Thursday, June 6, 2013

Jesus...Success...and the world we live in...

I am still on this "success kick" with knowing the Lord Jesus. I am trying to get it in my head that it can work....just got to separate what the "world says success is" and what His Kingdom proclaims as success.....

 The other day I was reading what the new pope of the Roman Catholic church was saying about success...Pope Francis...who seems like a rather decent guy, and on the Vatican Radio Broadcast on May 27th he related success in this way:
 "Jesus asked the rich young man to give up all his riches to the poor...and he could not do that." Pope Francis went on to explain: " There are always "riches"(not must money)...that stop us from drawing closer to Christ Jesus."
 His point in this broadcast was: "Success (particularly economic success) can deprive us of...courage...courage to draw closer to Him." 

 I admit, I never thought of it that way. What I do know is when success comes my way, it does seem harder to focus on following Him...simply because I am "on a roll", and want to keep it going, or fulfill some passion, and in the midst of it I kind of forget about keeping my life in prayer and being attentive to what the Sacred Scriptures declare. 
 I think it is a natural thing that when you achieve are going to "fight" to keep it...after all, I fought for it, I earned it, I have put alot of time into this...stuff like that.

 I remember years ago where I read of  a guy describing success like this: When you have accomplished something or been rewarded for your hard efforts, it is so easy to "take your hands" and clinch them tight...holding on to what you have worked for and gained.
 Yet, have you ever grabbed sand or dirt with your hands...and notice the harder you grip the dirt or sand, the more it slips through your fingers?

 That to me is how success can become a problem in my daily Christian walk. Success brings a "good feeling" to us on the inside...but then it is so easy to turn it into something it was not meant to be...the very thing in our life that...replaces our relationship with the Lord. What is meant to be a gift....has now become an idol...and come "hell or high water"...I'm not giving it up!
 I can see what Pope Francis was saying....the rich young man was like anyone of us....his total security in life...was his possessions. I mean, how would I react if the Lord approached me and said, "Oh, by the way, I need you to give up your home to "so-n-so"...I got other plans for you.
 I think my first reaction would be: "Say that again? I didn't hear that."
 And I see what Pope Francis was saying about courage....success can rob you of your courage. I think about it like this: If my first reaction to a particular possession is...fear...maybe I better give that a second look.

 Does that mean God might go "schizo" and take away things He has blessed us with at any given moment? I would say NO...what I do think if I start getting an "attitude" about certain things I have achieved in life....then He will do whatever it takes to get us back "into His arms".

 Our success in life as a of a "heavenly culture" (Pope Francis phrase)...not how the world promotes it. I think for me, the bottom line is this: All I have been blessed to assist others on their journey in life. I am grateful for the enjoyment of success, but the greatest success in my on July 7th, 1971, in the evening with my eyes focused on the full moon ... I actually spoke to the God of the Heavens and said: "Christ Jesus, forgive me my sin, and come into my heart and life, in fact, if You are willing, I would like You to make Your home with my heart." true doubt!

 A few Sacred Scriptures that have meaning to me:

1 Chronicles 28:20..." David continues to address Solomon, saying: "Be strong, be confident, and be courageous...just follow through with the plans He has for you.
 Don't allow fear or discouragement have any part of these Him!...He is with you!
And, He will see to it all the work related to the building of the Temple...will be completed...correctly!"

Romans 8:15..."This "Resurrection Lifestyle" that you live not a timid or "grave-tending" lifestyle. Far from it....instead, this is turning out to be quite an the point where you sound almost childlike with the continual question: "Ok, what's next?" (Like the child in the car..."Are we there yet?"). In fact, our relationship with the Lord will grow so close...we will find ourselves calling Him "Abba"...meaning "Father".

 John 4:18..."Real love...for others...doesn't allow fear to find any place in our friendships or relationships. The thought of "dread" or the very thing that invites the first place. If we experience this...than maybe we "aren't that close".

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