacher?"
" I heard he eats bugs!"
"He called the Pharisees a "brood of vipers" he nuts?...or what?"
"Some say he might even be, I'm talkin' THE Elijah...he's back!"

 John's mission was to prepare the way for Jesus...and he did!...Mission accomplished...Big Time!
 John in what I have gathered of him was a perfection of humility. I know John has often been portrayed as some "wild man coming out of the desert", that has a crazy and fiery look in his eyes that would "freak" people out just seeing him...but I think that is so is just religion trying to make people different than what they really are.

John the Baptizer understood his mission from the very beginning...and it was all about helping others get ready...for the One who Comes! In Matthew, John says some simply amazing is my Gleaning of Matthew 3:11:

 " I baptize you with water... because you are in need of repentance. By doing so, this gives you the chance to think about life, change your minds for the better, and give the coming Kingdom a chance to operate in your life.
 But let me tell haven't seen anything yet. The One who Comes is the main attraction...He is the One you really need to adhere to. He will take you places that dreams are made of, and as for me...I am not even worthy to be His slave and carry His sandals.
 Here is why: the plans He has for each of you will take you much farther than the Jordan River ever could. He will instill a fire...inside of you. He will baptize you as well...but His baptism is pure...raw...power! This power comes from the Holy Spirit...
This power is unlike anyone  has ever seen before...and  you will never see  anything like this again...believe me..the Holy Spirit is about to "light you up"!"

 The Sacred Scriptures have mirror images of the Holy Spirit the Old Testament. He would descend upon certain individuals throughout history...sometimes literally changing its course..for our own good. But this one is going to be different...John the Baptizer is preparing the way for Christ Jesus to instill us with a power from within...that will remain in us for a lifetime.
 We have read where Moses prepared Joshua, David prepared Solomon, Paul prepared Timothy and Titus...but this "Dynamic Duo" is the ultimate! John the Baptizer preparing the way for Christ Jesus...this is the One we have been looking for!

 So, as I take this "journey" to learn how to help others...what better teacher could I have than John the Baptizer. And when you think about his life, his accomplishments, and his motives for doing so...there is only one word that keeps coming to the surface: HUMILITY.
 In order to reach out and help others, "you gotta have it." You have got to know the source of true power...adhering to, trusting in, and acknowledging Him...He's the One! He is the One we depend on for life itself!

 John the Baptizer demonstrated clearly the Gospel of Christ Jesus is more important than any one person. John knew the "passing of the torch" wasn't just a "band-aid" for the next generation of Israel...this was the biggest Eternal move of all time...and by doing so is able to destroy the works of evil. When Jesus came forth, the Underworld was quite aware there was only one move left...and Heaven would declare "Checkmate...sucker...My own Son is bringing you down!"

 John was not only humble, but mature and understood where Jesus was coming from. Look at Matthew 11:11, and see here how Jesus describes John the Baptizer. A Gleaning of Matthew 11:11:
 "I am telling you "straight up", there has never been anyone born in all history that stands "taller" than John the Beloved Baptizer. Yet, with all that going for him, he doesn't "hold a candle" to what I am about to give you...for I am giving you... Me! If you just stop at John's message, anyone entering the Kingdom will be greater than you...including John. You got to keep coming...till you get to...Me!"

 And John...he took no offense whatsoever...why?...because that is what he wanted too!...the Messiah...the One who Comes! He had spent his whole life in the desert...getting ready for the "magical moment"...when it all comes together....and Life gushes forth.

 John the Baptizer understood his role in life...and he knew the limits of where his message would take him. John seemed to look upon Christ Jesus and we as believers as a kind of marriage, and at that moment in time John was man.
 Now, as the marriage is about to consummate, John knew exactly what to do...and makes a lasting comment before he is about to meet his end: perhaps the most beautiful humble remarks ever recorded in all of comes from John 3:30 and this too is in Gleaning form:

 "My joy and pleasure are now made complete. This is...His Time, the assigned moment where He becomes the center of every one's attention, while I now step back and allow Him the honor that is due Him. I will simply decrease from this great moment, while He...He will all might come to know Him!"

 It wasn't too much later, John gave the ultimate...his very life for the One he believed and trusted in.

 I don't know if there will ever be another like him, I think as the saying goes: "when God made this mold, He broke it in pieces after He had made one..."

This journey I am on...makes me realize from perhaps the best example man has ever had in relation to Christ...the source for helping Him!
 When John saw Him coming to the River Jordan, he announced: "Behold, the Lamb of God...who takes away the sins of the world."
                                       Right on...John!

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Journey Begins: "Givin' it Up"

Do you ever "feel" for somebody and you're just not sure what to do? Maybe someone close to you is going through some pretty "tough stuff" in daily life, and you just "feel" for them. No words seem to help, no answers come from your are just there...with them.

Then, you think to yourself, "Jesus"...He knows what to do....but how do I know what Jesus wants...and more does the person "going through it" get comfort and direction from Christ Jesus...especially if you are not even sure if they know each other? I mean, I know Jesus and I don't know for sure, what chance does someone have that don't even know Him? least as far as you know.

 There was something my own Pastor said this week in his message that keeps echoing in my mind. He said when you are going through life and everything is Ok, at least for the moment, and there are no "turbulent things" confronting you, the "storms of life" have settled down for a bit, this is the time to practice and to gear up for your next encounter. And, the "next encounter" may not be in your own life, but in the lives of those around you. It is during these less turbulent times you gear up in prayer (for others), in meditating on His Word, and having your mind off yourself so you can listen to the "cry" of others.

 This kind of made fact, it really "hit home."

So, I have decided to take a little journey. The motive for this journey is not for myself, but for others. I want to know how...I can there in their time of need and desperation. I want to know what to do and/or say if need be, and be an influence so when they decide and discover for themselves to invite Christ Jesus as their will have some "root" know what I'm talkin' about...a life changing moment that makes a permanent difference.

 So, what do I do?....First thing on the agenda.....
Oh...this is kind of interesting...a Gleaning from Matthew 11:28-29

 "Hey!...Look at you! You are carrying some pretty heavy stuff there... you are way overloaded. Listen, if you can let go...I'll take them...all of them...just got to let go.
 I am here...and I will help fact, if You give Me all you have, I will give You all I have. Sound fair? The things I will give to nothing like all the heavy things you are carrying...Mine are light, easy to carry, in fact you will find them quite enjoyable because they will become a source of strength for you.

 My way of life will help you find and recover your own life, and the process is quite tranquil, because My Peace and My Rest are your guides.
 Come, stand up, feel a little lighter now that all those burdens are off you?...Come, Walk with Me...learn to "work life" My Me...let My Peace and Rest embrace you.

 Let it all you...let the "Rhythms of My Grace" find the music that works for you...I will give your life new meaning...a new sound...something you hadn't heard before...and yet something you have always yearned for.

 When you let go of those "burdens" you encounter in life, and pass them on to proves beneficial to all parties. For I will discern each one you bring to me, give you some "how to" and "what to do next" stuff...and when the moment arrives, you will have all the tools necessary to help the situation...the ability to help another and show them how to do what you are doing it all to Me.

 I just need a the one you are giving Me now...I know...gotta put some trust out there...and that's will find Me gentle of heart...and I am washed in humility."

A Prayer for "The Journey...for Others"

 "The Lord of the Rest: I come to You, and pause. I take this time to let failures, my ego, my worries for others, my fears of the future, my kids,....there is alot of stuff here...and You want it all?
 My arms...they ache. My tryin' to be good...that hurts too...I keep messin' up and failing You.
Ok, this is Your idea...I am dumping all this...on You. Sorry about the mess...but that is because I'm such a mess.
 My brains are a "little fried" too....I just can't figure life out....You want in there too?....Man, do you realize that "world is not based on any common sense...kind of a wacky world...Ok, Yes, the door is careful...there is alot of junk sitting here...I don't want you to trip.

 Lord of the Rest: You want it all...including my heart....well, here it all is...and it "ain't pretty"...and You are giving to me Your Peace and Your Rest...just because I let You in?
All I have to offer You is a heartfelt thanks!
                                             You say: "That is exactly what You are looking for?

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Summertime brings out...the best!!!...well, kinda

  Ok, these are Hawaiian Dancers...right?

 Ok, maybe add a few of these....
And a little of that....

Now we have the remembrance of the world renown: HULA HOOP! (Hello!...Guys...down here...keep reading!)

  There is no modern company or a single inventor that can claim they invented the...hula hoop. It has been discovered as far back as ancient Greece, where the "hoop" was used as a form of exercise.

 Hula hoops have been made of metal, bamboo, wood, grasses, and vines. Today's models of the hula hoop are often made of plastic, some have glitter, and others make noises as they twirl around your waist. They also have collapsible hoops...for easier storage!

 As early as the 1300's, Great Britain was "hooping it up" and when the British arrived in the Hawaiian Islands, they came to witness Hawaiian dancers using hoops in a dance called "Hula Dancing"...thus we have referred to hoops as "Hula hoops" since that time.

 A company named the Wham-O company, started by Richard Knerr and Arthur "Spud" Melin, was a promoter of the hula-hoop.
 Actually, the company got started back in 1948, operating out of a garage in Los Angeles. "Spud" and Knerr were attempting to market a sling shot...for training falcons and hawks. The sling shots would fling meat toward the birds in training as a reward technique.
 The name "Wham-O" came as a result when the meat would be fling and "hit its target", it had a kind of "wham" sound...thus the "Wham-O" company was formed.

 But the trademark for the Wham-O company was..."the hoop toy." They obtained the first patent of this invention and in their first 6 months of sales they sold 20 million hoops at $1.98 a piece. The company was also interested in another upcoming "toy"....something called a "frisbee".

Ok, I know this info I am sharing with so vital! (lol) Here then are a little trivia on the infamous.....Hula Hoop:

1. Japan once banned the "hoop". They did not want Japanese girls walking in public with a "rotating hip action". It could cause men to be distracted...and even excited! (Perhaps it was kind of like being "hoopnatyzed"...I know..don't say it).
2. On June 4th, 2005, an Australian named Kareena Oates set a Guinness World Record for hula hooping...she had 100 hula hoops that spun around her body for 3 full rotations.
  a) In June 2006, Alesya Goulevich of Belaus spun 101 hoops.
  b) In October of 2007, Jin Linlin of China spun 105 hula hoops at one time.
3. The largest hula hoop: 51.5 feet in diameter, Ashrita Furman spun it around her on June 1st, 2007.
4. Roxann Rose of the U.S. hooped for...90 hours straight; between April 2nd and 6th of 1987.
5. Hooping can be a serious recreation for hoop-enthusiasts....check out

Oh, and did you ever wonder if Jesus used a hoop...why yes!...yes he did!

I don't know anymore about him...but he seems to like the hula hoop!

        You don't think I was meaning...Really?

                             P.S. not be caught with one of these!

Never Give Up...on Your Dreams....

It was the year 1926... the place...Atlanta Georgia...a woman by the name of Margaret Mitchell lived there... a 26 year old who loved to read!

 Margaret had come from an influential family in the Atlantic area, and had been born and raised in a "Southern Atmosphere".
 It was during the "Roaring 20's"  Margaret found herself participating in the "gin and jazz style" dances of the era. In fact, she had shocked some of the local "high society" of Atlanta during a charity ball when she performed the "Apache Dance"... a popular "flapper" dance which included kissing your male partner...totally taboo for the time. Along with that, Margaret engaged in "The Tango", and these 2 "erotic" dance choices  gave Margaret a reputation of being "loose" in the Atlanta society circles, even though the popularity of the dances were becoming widespread throughout all classes of society.

 Even Margaret had referred to herself as "an unscrupulous flirt", and at one point was engaged to 5 different men. Margaret strongly maintained she neither lied or misled any of them!
 By 1922, Margaret had narrowed down her "conquests" to 2 men, of whom she saw both daily. She had also decided to change her name to Peggy, because of her interests in the mythological horse "Pegasus", and so went by either Peggy or Peg.

 On September 2nd, 1922, Peggy married a Berrien "Red" Upshaw. Her family disapproved of her choice to marry, and to an extent understandable. Upshaw had been thrown out of the U.S. Naval Academy...twice, and in 1922 was earning his income by bootlegging alcohol out of the Georgia Mountains. The best man at the wedding was named John Marsh.
 The marriage was short and costly for Peggy. By December of 1922, the marriage had been dissolved, but Peg had received physical and emotional abuse, mainly due to Upshaw's alcoholism and violent temper.

 Yet, on July 4th, 1925 Peggy took another stab at love...this time marrying John Marsh, the best man at her first wedding. They moved into the Crescent Apts. in Atlanta, Apt. #1, and they affectionately referred to their home as "The Dump".

 Peggy Mitchell had quite an interest in journalism, and although she really didn't get the support of her family on this career choice, she was able to land a job writing for the Atlantic Sunday Journal Magazine. Her topics were various and would include articles on fashion, on Confederate Generals, and even King Tut.
  Her tenure as a writer for the Atlanta paper came to a close in 1926, mainly due to an article entitled: "Georgia's Empress and Women Soldiers", which received much criticism for writing of "strong women who did not fit the accepted standards of femininity." There were also claims of some "white supremist" views in the article as well.

 So, in 1926, out of her main writing job, Peggy gave herself to becoming a full time housewife. Earlier in her young life, Peg had actually written some novels, and due to a recent ankle injury which kept her pretty much at home, she began to think along those lines.
 Actually, she did still have an article written for the Atlantic Sunday Journal called: "Elizabeth Bennet's Gossip", but that too was shut down by the end of August in 1926.

 John Marsh, her now 2nd husband, was becoming quite weary and frustrated as he now found himself lugging armloads of books from the local library to his Peggy's mind could be occupied. Her ankle injury continued to prevent her from going anywhere for a period of time. Finally at one point John Marsh exclaims: " For God's sake Peggy, can't you write a book instead of reading thousands of them?"
 So, John furthered his thought by bringing to Peggy a Remington Portable #3 Typewriter to encourage her on her literary endeavors. For the next 3 years Peggy did stay occupied, in fact she had so much manuscript she use part of it to prop up a wobbly sofa.

 What was her latest idea? She was writing a novel about the Civil War era, about a young lady named Pansy O'Hara...whose name was later changed to Scarlett O'Hara. She entitled the novel..."Gone With The Wind", and was published in 1933.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

"We use words like Honor, Code, Loyalty..."


 In the movie, "A Few Good Men", starring Demi Moore,Tom Cruise, Kevin Bacon, Keifer Sutherland, and my all-time favorite, Jack Nicholson, Nicholson plays the part of a Colonel Nathan Jessep.
 The character Col. Jessep is a rather egotistical man and is brought to trial over the death of a young marine named William Santiago at the famous Guantanamo Bay, where Jessep resides. Col. Jessep had ordered a "Code Red" on Santiago which led to his death, although Jessep did not realize the possible outcome from the "Code Red".
 In one part of the trial, Col. Jessep is defending what he feels is his duty as the lead officer at Guantanamo Bay, and because of his "leadership" the United States can "go to bed each night in safety, in security, and in peace." Tom Cruise, the prosecuting attorney, has found a way to get Col. Jessep "fired up" that will lead to his confession of the "Code Red". 
 In one of the dialogues of Jessep, he declares: "....We use words like HONOR, CODE, and LOYALTY...we use these words as the backbone to a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline..."

HONOR...CODE...LOYALTY     3 Big and Powerful Words!

 As a Christian, I think one of the worst things we do in life is... defend God. God doesn't need to be defended...He is more than capable of taking care of Himself.
 Now, that doesn't mean we don't "make a stand" and confirm what this loving Father does for us in our everyday lives...but defend Him...I don't think so.
 In "A Few Good Men, that actually was the "Achilles heel" that brought down Jessep...defending his actions for what he thought he was in life...fueled by his own ego and arrogance. 

 I have seen Christians get "fired up", get all "bent out of shape" because of resistance to a particular cause they believe in, or they go on "aimlessly" justifying some incident that occurred in their life or the lives of those around them.
 Yet, after time passes, and you look was just an event that "got a little out of control", eventually blew-over, and everyone went on their "merry way"...with nothing really coming from it. (There are always exceptions to things in everything in life, I realize that...but for the most part.)

 Defend the Gospel of Christ that what we are suppose to do? After all, coming to Christ involves HONOR...CODE...LOYALTY...something we spend our entire lives defending...while those who do not honor Him use Him as a punchline! it possible to be egotistical and causes that are outright helpful to others?!!

 Here is a thought I have: I think Jesus was fully aware there were things going on during His life while He was here...among us. He had to know spousal abuse, child abuse, and even abortions were going on while He shared His message.
 Yet, I also think in order to be most efficient in getting atrocities like this corrected involved a changing of men and women's  hearts...and that was "Priority 1" for Christ Jesus.

HONOR, CODE, and LOYALTY as portrayed in "A Few Good Men" were stipulates used on how we are to treat and respect one another.
For example, In Psalm 82:3-4 it says: " Defend the weak and the Fatherless, uphold or stand up for the rights of the poor and the destitute. Rescue the poor and the helpless...from the powerful hand of a very heartless people."
 Yet in Philippians 2:3 it gives instructions on motives stating: " Do nothing from selfishness, strife, or out of some sort of self-pride. Remain humble and put your focus on God's ongoing direction and His leading, being sensitive to the thoughts of others and their motives as well."
 And, in Proverbs 25:21 it goes as far as to say: "If your enemy hungers, give him food to eat; and if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. Your generosity will surprise them...and have meaning to what you are doing...and God will keep His loving eyes...on you!"

 I do think we as Christians are called to help others in all sorts of plights and horrific conditions. Many have given their very lives so that we can enjoy the very freedoms we have today.
 And yet, like "Col. Nathan Jessep", if we forget or get wrapped up in ourselves or the cause without God's help in doing so, we can endanger the whole work and effort in support of what a certain cause may be up against.
 The Message of Christ remains the same: First, when a person receives Christ Jesus into their hearts and lives, their whole outlook on life will have a whole and different meaning. ( Give it some time)
 Then, the efforts we give toward helping others is built on Him...not on ourselves...or simply a cause.
                 I think God blesses stuff like that...when our hearts are in the right place...

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

LET'S DO THIS! Gleanings from Philippians 2:14-16

Character...Don't you love it when someone says to you.."Man, you got some character in you!" Character has some pretty cool "buddies" too like Integrity, Straight Up, and Courage.

 Character is defined as: "the features and traits that form an individual, including his personality and his very nature. Qualities from having character include Honesty, Courage, and Integrity that are in submission to moral and ethical behavior."
 The word "character" itself is from an old middle English word: "carecter", meaning to have a distinct mark, to have a permanent imprint on the will, the mind, and the emotions of an individual. It can even be traced back to the Greek word "kharak", which means a pointed stick ( you have heard the phrase: "Stickin' it to ya"..well, this is in a good way...through honest and wholesome behavior.

 Let's update this a is a Gleaning from Philippians 2: 14-16:

 " Whatever you are doing right now in your everyday life, do it with "style"...the God-Style! Here, write this down and use it as a checklist...see for yourself whether you are starting to drift in His Direction:
 1. Always be ready to help another...and no, they don't have to be a Christian to require your help..."get a grip on it...please."
2. Do your daily activities with a cheerfulness about you...don't let your emotions dictate who you are....start with a smile...(don't hurt yourself lol).
3. Don't complain about the moment you are in...think again and give Him praise instead. I know it doesn't make sense to do this...but complaining doesn't really make sense either if you think it through.
4. Don't argue about "stuff" "Why am I doing this?...So & So never does it." Here is a key to that little statement: You are not doing it for So & do things to honor Him!
5. No doubt...remember the "Rocky" movie where it looks like he might go down in the fight?...He kept saying: "No pain....No pain."....well for us: "No doubt...No doubt!" We just got to shut down doubt when it enters our mind...thoughts like what we are doing is totally senseless or useless. That is simply...NOT TRUE! You never know when you do one "little thing" for someone that seems such a waste....can actually impact and change their whole world.

 Here's the thing, if we can start to think and act like the God-Style life says, then we minimize and possibly remove criticism people may have toward us.
 Living clean and innocent opens the door for us to be "Livin' the Dream"....because we are living for Him! Besides, it not the "monumental stuff" that usually change people's's the stuff we don't think about....a kind word, a smile, giving someone some change so they can get a soda, or helping someone struggling to carry their groceries out of the store....I am totally convinced...this is what really changes lives!
 Just because we see crooked things going on around us, and it may even appear Evil is winning...that does not give us the right to act like that.

 Hold firmly to the character God has instilled in you, let others discover it for themselves...that God is must be....He is shining through you!
 Then, when Christ Jesus does return...and you better believe He will, others like Saint Paul can take pride in knowing: "Hey, I trained these "guys" right!"

"Jaws"...puts a whole new perspective on...sharks!

On June 20th, 1975, the movie "Jaws" opened...and man....did that "freak" people out or what! After that, going to the of my personal favorites...had a different outlook...and still does today.
 The 70's were a great era for some great movies with the state-of-the-art technology. Not long after Jaws came out, in 1977 Star Wars opened...and wow, for me I thought it was the utopia for movie goers.

 Jaws introduced Steven Spielberg, and the creation of his "shark friend" caused countless viewers to think twice, if not totally afraid to enter the waters of the ocean...anywhere. The movie soon became the highest grossing film in all movie history...until Star Wars came along in 1977.
 Jaws was nominated for an Academy Award under Best Picture category, and "took home" 3 Oscars: 1) best film editing 2) best original score and 3) best sound.
 Steven Spielberg was 27 years old at the time and 3 sequels came as a result of this now classic movie in the film making history.

  The story of Jaws is centered on a New England resort that is terrorized by the massive shark.  The actors included Roy Scheider (police chief Martin Brody), Richard Dreyfuss (Matt Hooper), and Robert Shaw (Quint). It was set on a beach town named Amity ( a fictional town), and was based on the best selling novel that was introduced in 1973, written by Peter Benchly. 

Yet, the making of Jaws...brought a variety of issues. Here are a few...
1. Originally, the director was Dick Richards and wanted to make "Jaws" the story of a whale. Richards was let go....before the making of the movie was even underway.
2. 3 mechanical sharks were used in filming "Jaws", and they malfunctioned...constantly. In fact, the first mechanical shark had never been tested in water, and when it came time for 'him' to make his opening debut as a ferocious shark....he soon as he was put in water.
Problems developed from the mechanical sharks and members of the crew nicknamed the movie "Flaws" because of the numerous issues they encountered.
3. Roy Scheider was skeptical during the scene where the boat the "Orca" sank. Scheider did not have the confidence the film crew cold save him if anything went wrong during the shooting. So, Scheider had axes placed in various places throughout the boat in case he would have himself.
4. Steven Spielberg's own dog played the role of Brady's dog.
5. Robert Shaw and Richard Dreyfuss had numerous differences and they didn't really get along.
6. "Jaws" was described to be 25 feet in length and to weigh in around 3 tons.
7. Although "Jaws" is referred to as a white shark, the shark was actually modeled after the Megalodon...a much larger prehistoric shark.

And what phobia rose to the forefront after the debut of "Jaws"?....

 "It is a phobia based on the fear of.....sharks. Symptoms include extreme anxiety, panic w/ shortness of breath, rapid breathing, irregular heartbeat, sweating, nausea, inability to articulate words, and literal shaking."

 This particular phobia had a sudden increase after "Jaws" appeared. In face, the last time a movie had such a profound effect on the American public was in 1960. A man by the name of Alfred Hitchcock introduced a movie called: "Psycho"...
  After the movie "Psycho" came out, a phobia known as "Ablutophobia"...the fear of taking showers....became an issue for some. ( This particular phobia is a serious one as well and tough to combat in everyday life).

                                                      This is why...

Phobias are very real to many people throughout the world today. Trauma has been a leading factor in a person battling with a particular phobia, and fear in any form is always a tough one to combat in life.
 Fear can strike at the heart of man and can sometimes be a lifelong struggle.
Sometimes fear is based on...things that really aren't least not like we see in "the movies".
 I myself have to deal with some very real fears....and I don't know how else to do it except to face them head on....but...don't do it need support around you.
 Don't always believe what your eyes see....

What looks like this....maybe

        is really this!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Garfield Arrives!....June 19th, 1978 seems to me has been around forever, made his debut in the comic strips on this date in 1978.
 Garfield was created b Jim Davis, the man from Indiana, and patterned the comic strip after his own personal farm life to the Garfield comic. Actually, Jon Arbuckle, the owner of Garfield, is a reflection of some of Jim Davis's life being raised on an Indiana farm. Jim Davis had a brother named "Doc Boy" and the farm he was raised on had approximately 25 cats.

 Garfield received national fanfare from the cartoon TV series, "Garfield and Friends", which lasted for almost 7 years (1988-1994).
 Garfield, the lazy orange tabby, became well-known for his selfish behavior, the fact he was overweight, and his love for Lasagna. He gained the attention of many...most likely because we saw many of our own behaviors being personified through Garfield.

 Garfield considered himself "more intelligent than other animals and human beings"and he had a particular "hate" for Mondays. In fact, many of Garfield's "bad-luck" episodes usually happened on....Monday.
 Garfield was named by Jim Davis in honor of his own grandfather, who had received his middle name "Garfield" in honor of President James A. Garfield from years past.

 Garfield was born in the kitchen of "Mamma Leoni's Italian Restaurant", and this resulted in Garfield's love for lasagna throughout his comic and TV episodes.
 When Garfield's owner came to a store to choose a pet, "Jim Arbuckle" was given 3 choices: a) an iguana b) a pet rock and c) Garfield. Thus began the life of this beloved cat and its owner.

 Garfield seemed to take particular enjoyment tormenting his owner Jim Arbuckle, and the family dog: "Odie"...who happened to be my favorite!

 Odie was the kind and affectionate dog, not necessarily the most intelligent, yellow-furred, brown-eyed beagle in the series.
 Actually, in one episode Garfield attempts to find out what type of dog Odie
really is with the help of a book, and after the research Garfield deducted Odie was a "purebred-clown".

 Odie is often seen with his tongue hanging out, slobbering a little as he approaches Garfield, and in the TV series his entrance is normally announced by the sound of a cavalry's bugle.
 Odie actually thought or spoke rarely, and he did not have a recurring voice bubble in the comic strip. Yet, with all that, Odie was considered a "normal" house dog.

Other Notes on Garfield:
1. Garfield enjoyed performing on the top of a wooden fence next to Jon's the middle of the night. Usually Garfield was "booed" by the neighbors and often times various objects were thrown at him.
2. Garfield hated spiders, and would not chase mice (unless bribed to do so). He is often seen trying to catch and eat a bird, but with little or no success.
3. Garfield was seen more than once destroying Jon's curtains and his ferns. He was also notorious for creating havoc in the flowerbeds, both Jon's and his neighbors, Mrs. Feeny.
4. Garfield detests going to a vet, and usually would hide when he found out that is where Jon was taking him that particular day.
5. Garfield's voice was portrayed by Scott Beach (in early TV commercials), Lorenzo Music (1982-2000), Frank Welker (2007 to present), and Bill Murray (in both live action films).

 Garfield had numerous relatives including his girlfriend Arlene, his 1/2 brother Raoul, and Jarfield, his full brother.
 Garfield has made many laugh since the day he was created, and I think much of it is due to seeing our own selves in the life of Garfield at one time or another.
 Great Cat! Great Creation! Thank-you...Jim Davis!

 Scripture verses for "Garfield" and me to work on:

1. Philippians 2:3 (Messenger): " Put yourselves to the side, and help others get ahead. Don't be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourself long enough to lend a helping hand."

2. Galatians 5:26 (Contemporary English): " Don't be conceited or make others jealous by claiming to be better than they are."

Monday, June 18, 2012

At Ease...He comes in Peace...He comes as a Friend...

  The Book of Leviticus is the first major call  God initiates with His people that He wants their friendship... to true friends! This is a hard concept to grasp, even today. God is our Friend....kind of mind boggling at times.
 After all...don't you earn a friendship? It takes time to develop trust, understanding of one another, and acceptance of who we are. People who just walk up to you and say: "Hey, I want to be your friend"...usually sends me "running" the opposite direction.
 On the flip side, there are those people you meet in life and really admire, and think: "Wow, I would love to have a chance to know them...they seem so real, genuine, and caring."

 Leviticus in my mind is a book where God is responding to the cry of Israel...they do want Him as a friend...but don't have a clue how having a friendship with God works.
 In Leviticus, God lays out some foundational truths on what true friendship really is about....and having a respect for another is primary. The Law was created in part to give the Israelites a way to respect God...and become His friend, and by doing so Israel will reap benefits from giving God His due a friend!

 The word Leviticus is actually broke down into 2 Hebrew words, the first being "and" and the 2nd being "He Called". So, when you say Leviticus, you are really saying: "And...He Called". If you give it a more personal flair, you could say: "And...He Called Me."
 Then next time you share a scripture verse out of Leviticus to someone, try saying this:"Yea, this morning I read a really cool Scripture out of "And...He Called Me", and it just seemed to really "hit home"!
 They will probably look at you like you are a "bit whacked", but hey, I have learned this...God Himself wants to be my friend...and I want to know how to be His....even it means uprooting all my preconceived concepts of what I think....get that part?...what I...what I...think it means for God to be a friend, then if it means I need to "drop" the preconceived stuff...then..."Let's do it!" 
 This can be the hard part....letting go of all the questions like: "Why does God make people suffer? or Why did God give me a family like this?...etc. etc." God will get to and address each and every question we have on life...but we got to do it His way....and that is for our benefit as well. The first thing about a friendship with God....respect Him, and don't believe all the "trash talk" you hear about Him....give Him a chance to clarify those misunderstandings you may have...about Him...and He will! But, not on our terms....He  has His own way of introducing Himself into your fact, His very Own Son is involved in making the friendship work...between us and God...anyway, in Leviticus 26: 11-12, God makes this announcement....Here is a Gleaning from what I have read:

 " I Am coming...It is true! I Am coming into your very neighborhood. And no, you will not get a look of disgust from Me, and I will not reject you when we first shake hands.
 Instead, let's walk a little together, get to know one another, for I Am here...and here to stay! I Am honored to have you as my neighbor, and perhaps we will be friends.
 For I am glad you are no longer "just slaves to life", like the days in Egypt when the wooden bar was across your shoulder, doing heavy work for others...just like the ox. Now, look at you!...You walk straight, upright, and you seem to have a "lightness" in your step! And what I love most!....You are walking in...Freedom!
Friendship : Women drinking cocktails

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Statue of Liberty comes to America...June 17th 1885

 The Statue of Liberty, a gift from France in honor of the gracious friendship with the U.S.A., arrived in New York harbor on this day in 1885.
 "Lady Liberty" came across the Atlantic ocean on the French ship "Isere", disassembled into 350 individual pieces packed in over 200 cases. The sea had been quite rough in spots, and the "Isere" almost sunk a few times along the way. Lady Liberty, made of iron and copper, was completely reassembled a year later.
Statue_of_liberty : Statue of Liberty, New York, USA
The introduction of Lady Liberty took place on October 28th, 1886. The ceremony was presided over by the President of the United States, Grover Cleveland. In his address, he declares a clear message is now symbolically sent throughout the world by very presence the Statue of Liberty, and that would be the following: 1) a Declaration of Freedom...for all! 2) a fair form of government to all walks of life!

 The initial intention of France sending the Statue of Liberty was to keep in remembrance the friendship between France and the United States during the American Revolution.
Statue_of_liberty : Paris, France, 11 June 2011: Eiffel Tower illuminated at night The statue itself was designed by the French sculptor Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi. He modeled the Statue of Liberty...after his own mother. A French engineer named Gustave Eiffel, assisted in the making of the Statue of Liberty....and then a few years later had some idea about making a tower (lol...but oh so true!).

 Originally, Lady Liberty was to be completed in 1876, which was the 100th year anniversary of the American Revolution. The delay resulted from a lack of funding to complete the making of the statue itself. In fact, the pedestal of Lady Liberty was financed right here in the United States. France had invested over $250,000 into the project which converted to today's money would be over 5 million dollars!

 In the summer of 1884, the Statue of Liberty was complete. On June 17th, 1885 Lady Liberty arrived at Bedloe's Island in New York's harbor, the sheer weight of Lady Liberty alone being over 450,000 lbs.
 The height of the Statue of Liberty is more than 305 feet, measuring from the pedestal she stands on to the very top of her torch.
 Another excerpt from the initial ceremonial speech given by President Grover Cleveland was: "...we will not forget that Liberty is here...and has made her home here: nor shall her chosen altar be neglected."
Statue_of_liberty : The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World, Liberty Island, NYC The French sculptor Barthodi, expressed his design of her as "Liberty Enlightening the World". At that time, the Statue of Liberty was taller than any other structure in New York City.
 Originally, the Statue of Liberty had a copper colored look, but over the years via a process called "patination", her color changed to a greenish blue.

 Ellis Island, opening in 1892 to welcome all  those coming from other shores, saw with their own eyes Lady Liberty "standing tall" as they entered America's harbor. Immigrants from the world over gave her the nickname "Lady Liberty" and over the next 62 years over 12 million immigrants were greeted by her....Lady Liberty!
 In 1903, a plaque was inscribed to Lady Liberty, in the form of a sonnet written by the American poet Emma Lazarus. It was actually written 20 years earlier to aid in the funding for her pedestal. The plaque was placed in the interior wall of the pedestal, and it is here you find the now famous quote given by Lady Liberty:" Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to be free."

 In 1924, President Calvin Coolidge designated the Statue of Liberty as a National Monument. During that time, Lady Liberty was given a multi-million dollar restoration, including a new torch with a gold, leaf-covered holder of the flame.
 President Reagan had a rather lavish celebration for her on July 4th, 1986. Following the terrorist attack on 9/11 2001, the Statue of Liberty closed. In 2004, the base, pedestal, and observation of Lady Liberty was re-opened. The "Crown of Lady Liberty" did not re-open to the public until July 4th, 2009.
 The torch of Lady Liberty has been closed since 1916. There was an incident that year referred to as "The Black Tom Explosions", where German agents (WWI) actually caused damage to the area where Lady Liberty presided.
Statue_of_liberty : Liberty Statue Silhouette over sunset

 Today...she is fine!...and standing tall....

 Note: Remembering the quote from the sonnet now inscribed in her pedestal, also reminds me of a quote from another, many years before Lady Liberty....and His quote is available to each one of us today. It comes from Saint Matthew 11:28-30, and goes something like this:
 " All those who are tired and wore-out, all those who even when following "religion" have only added weight to the heavy burdens you already carry...I bid you...come...Come to Me.
 Here is what we will do: we will plan a get-away...a time to get-away with Me...for there you will find the time to recover your life, you will actually find your life...and the life you Me. So, come, let us get-away, take a real rest with Me, and when you have been refreshed, we will walk together...just you...and Me! We will walk will see how I do I deal with life...and you will learn to deal with your everyday things in life...just like I do it!
 You will learn to dance with the "Rhythms of Grace" as you go through life, and the heavy burdens you have carried...are no more...for I will carry them...just for you! We will enjoy the company of one another, and you will find your life Me, no heavy weights to slow you down, to carry, or  trouble you."

A Few Extra....:
1. Winds of 50 miles an hour  can cause Lady Liberty to sway up to 3 inches, and the Torch can "swing" up to 6 inches.
2. The 7 "rays" coming from her crown represent the 7 seas and continents of the world. Each "ray" is about 9 feet in length and each weigh approximately 150 lbs.
3. The tablet in her left hand measures 23 feet, 7 inches x 13 feet, 7 inches. The tablet has the inscription of the date of American is in roman numerals:  JULY lV MDCCLXXVI (July 4th, 1776).
4. There are chains and a  broken shackle at lady Liberty's feet, symbolizing freedom from oppression and servitude.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Black Plague of 1348 to 1350..."The Cause and Effect"

14th century Europe was NOT a "happening place" to say the least. I'm sure you have played some type of game where you take turns and choose a place to "go back in time". This would most likely be a poor choice...unless you were doing a medical research or something related to it.
 There were rats, mostly from larger cities where sewage and sanitation were not in existence, and as a result the streets, alleys, and gutters got real say the least.
 Then there were fleas...ok, here is how it worked. Black rats had arrived in Europe and England from the merchant ships of the East, places like China and different parts of Asia. There was this bacteria called Yersinia Pestis, which were in these black rats...BUT...the rats were ok because they had built an immunity to this bacteria.
So, now enter the fleas. Fleas love to suck on blood, and rats were a "fine way to dine" for a flea. BUT, the problem was the flea would try and suck the rat's blood to digest, but were unable to do so because of the immunity. As a result, a flea would land on a human to suck blood, and basically "vomit"  the rat's blood with the bacteria Yersinia Pestis in it, into the bloodstream of a human. Humans had no natural immunity for this bacteria. The would die ( simple antibiotics would have counteracted and killed off the bacteria...but who had antibiotics in 1348?)
 It quickly emerged as one large "Pandemic" ( Greek for "all people"), and many people did die.
 There were normally 2 general reactions once you have been inoculated with the bacteria, Yersinia Pestis.
 First, you might have a pneumatic reaction, which pretty much was a "good-bye"to your lungs. In a 3 to 4 day period, your lungs would basically liquefy and you would cough them up...a horrific experience to say the least.
 The second method, a septicemic reaction, which would basically annihilate your entire body and within the same time frame and you were pretty much "history".
Bubo in armpit Physical signs were lumps in your groin and armpit areas followed by black spots on your arms, thighs, and other parts of the body, and often times there would be no fever.

Sad to say, this diabolic killer was estimated to kill 60% of Europe's entire population, reducing the world's population from 450 million to possibly 350 million.
 The Black Plague seemed to go in cycles, history recording this killer as early as 412 B.C. up to our present day.
 Between 1348-1350, Europe and England seem to take its "heaviest blows". England is reported to have lost 50% of its population with London suffering even higher losses.

 From this tragic human loss came a "spin-off" from the Black Death. Because of so many people passing, labor became in much higher demand, in places like England for example. So, during this time, the Feudal System was in "full operation", and peasants had obtained a little more bargaining power with the Lords of these grand Estates.
 In fact, in 1351 there was a "Statute of Labourers" law passed and enforced in England that forbade peasants receiving any higher wage than they had received prior to the rise in the Black Plague, which would be 1346.
 Controversies soon developed and escalated between the very rich and the very poor, and in June of 1381 an interesting sequence of events took place.

 Commonly referred to as "The Peasants Revolt", an army of peasants from Kent and Essex in England marched on London and actually captured the Tower of London. It ended up with the Archbishop of Canterbury being killed along with the King's Treasurer. King Richard ll, only 14 years old at the time, would end up meeting with the peasants at a place called Mile End to seek solutions to the increasing crisis.

 What had developed over approximately 30 years (1351-81) were many peasants were experiencing new found freedoms from working on large estates owned by "Lords". In fact, a number of Lords were giving peasants their freedom and a higher work wage.
 When this "Statute of Laborers" was consistently resurfacing, the peasants were prepared to fight for what they had gained.
 What really "lit the fire" were 2 factors: 1) the church (who else)...they required all peasants to work 2 days a week for the church to plant, grow, and harvest their crops, along with livestock, etc. Of course, all work done was entirely free (the peasants received pay...nothing)and the church and its high officials got wealthier and wealthier at the expense of the peasants. This put a tremendous amount of "weight" on the peasants in meeting their own needs, while the church enjoyed the benefits of "slave labor".
 The 2nd factor was England's war with France, the "Hundred Years War" (you know, Joan of Arc and all those people). Guess who supplied money for war costs?...Yep...the peasants...through taxation.

In 1380, you know what "hit the fan". King Richard ll introduced a new tax, "The Poll Tax".
Peasants were now required to pay an extra tax...and this tax was being repeated (3 times in 4 years) and demanded. If a peasant was unable to pay the Poll Tax in cash, they would pay in seed, tools, or anything that could be deemed profitable for the next year.

 In May of 1381, a tax collector  was sent to Essex, to the village of find out why the peasants of this village had not paid the Poll Tax....and he got thrown out of the village by the local peasants.
 In June of the same year, soldiers were sent to the village of Fobbing...and they too got "booted" out.  (I would imagine some of these peasants were veterans of the Hundred Years War, so they weren't exactly fearful of a few soldiers coming to their village...especially if the soldiers had been peasants themselves).
 Two names came up during all this: a John Ball who was actually a priest of the Church who supported the peasants and their cause, and a Wat Tyler, who was the leader of the peasants in Fobbing.

 So, this group of peasants marched to London to express their complaints. They destroyed anything that even resembled a tax record or a tax register. They even destroyed the buildings that contained government records on peasants who had paid taxes, burning the buildings to the ground. The people in London supported the actions of the peasants and opened their gates and let them in. Thus, it was officially named the "Peasants Revolt".

 The "Achilles Heel" of the peasants uprising...was their lack of discipline. After they had marched to London, there was way too much partying, drunkenness, and looting. Foreigners in the London area ended up being brutally murdered by the local peasants. Their leader, Wat Tyler, demanded discipline, but he never got support from his "demand".
 On June 14th, the King met with the peasants at Mile End. At this meeting, King Richard ll agreed to all the demands of the peasants, and wished them to go home in peace.
 Some did...and some did not. The "Did Nots", that is to say the ones that remained in London, murdered both the Archbishop of Canterbury and the King's Treasurer, having their heads cut off on Tower Hill. King Richard ll feared for his very life during this traumatic time.

 The following Day, June 15th, 1381, King Richard ll met with the peasant "rebels", but this time he met them at Smithfield, outside of London's city walls. The Lord Mayor, a Sir William Walworthe had made the arrangements because he didn't want the "rebels" to possibly start a fire in London, or if there was physical contact, be able to move more freely in Smithfield vs. the small streets and close quarters in London.

 At this meeting, the Lord Mayor killed the peasants leader, Wat Tyler, and the result....
by the end of summer in 1381 the revolt was over. The priest who supported the peasants, John Ball, was hanged, and King Richard ll did not honor any of the promises or agreements he had made with peasants, saying he had done so under fear for his own life and threats as well. Besides, the agreements had never been made into law.

 So, things for the peasants returned to their former days, prior to the Black Plague...except the Black Plague brought greater supply and demand for the peasant, and was able to increase their wages over the next 100 years.

 The Church...taking advantage of the poor...even if the poor are their very sad is that?

 "For the Sacred Scriptures are clear, "Do not muzzle the ox when you are using him to tread out your grain", for the workers deserve their wages." 1 Timothy 5:18

 " For the Law of Moses says: " You must not muzzle the ox to keep it from eating as it treads out the grain...for you." Now tell me, do your really think it was the ox God was thinking about when He said this?" 1 Corinthians 9:9

Friday, June 15, 2012

Thoughts on a hot Summer Day.....

As I consider some of the many blessings we experience in our modern day, so many things at our "finger tips",....I can't forget this.

 In January of 1935, in partnership with the American Can Company, the Gottfried Krueger Company delivered 2000 of Krueger's and ale, only this time it marked a first time in history...for the drink came in...cans!

 The fine recipients of this "new invention" were the beer drinkers of Richmond, Virginia. In fact, they participated in a sort of "taste test"...and 91% of these "seasoned and educated" men of taste gave it... a "thumbs up!"


Actually, cans were already in mass production from the late 1800's in various food categories, but the canned beer concept first took origin in 1909. The American Can Company launched an attempt at canning beer....but unfortunately it did not succeed.
 Then, the Prohibition took place and it wasn't until 1933 before another attempt at canning beer would be made.
 The key to canning beer was it had to be pressurized and add a special coating so the beer itself would not have a chemical reaction to the tin can it would be stored in.

 At first, it was a "tough sell", but Kruegers continued to push...and suddenly, 3 months happened! Over 800 major beer distributors were now requesting...canned beer!
When Anheiser-Bush, Pabst, and Schlitz saw what was happening...they started producing canned beer and by the end of 1935... millions of cans had not only been produced...but sold!

 There were no deposit requirements for canned beer, easier to stack on the grocery shelves, more durable, and took less time to chill.
 During WW ll, U.S. breweries sent millions of canned beer overseas.

 Today, canned beer accounts for almost 1/2 the $20 Billion dollar a year industry.

 So, when you are up against an extremely hot summer day, sitting in the swing, or perhaps on your mower, or you have found a stump to sit on under a large shaded tree...take the moment, give thanks....and be glad Krueger's "hung in there", making things a little more convenient for us today.

 My Preference?....Budweiser Select 55 - Pale Lager  Yea...I know...I still prefer the bottle! (lol)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Alexander the Great...He conquered the world...Did he change the world?

Alexander the Great, born in 356 B.C., lived for almost 33 years, passing away a few days before his 33rd birthday. The impact of his accomplishments certainly paved the way for things that would change society in general, including the spread of Christianity. He died on June 13th, 323 B.C.

  Many factors are involved when it comes to how our various cultures have grown throughout the world. You have to look and study the "heart" of the its people, the history that defines them, their literature and thoughts, and the arts...paintings, architect, and their philosophies on life.

 Alexander the Great was born into Royal family, his father being King Phillip ll of Macedon and his mother Queen Olympias. That statement alone has numerous articles and books to the type of background Alexander was exposed to from birth. Alexander was taught by Aristotle himself.
 When Alexander took the throne after his father's tragic death, Alexander was firm in making it clear he was their leader. He executed many within the framework of his own family and leveled an entire town called Thebes, to deter any uprisings from within his domain.

 It is written of Alexander that he was probably around 5' 10", a rather stocky build, his neck had a twist to it that made him appear he was looking at an upward angle, and his personality was dynamic.
 He had upon occasion displayed a violent temper, rash at times on decisions, and impulsive in nature. Yet, it was his charisma that seem to "win people over".

  It is generally written of Alexander and the great places of the world in his time, that being: Macedonia, Greece, Egypt, and the great Persian Empire accelerated in change brought on directly by Alexander the Great. In fact, Rome deified Alexander and was the first country to refer to him as "the Great".

 The Persian Empire was one of the greatest feats for Alexander. It was at the Plains of Gaugamela that is forever etched in the chronicles of history as one of the greatest military achievements the world has ever known.
 King Darius Ill of Persia had aligned over 200,000 of his military to attack Alexander and his forces totaling 47,000. Although being outnumbered 4 to 1, Alexander devised a plan that brought down the great and mighty Persian Empire.
 Alexander first attacked the rear flanks of King Darius, causing the Persian army to split to defend itself. Then, led by Alexander, he and his army remaining charged right up the middle of the Persian Army, and everything went into disarray. The Persian army broke ranks, and now in shredded pieces, Alexander routed the Persians.
 King Darius Ill of Persia escaped on horseback, but was killed later...assassinated by one of his own men.
 With this victory, Alexander was declared "King of all Asia".

 Alexander the Great, being instructed by Aristotle, took a different approach toward other countries he conquered than what was previously done. He allowed the various cultures to continue in their way of life, with the exception of the governments being under Greeks and Alexandrian guidance.
 Egypt for example had hated being under Persian rule mainly because of heavy taxes and religious intolerance. Alexander's different approach brought him the title from the Egyptians themselves, "Our Pharaoh...Alexander". It began a 300 year of cultural exchange between the Greeks and the Egyptians.

 Alexander the Great brought with him both the Hellenic and Hellenistic style to cultures throughout the world.
  Alexander created Alexandria, Egypt, seated along the rich Nile Delta. Here, schools were established, theatres, and one of the greatest libraries of antiquity of its time.
 Alexander came to preserve, not destroy other countries and their cultures, including government systems (although monitored).
 Even Jerusalem was to see the effects of Alexander with its Greeks and Hellenistic culture situated in the heart of Israel by the time of Christ's birth and Herod's reign in Israel.
 Alexander established a common currency, silver coins based on Attic Standard. He established higher level of education for both men and women, encouraged "Individualism", and blended the Greek deities with the native deities of the lands he conquered. He also made the "koine" Greek language the official language to be spoken throughout the world. It was more of a "street language" as compared to the classical Greek language often seen and heard in plays etc.

 Babylon of Persia became Alexander's home and in an attempt to solidify the Persian region, he began to dress like a Persian, and even married a Persian dancer named Roxanne.
 His men objected to Alexander's mannerisms because they felt he was trying to please a defeated enemy.

 After 8 years of battle, Alexander had been to India, encountering "new weapons of warfare", elephants. Alexander, in all his years of battle and conquering the world, had never lost a single battle. Alexander heard the "cry" of his men...they just wanted to go home...they had been fighting long enough.
 So, that is what Alexander did. He traveled down the Indian rivers to the ocean, then along the coasts to Persia and Babylon. There is where Alexander  "lost" his first battle, but it was not a military battle. In order to go home, they had to cross the Gedrosan Desert, and there Alexander lost 15,000 men...more than he lost in 8 years of war.
 The trip may have taken its toll on Alexander as well, for when he returned home to Babylon, there was an extended banquet given, and Alexander the Great drank excessively.
 It was then he took ill with fever, quite possible from a form of malaria on returning home...and died only a few days later, just short of his 33rd birthday.

 So what happened to Alexander the Great and great empire, well, it seem to dissipate faster than what he had built in his 12 year reign. His family heirs could not hold the empire together, and in a short time...the empire was no more.

 Alexander the Great's legacy brought to us new knowledge of geography, zoology, new ideas on politics, and the advancement of medicine. Yet, overall, the mighty Alexandrian Empire was brought to a close.....but wait...
jesus face clothed
 There was this man who is now spreading a new message...referred to some as "the Messiah"...and the news of Him is traveling fast......

 Alexander the Great conquered the world and brought changes as a result...but...changing the world and the hearts of its people?....there is only One who can do that...and He is about to come on the scene...."

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Saint Paul gives clear instructions...1 Corinthians 16:13-14

1 Corinthians is  great manual from Saint Paul. I think what invigorates me from this Book is how Paul dealt with real problems with real people.
 So many of our religious concepts are based on things like paintings and murals with people adorned with halos, one hand in the air like they are exempt from any of the everyday things real people face.
 I don't say this to simply "slam" religious paintings and concepts, I just can not relate with things that seem so "sanctimonious" to me....ok, I'll get off that kick.

 Here in 1 Corinthians 16, Paul is laying out how to act and behave in everyday life. Earlier in 1 Corinthians Paul had encouraged the believers not to get all hung up on their favorite teachers and leaders, like Apollos or Paul himself. I don't think he was saying that because it is wrong to have favorites, rather, these "guys" were taking their "favorites" to the extreme and arguing over them...even leading to divisions among them.
 Then, later in the Book Paul spells out that all their quarreling was a result of some pretty selfish and petty behavior. Paul had given them an excellent guideline on how to love one another, with 1 Corinthians 13 being some of the best writing in our Christian Church History.
  And, in chapter 6 Paul had heard that these believers here in Corinth were getting all "fired up" with one another over different matters, to the point they were actually hauling each other into the local civil courts. Paul said this was entirely stupid and where is the love of Christ when acting like that?
 Also, when they partook of the Lord's Supper, people were getting a "little crazy"....making sure they had enough food for themselves and others getting drunk in the process.

 But you gotta' love these believers in Corinth, they were real and authentic in embracing the message of Christ Jesus. Then, nestled in all this are some pretty dynamic verses from chapter 16.
 So, here is a Gleaning...from 1 Corinthians 16: 13-14

 " Look, you need to be aware, stay alert, keep your eyes open and what I'm about to tell you.
 It is in regard to your personal faith...the one each of you have since you gave your hearts and live to Him. Stand firm with your faith, guard it, embrace it, and let your faith have time to work things out, like attitude adjustments, a different thought on how you treat others, and letting your faith come to you by a continual thought on His Word.
 Keep your convictions well-balanced...through examining how you think you should act or react to everyday life, and what God's Word says on how you are to behave. Respect one another, and respect others in regards to their relationship to God. Be courageous and strong with these sentiments as God puts a new set of values in your own hearts...both toward Him and toward one another. Act like true believers, and give Christ Jesus "all you got"...even if it seems so foreign to how you are used to acting...or reacting!
 Above all, everything you do, everything you think, and everything you are...let it all be done through the One who has poured His Life out for you...and now into you! Now, you are to take His love that is inside of you and pour this kind of Christly love...into others.  Trust me, it is the only way to go...and besides, it works out best for you as well.
 God gets a charge out of it too when you respond this way, a "Fatherly pride"..because of your kind and righteous behavior. For then you see you really are a reflection...a reflection of Christ...a reflection of His Love...for always remember this: He has not withheld any...not any...of His love...toward you!