Sunday, June 2, 2013

Success...and having Jesus in your heart..."Does that really work?"

Is success an "inner thing" or an "outer thing"?...or both....or neither one?....

 Success in life is not always a simple least to me. It seems when I get on a "good streak", you know...things start going right...the first thing I have to guard against friendship with the Lord. It's like..."Ok God, move over, I can take it from here."

 Success I have noticed in my own life and in the life of others often comes after a "bludgeon of failures". So, another thing comes to my mind...."Is God the One who "bludgeons us"...or at least allows it?
 Just the other day on Facebook, the question arose with all of nature's fury tormenting and destroying in the state of Oklahoma... if these are called "Acts of God"....then why are we now required to "pray for the victims"? Is God "schizo"?
 The only thing I could respond to that particular question was..."God does not call them "Acts of God"....people do."
 Sometimes you have to protect yourself...and your friendship with the Lord...I mean "What does is it really do for you when we are going through tough and sometimes devastating times and nurture a resentment on the circumstances we encounter...or blame fate...or blame "the gods"? That being said...sometimes Life is just "one big shipwreck", and its in those times a person seems to find what is inside them...the quality of a person's character will cause that "word" to arise out of all the rubble ...the hurt...not just any hurt...that heart-rendering hurt. When you are going through it, vision of Life is blurred, your hopes and dreams...gone, and there are no words that can express comfort. You are just barely able to stand, violated and naked....and yet that "word" is now wanting to "give birth". SUCCESS...there it is...that word.

 Dictionaries define success as: "The accomplishment of an aim or a purpose. success becomes a favorable and desired outcome. Success has the overcoming power to terminate the past failures and accomplish the task."


 People throughout history have had quotes on defining success:

 "Success is not a singular is a developing habit. You are what you repeatedly do."

"If you want to change the (your) world, first change your heart."

 "Success is going from failure to failure...without losing enthusiasm."
                                                                                            Winston Churchill

  Albert Einstein used a formula to define success: He wrote...."If A = success, then it goes like this......A=X+Y+Z.    X=work, Y=play, and Z= keep your mouth shut.

 The late Steve Jobs wrote: " Simple can be harder...than complex. You have to work hard to get your thinking make it simple. But its worth it, because in the end, once you have reached can move mountains."

"It's not that successful people are is that givers are successful people."
                                                                                             Patti Thor

 "The first step toward success is to refuse to be captives to the present environment you have found yourself in."
                                                                                             Mark Caine

 " Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you have planted."
                                                                                            Robert Louis Stevenson

 Even Yoda in the Star War series made a comment concerning success: " Do or do not...There is no try."

 And of course, Yogi Berra, the beloved baseball catcher for the New York Yankees, whose comments on life have "baffled a many", described direction in pursuing success as : "If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up somewhere else."

 So, back to my original train of thought...Success and being a friend with Jesus...Is that a good mix?

 I guess I will be needing a .....part 2.

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