Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Luke 1:56-80....Zechariah announces the "Morning Light of Heaven"!

As I conclude chapter one of Luke, to say this was a "special moment" in Christian history...would be an understatement no doubt.......

                       A Gleaning from Luke 1: 56-80

 "Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about 3 months and then returned home. {NOTE: Mary was more than likely beginning to show, and knew there were going to be questions as to her being pregnant, she knew she was about to face some obstacles in her own home, and the 3 months (much like Elizabeth staying in seclusion for her first 6 months of pregnancy)...had done Mary good. Yet, it was time for her to return home...for she was now 3 months pregnant. Mary's departure was most likely before John was born...she probably didn't want the family, friends, and neighbors of Elizabeth to see her...before she first went home and faced what must of been a rather tough situation..."How did Mary become pregnant?" The last thing she needed was "second hand information"...just sayin'. }

 When the time had come for Elizabeth to have her child, she gave birth to a son. Elizabeth's neighbors, friends, and relatives had heard how the kindness of the Lord had come to her and how He showed His mercy toward her by giving her...a child, even at such a late age. Everyone was overwhelmed with joy for her and wanted to participate in the celebration of the birth.
 On the 8th day of the child's birth, the ceremony of circumcision took place...as was commanded in Jewish Law through the very commands of Moses...this ceremony dating back centuries to the very father of the Jewish nation...Abraham.

 Everyone around Elizabeth gave little thought to what the child's name would be...Zechariah of course, and the ceremony was the official day the child was to be named. Yet, in the middle of all this ceremony, Elizabeth suddenly intervened and spoke saying: "No, this child is to be named..."John!"
 Her friends, relatives and neighbors all reacted: "What?! You don't even have one in your entire family that goes by that name!" There was great commotion at that moment...

 all the people motioned to Zechariah. Zechariah, still unable to speak from the visit of the angel Gabriel, then responded. Zechariah asked for something to write on...and what he wrote surprised everyone. Zechariah wrote: His name is to be..."John!" 
 And at that precise moment...something miraculous happened!,  Zechariah was able to speak again! And, the first words that came from Zechariah's lips were...honor and praise to the Lord!

 At that point, a deep reverential fear and awe came upon everyone...in fact, the news of all this spread...throughout the Judean countryside.

 The big question now was: "Who is this child? What is his destiny? For surely the Lord's hand is upon him in a unique and special way."
 Then, Zechariah himself became filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to prophesy, just like the prophets of old, whose stories had been passed down yet no one had actually heard or seen...for centuries. Now, Zechariah had received the anointing of a prophet, and began to announce: " All Blessings and Praise are to be given to the Lord God...the Great God of Israel! For now He has come...to redeem and bring deliverance to His people. God has raised this very "Horn of Salvation"...right here...in the center of our very lives! The Lord is sending us a Mighty Savior, from the royal lines of King David, just as He promised from the prophets of long ago.
 Now we will be saved...from all our enemies, and from anyone who detests us...and pursues us with hatred.

 The Lord has always said He would find kindness in His heart...for us! He is also committed and faithful to the ancient covenant He had made with our father...Abraham.
 and now...Look!
 We find ourselves in position to be rescued from all of our enemies...and He provides us with a path...a path to Freedom...that we may give our lives to serve and honor Him. Fear no longer holds its power to hold and grip on to us, for He has delivered us to live our lives pleasing Him..we are looked upon by Him as a holy and righteous people, and His Presence is among us...and will be for all the days of our lives.
 As for this child the Lord has given me, this little child, he will be known as a prophet...a prophet of our Most High God. For John shall go from here and make the preparation necessary for His coming...the Messiah...who brings to us the joyous news of Salvation. And this Salvation will be available to all...to all of His people...and will lead us on the path of Forgiveness...that causes our hearts to turn away from sin.
 Because of God's tender mercy and loving kindness He gives to us, this "Morning Light of Heaven" is about to break as the dawn...to all who sit in Darkness and live in the Shadow of Death. For He will lead us..one step at a time...to a path that leads to Life...a Life saturated in...His Peace!"

 And as so prophesied, he little child grew...becoming strong in the Spirit of the Lord. As John grew, he found his home...in the desert. Then, his time came...to announce publicly "Repent, for the Lord is Coming!"

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