Tuesday, October 1, 2013

When we say: "Whatever..."

In my own life, it is so easy...and I mean so easy...to get caught up in my own life and what is going with...me. After all, my own life will not advance...unless I give it my full and undivided attention...right?
  And when I hear about sharing the real love of Christ with others, I find myself kind of staring out in space and saying: "Whatever".

 Here in Philippians, Saint Paul writes about the "whatevers" in life, and his view is a little different than how I use it. In this passage in Philippians 2, Paul identifies 4 things that people like myself need to be aware of...and Paul addresses this in the first 2 verses of chapter 2.
 1. Encourage One Another in Christ: Here Paul implies that we are to give our focus and see others succeed in their endeavors, like a father who encourages his son/daughter to finish high school and make entry level to a college or tech, or a judge that tells a young person to get their lives in order before they end up in jail or prison.
2. Having a True and Selfless Love for One Another: If Christ Jesus is persuasive in His Presence in us....through our daily encounters in life and the lifestyles we choose, then let His love for us be a real God-given strength...to others.
3. Allow the Holy Spirit to have the Room to Navigate Our Daily Lives: The Holy Spirit is our source for bringing to us...deep inside us, those desires that are Christ motivated. When we practice, and learn His Ways allowing them to be woven into our lifestyles, then the Holy Spirit is able accomplish a work in our hearts that is vital to our Christian growth, and that is to keep our hearts soft and tender, both to Him and to our brothers and sisters in Christ. The Holy Spirit will not allow our hearts...to be hardened.
4. Affection and Compassion: When Christ Jesus is allowed entry into our very hearts and lives, and He begins to feel more comfortable as we allow Him to do so, there seems to be a manifestation of love and affection...for one another...and a sense of unity among us when doing so.

 So, in reference to the "Whatevers" we respond to in our daily lives, here is Saint Paul's version of the "Whatevers":

                                         A Gleaning from Philippians 2:1-2

 "If we can amass anything...from the call of Him who spoke these very words to each of our hearts: "Follow Me", may His bid for us be found in our own hearts and minds through this frame of thought:
 Whatever appeals to you in our mutual dwelling and adoration of Him, 
 And by whatever strength, console, and encouragement we can give to one another,
 Through our mutual friendship with Him,

 And by whatever persuasive incentive that finds its origin through His love for us and ours for 
 And by whatever depth of affection and compassion stirred by gentleness
 That allows the power of this God-Head to transmit these qualities into our very real and 
 Everyday lives,

 It is in this state of mind and heart that gives me true joy...His joy flowing in me...for it is then
 I sense the full completeness in Him and our completeness with one another.
 To know we have been given Power..from on High...power to live in harmony, with one mind and in one purpose, receiving all this Power from the Only One who knows how to love...it is then we find His intentions for having purpose in life.

 And we carry within each of us this very thought: "How can I please Him more?"...actually being filled with His power to forget what is going on in ourselves and reach out to others and lend a helping hand.

   It is here I find joy...a joy that completely fills me!"

 In verse 3 of Philippians 2, Paul furthers his thought...(in a Gleaning format)

 " If Christ Jesus has found a home in our hearts, then we should be able to notice a love...a love manifesting from our lives that causes an affection and compassion to grow for our own brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.
 In fact, I Paul would ask you a favor:

 Find ways to agree...to understand one another. Take the time to consider where the other is coming from. Also, be real...be real about your friendships, embracing the love of Christ with one another, and learn of His Ways...the ways of true humility, putting yourself aside..for the sake of another and put some focus on their lives...instead of always being focused on your own.
 In fact, take it a step further...and help others "get ahead" in life. Don't get so focused and obsessed with yourself that you ignore and even refuse...to help others. Find your joy in life...in assisting others and the various situations they may have encountered in life...for it is in doing so you will also discover...His joy...and it will overflow out of you!
 And even when the cost of assisting others...may come at your expense, you can certainly take comfort in knowing...our own joy came...at His expense!"

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