Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Just Be Cool Man...Be Cool!

In the Book of Isaiah, God gives us instruction on how to live our daily Christian faith......

 In this passage of the Sacred Scripture, He points out some of the elements of what He is looking for when we decide to...."Fast". Fasting, an act of self-denial that we might better understand...His lifestyle...and how to incorporate His lifestyle into our very own lives.

 He points out a number of things we can do...that will draw us close to Him...and more importantly...He will draw close to us. These are some really cool "fasting ideas".
 He mentions to:
1. Free those who have been accused falsely...some may even be in prison while others may have been lied about and their very dignity has been abused wrongfully.
2. In the working environment, treat one another with the utmost respect, and pay people right...for services rendered... don't cheat someone out of an honest day's work.
3. Share your food with others who might be hungry...don't just "stuff your own mouth".
4. If someone needs shelter...how about a bed...in your home?
5. If someone is freezing because of lack of clothes, or can't be in the hot sun because they do not have a hat or nice summer clothes...why don't you give them some of yours?
6. If a relative comes by and needs your help...why are you hiding...in the closet? Help 'em out!

 If we can get beyond our thoughts on how life "is all about us", and start seeing how bad others may be hurting...maybe...just maybe.....

                                                A Gleaning from Isaiah 58: 6-9

 " Here is the kind of fasting that gets My attention...and these acts of self-denial that "pack a little punch", and gives us purpose and meaning to our journey through life:

1. Free those who might be bound up in chains...real chains or emotional chains brought about by the way we have treated others. Let those who are innocent...find real freedom!
2. Do not abuse others...physically or verbally. Don't "Lord over" others, and if you find ones that are indebted to you...but can't pay you back...forgive them their debt. Don't take advantage of their misfortunes and try to turn them into "your slaves". And, pay people for services rendered...and pay them what they deserve...in fact, be generous about it!
3. Share your food with those that are hungry...and don't hold back from inviting the homeless....into your home!
4. Give your clothes to those who might be in need of them, and don't go "into hiding" every time you hear a knock at your door....and it's a relative of yours needing a little help.

 When you start practicing "fasts" like this...God's love will come down on you like a beautiful dawn.
 Any wounds you might have, any healing you may be in need of...will come quickly...because you have your heart in the right place.
 When you practice and develop your daily behavior along these lines....you will also have just invited the very Glory of God Himself to find His home in the lifestyle you have chosen.
 And because you embrace virtues like honesty and justice, this Glory of God will secure your passage as you travel through the "Journey of Life". Oh, and if someone gets the idea to sneak up on you from the rear...with the intention of hurting you and the lifestyle you lead..."forget about it"....The Lord God Himself...has "got your back".
 And this lifestyle will bring power...to your prayer life...with answers to your prayers as well! He will answer your prayers quickly...just as soon as you hear His words to you: "Here I Am!"

 Always remember: Don't mistreat, abuse, falsely accuse, or oppress others around you...just don't do it...physically or verbally. And don't be cruel to another...no ugly lies should come out of your mouths....that is just NOT COOL...in fact, that is the phone number to: 1-800-DISASTER. YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SAYIN'???"

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