Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Continuing in Saint Luke.....

A Gleaning from Luke chapter one, verses eleven through twenty.....

 "Here then is what happened....

 Zechariah was in the sanctuary, attending to the incense on the altar when with no announcement and complete surprise...an angel appeared...on the right side of the altar.
 As this happened, Zechariah was totally confused and troubled at the appearance of the angel, and fear gripped his heart.
 Yet the angel offered comfort and assurance that Zechariah needed not to be afraid, for he has brought this news: "Your prayers have been heard in Heaven. I am now here to give you this message: Your wife Elizabeth will indeed bear you a son, and you are to name him "John"! His birth will give you great joy...in fact you will leap like a gazelle in joy...and not only you...many around you will rejoice in his birth.
 It will be necessary for him not to drink wine, beer, or any strong drink, for this particular anointing God has put on him requires him to do so. For you see, even as this son of yours enters the world and leaves the womb of Elizabeth, he will be already filled with the Holy Spirit. This anointing upon John will cause many of the sons and daughters of Israel to turn their hearts to the Lord and prepare them for the coming of the Messiah. John will have an anointing much like the prophet Elijah, and will demonstrate this type of power and spirit that will remind the people of the stories they have heard of Elijah.
 Because of this special anointing the Lord God has instilled in the heart of John, the hearts of many fathers will turn toward their children, and it will kindle a fire that will cause many to hunger for Him...the Lord God of Israel. People will yearn to understand His Commands and the rebellious will surrender to Godly wisdom."

 Zechariah then responded to the angel and the message he had delivered by saying: "Really? Do you really expect me to believe what you have just told me? In case you haven't noticed, my wife and I are both old...way beyond our years in having children."

 The angel then spoke once more: " Listen, I am Gabriel, and part of my service to Him is...standing in His very Presence! It was while I stood before Him that He sent me...to you!...to bring this good news...to you! Yet, because you refuse to believe this message from God that I have delivered to you...it is best for you to remain silent and unable to speak...until this child is born. What I have told you will happen!...exactly as I have told you...and now it is necessary for you to remain silent until this is fulfilled in its proper time."

{NOTE: This is not the first time Gabriel had been called upon to assist in delivering God's message. Daniel also had a visitation from the angel Gabriel...on 2 different occasions.

 In Daniel 8:16-17 it reads: " And I heard what seemed to be a man's voice calling out from the Ulai River saying: " Gabriel, explain to this man the meaning of this vision." And as Gabriel approached him, I became deeply terrified and fell face down to the ground."

 And again in Daniel 9: 20-21
 " ...While I was pouring out my heart, baring my own sins and the sins of the people, praying with all that is within me...before God...interceding at the holy mountain of God, completely absorbed in what I was doing, when suddenly the angel Gabriel flew in at the time of the evening sacrifice, the very same angel that had confronted me earlier. Now, here he was again, flying about me and he actually touched me...this happening during the evening sacrifice. Gabriel then spoke and said: " Daniel, I am here to give you insight and understanding to what the vision, given to you by the Lord...means...both to you and to this nation."

 Gabriel and Michael are the only 2 angels mentioned in the protestant scriptures by name. Gabriel is recorded to stand in the Presence of the Almighty, and is one who expresses God's love for His people and is sent to give assistance to what God is about to do in their lives. Gabriel was there for Daniel...and over 600 years later, he was there for Zechariah.

 So, if you happen to be praying and "really feelin it", praying in the power of the Holy Spirit and just knowing in your heart that things are about to happen...yet you are not sure what....and suddenly an angelic being named Gabriel is in your presence....stay cool...he is there to assist you...not destroy you! Listen close to the  instructions he may give you...these instructions come from the very Throne of Heaven! Oh...and whatever Gabriel may say to you...give it some serious acceptance...otherwise you might remain rather quiet for a while...I'm just sayin".....

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