Saturday, October 26, 2013

Luke 1:46-55...The Song of Mary...the Revolution begins.....

The Song of Mary, often referred to as "The Magnificant", is perhaps one of the most powerful historical writings the author Luke provides in detailing what actually happened...when Jesus came to be of us......

 For myself, I find it somewhat awesome how well acquainted this virgin girl Mary was with...the Sacred Scripture. And, not only that, it is even more intriguing how well she understood the meaning of Scripture. Mary had undoubtedly spent time contemplating, examining, and discerning what the sacred writings had long declared.

 The Song of Mary seems to break down into 4 general parts:
1. Giving praise to God and His goodness to Mary. The words that been revered in the Sacred Scripture from time past are now about to be brought to fruition...He is sending the...Messiah!
2. God's character is revealed in the Song of Mary. It seems to be an almost continuation of the Song of Hannah recorded in 1 Samuel. In Hannah's song, the context foretells of the Davidic Covenant that the God of Israel has promised to David, now in the Song of Mary, these verses declare the coming of "The Son of David"...a new covenant...a Messiah who comes to redeem His people.
3. God is bringing a change to the general make-up of society: the Song of Mary addresses the ruling class, who have put their trust in themselves and rely on their own abilities to succeed. God sees the nature of their hearts and sends them away...empty-handed. Yet, the Song of Mary offers hope to those whose hearts are humble before Him. He will exalt the humble, fill the hearts of those who are hungry for the Godly lifestyle, and has the power to reverse any of their present circumstances. The writings of these verses has an almost "Beatitude" effect as it brings across the message in a Hebrew poetry kind of way.
4. God's Promise is about to be fulfilled. Mary's song also serves as a reminder why all this is about to come...because of the Promise God had made to Abraham.

 Israel was under Roman rule at the time Mary expressed this Song in the gospel of Luke. The Jewish nation had faced a number of struggles in the past 5 to 7 centuries, and just the fact they had survived was perhaps a great miracle within itself.
 The prophets of old had not been seen or heard for quite some time, the Jewish people could only ponder in their hearts the words of the ancient prophets spoken in times past...that is...until now.

 Mary arrived to see Elizabeth when she was about 3 months pregnant. yet, she came not to express her feelings to Elizabeth for soon becoming a mother, rather, she brings a primary message to Elizabeth on the greatness of their God and declares what God has already done...and what He is about to do.
 It is noteworthy to respect and understand Mary's knowledge and comprehension of the Sacred Scriptures. In these 10 verses she brings out various themes that reflect the Psalms in her Song, writings similar to those found in Psalm 8, 33, 47 and others.

 Luke is the only Gospel to write the Song of Mary, and after a little research, it is understandable as to the importance of this particular event. From one aspect, the verses seem to be almost out of place, and Luke could have easily written of the coming of the Messiah without including the Song of Mary and the whole visitation with Elizabeth. Later on in chapter one Luke also takes the time to include the Song of Zechariah found in verses 68-79.
  Yet, it appears Luke...wanted us to know something...something we would need...that would add value to our Christian
 I think Luke knew, much like the writings of our founding fathers at the birthing of our own marked the beginning...a Revolution...that is still going on today.

 I you think Luke spoke directly to Mary in getting the details of this amazing event? Do you think Mary...knew her "Song" heart? thought would be..."yes!" both questions.

                                           A Gleaning from Luke 1: 46-55..."The Song of Mary"

 " And Mary responds (when greeted by Elizabeth): "My very will to even live...are bursting with the Lord!
 Even my heart and spirit are rejoicing in Savior! For He has taken the look at me...and now...look again...look what He has done for me! He has been thoughtful and kind to the conditions of His humble servant, and makes the announcement that all generations will call me "Blessed". I am blessed by Him...and will be known as the most privileged and happy woman to ever have on earth!
 What God has done for me will never be forgotten: this God of ours...whose very name is Holy, and whose name is set apart from all the others. And His mercy...His mercy flows into us...wave after all those who are in awe before Him.

 He has made His strength His very arm. He uses His arm to scatter all those brag of themselves and have embraced pride. These type are so conceited, following only the imaginations of their own hearts...their purposes and their designs...claiming all this success for themselves, and that it all originated from their own hearts.
 This great God of ours confronts these strong rulers who sit upon the thrones they have created for themselves, these rulers who ride so proudly upon their royal horses, and brings them down, totally and completely down right into the mud of the earth. Then, God uses His arm to pull out from the mud the victims of these proud rulers, and exalts those so bent down beneath their loads.
 He takes the hungry with His arm, and sets them in place for a banquet...a table filled with good things to eat. As for those who put their trust in their own wealth, who became nothing more than proud and callous rulers, they are left gift received from the God of true mercy.

  Our great God also remembers His servant, the nation of Israel, and grants mercy to them as well. For He made a promise to Abraham long ago...a promise to always show mercy to Israel, and has remained faithful  to fulfill that promise. 
 Our God has done exactly as He has promised...beginning with Abraham...right up to now!"

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